Tapadh leibh, tha thu air ballrachd a thoirt don litir-naidheachd againn! Faigh tlachd bho bhith a ’leughadh ar molaidhean agus ar molaidhean.
Chan e Dòmhnall Trump a chanar ri libertarian catharra, ach ghairm Ceartas na Supreme Court Elena Kagan a chleachdadh gun bhriseadh air Twitter oir chuala a ’chùirt mu dheasbad beòil Corea a Tuath air lagh Carolina, a tha a’ cuingealachadh cleachdadh eucoirich feise clàraichte air na meadhanan sòisealta.
“Gu fìrinneach, bidh a h-uile duine a’ cleachdadh Twitter, ”thuirt Kagan. “Tha cunntas Twitter aig na 50 riaghladairean, na 100 seanairean, agus gach ball de Thaigh nan Riochdairean. Mar sin, tha seo air a thighinn gu bhith na shianal deatamach airson conaltradh poilitigeach. ”
Bha a ’chùis a’ toirt a-steach Lester Gerard Packingham. Thuirt buidheann naidheachdan na cùirte gun deach a chur an grèim airson a bhith a ’dol timcheall nighean 21-bliadhna 13-bliadhna. Tha seo ga chuir fo lagh na stàite 2008, a tha a ’toirmeasg eucoirich feise bho bhith a’ cleachdadh lìonraidhean sòisealta malairteach.
Chaidh a h-uile càil gu math gus an do nochd Packingham sa chùirt agus a ’chùis air an tiogaid trafaic, agus an uairsin thug e gu Facebook e gus a bhuaidh a chomharrachadh.
“Tha Dia an duine na dhuine math!” thuirt am post. “Ciamar a fhuair mi am fàbhar, thug iad eadhon tiogaid seachad ro sheisean na cùirte? Gun chàin, gun chosgaisean cùirte, gun airgead air a chaitheamh… Moladh do Dhia, wow! Tapadh leibh Iosa! ”
Rannsaich oifigear poileis an eadar-lìn airson eucoirich feise agus lorg e an suidheachadh, agus bha Packingham ann an trioblaid a-rithist. Thuirt neach-lagha Packingham, Dàibhidh Goldberg bho Aonadh Saorsa Catharra Ameireagaidh, gu robh laghan na stàite “boglach” agus ro fharsaing. Thuirt e gur e seo “lùghdachadh mòr ann an saorsa cainnte.”
Thuirt Goldberg: “Tha an lagh a’ suathadh air prìomh ghnìomhachd a ’Chiad Atharrachaidh, agus chan eil gnothach aig seo ri adhbharan casg an riaghaltais. Cha deach a ràdh gu bheil Parkingham air a bhith a ’conaltradh ri clann bheaga no a’ sgrùdadh dearbh-aithne dhaoine beaga. ” Chaidh e an aghaidh [an lagh] le bhith a ’bruidhinn ri a charaidean agus a theaghlach mu na thachair dha ann an cùirt trafaic.”
Chuir Lieutenant State Attorney Robert Montgomery dìon air an stàit, ag argamaid gu bheil an lagh coltach ri lagh a tha a ’toirmeasg eucoirich feise bho bhith a’ tadhal air sgoiltean, raointean-cluiche agus àiteachan coltach ris. Dh ’fhaighnich am britheamh dha an robh an lagh cho farsaing is gun do chuir e às dha còirichean do-sheachanta aig nach robh gnothach sam bith ri conaltradh gnèitheasach dhaoine beaga.
“Mar sin anns a’ chùis seo, chan urrainn dha aon faighinn gu cunntas Twitter a ’chinn-suidhe gus tuigse fhaighinn air na tha an ceann-suidhe a’ bruidhinn an-diugh? ” A rèir tar-sgrìobhadh na Supreme Court, dh ’iarr Ceartas Kagan air Montgomery. “Chan e an ceann-suidhe a-mhàin. Tha mi a ’ciallachadh, tha sinn mothachail air an seo oir tha an ceann-suidhe a-nis a’ cleachdadh Twitter. Ach ann an da-rìribh, tha a h-uile duine a ’cleachdadh Twitter…. Mar sin tha seo air a thighinn gu bhith na phàirt deatamach de chonaltradh poilitigeach. Tha e na sheanal cudromach. Chan urrainn dha aon a dhol a-steach do na h-àiteachan sin gus faighinn a-mach dè a tha buill den riaghaltas againn a ’smaoineachadh, a’ bruidhinn no a ’dèanamh; deas?"
“Tha,” dh'aidich Montgomery. “Ach tha roghainnean eile ann. Mar as trice, bidh na duilleagan lìn aca fhèin aig na buill sin den Chòmhdhail. ”
Nuair a chuir am britheamh cùis-lagha gnìomh clas a-steach ann am Florida, a ’casaid Ford, Honda, Nissan, agus Toyota bho bhith a’ stàladh bagaichean adhair easbhaidheach air càraichean airson grunn bhliadhnaichean, chan eil òrdugh a ’bhritheamh air càin a thoirt air neach-dèanamh baga adhair Takata le $ 1 billean. , Cha do thiormaich an inc seo fhathast. Biodh fios agad gu bheil iad cunnartach.
“Airson còrr air deich bliadhna, bha Takata ag innse breugan do luchd-ceannach mu shàbhailteachd agus earbsachd an luchd-taic baga-adhair ammonium nitrate,” thuirt Leas-neach-lagha Eadar-amail na SA Blanco às deidh do bhritheamh cùirt feadarail Detroit càin a chuir air Diluain. “Le fios aig Kakada Corporation, le fios nach eil an t-inflator a’ coinneachadh ris na riatanasan, leig leis an inflator a dhol a-steach don charbad, agus mar sin a ’cuir às do earbsa a luchd-ceannach agus a’ phobaill.
Chan eil cùis-lagha Florida dìreach mu dheidhinn eòlas Takata mun chron a dh ’adhbhraicheas droch-ghiùlan bagaichean adhair. Tha e ag ràdh gu bheil fios aig luchd-dèanaidh nan cunnartan, ach tha iad air a bhith a ’putadh air solaraichean cosgaisean a lughdachadh agus cumail orra a’ cleachdadh bagaichean adhair Takata, eadhon ged a tha fios aca gu bheil iad buailteach a bhith a ’spreadhadh agus a’ cuir a-mach shrapnel marbhtach a-steach don roinn luchd-siubhail.
Anns na Stàitean Aonaichte, tha co-dhiù 11 neach air bàsachadh agus còrr air 100 neach air an leòn le bagaichean adhair. Tha luchd-dèanaidh cuimhne air 70 millean baga-adhair a thoirt a-mach à 42 millean carbad air sgèile mhòr.
Chaidh cùis-lagha Florida a chuir a-steach leis an neach-lagha Kevin Dean, a chuir an aghaidh cùmhnant bòid Takata agus a chuir casaid air a ’chùirt mu bhith a’ faidhleadh sgrìobhainnean a ’sealltainn nach robh neach-dèanamh a’ chàir a ’fulang cùis còmhdaich Takata, ach neach-taic.
Ann an suidheachadh sam bith, dh ’aontaich am Breitheamh Seòras Caram Steeh an aonta rèiteachaidh, ag ràdh gum faodadh gearanan Dean a bhith air am fuasgladh ann an cùis-lagha catharra air leth.
Chaidh Honda gu làidir às àicheadh ​​nan casaidean ann an cùis-lagha Florida, ag ràdh gu bheil i “a’ creidsinn gu reusanta ”gu bheil iad sàbhailte.
Anns a ’chiad beagan sheachdainean bho chaidh a stèidheachadh, tha rianachd Trump air cuimseachadh air cuid de phoileasaidhean a bha roimhe.
Is e eisimpleir àbhaisteach an Coimisean Conaltraidh Feadarail (FCC), a chaidh an smachd aca a ghluasad bho na Deamocrataich gu Poblachdach às deidh atharrachadh an riaghaltais.
Gu luath, chuir cathraiche FCC, Ajit Pai, a chuir an dreuchd ùr an dreuchd a bh ’aige roimhe air neodrachd glan air falbh - am prionnsapal nach bu chòir do sholaraichean seirbheis eadar-lìn (ISPan) a bhith a’ fàbharachadh aon seòrsa susbaint.
Bha Pai ag argamaid gum feum companaidhean le lìonraidhean sgaoilidh bann-leathann barrachd a phàigheadh ​​airson susbaint dàta-dian leithid filmichean an-asgaidh.
Anmoch an t-seachdain sa chaidh, thuirt Pai gu bheil e an dùil riaghailtean eile a chaidh a mholadh le linn Obama-FCC a thoirt air ais a tha ag iarraidh air ISPan cead sònraichte fhaighinn bho luchd-ceannach mus roinn iad fiosrachadh mothachail le treas phàrtaidhean.
Cha tàinig an riaghailt gu buil fhathast. Thuirt Pai gun cuir e bacadh air an riaghailt, a ’creidsinn gu bheil an riaghailt air eallach prìobhaideachd mì-chothromach a thoirt do ISPan, agus nach eil ISPan air an roinn le làraich-lìn agus lìonraidhean meadhanan sòisealta.
Chaidh an gluasad aige gu làidir an aghaidh luchd-tagraidh prìobhaideachd taobh a-staigh agus taobh a-muigh a ’Chòmhdhail. Tha an Seanadair Edward Markey (Edward Massachusetts) mar aon de na luchd-breithneachaidh as inntinniche anns a ’Chòmhdhail.
Thuirt e gum bu chòir dleastanasan nas truime a bhith aig solaraichean seirbheis eadar-lìn seach gu bheil iad nan “geatairean.” Chuir e às leth Ajit gun tug e solas uaine dha ISPan gus dearmad a dhèanamh air na cleachdaidhean gnìomhachais as fheàrr agus dàta mothachail luchd-cleachdaidh a chuir ann an cunnart.
Thuirt Matt Wood, stiùiriche poileasaidh na buidhne tagraidh Free Press: “Chuir an Cathraiche Pei stad air riaghailtean tèarainteachd dàta fo Achd Prìobhaideachd Bann-leathann, a tha a’ sealltainn gu bheil e an dùil a bhith a ’lagachadh laghan prìobhaideachd bann-leathann gu tur.” Ann am bhòt 3 gu 2 Tron bhòt, cho-dhùin Pai na h-òrdughan sin a chuir dheth fon ùghdarras aige fhèin, a tha a ’sealltainn gu bheil e a’ seachnadh riochdairean agus luchd-cleachdaidh a tha nas so-leònte gu fiosrachadh prìobhaideach. ”
Thuirt Wood nach e co-thuiteamas a bh ’ann gun do ghabh Pai gnìomh gus casg a chuir air na riaghailtean a chaidh a mholadh a thoirt gu buil. Chaidh am poileasaidh prìobhaideachd a chlàradh an toiseach air 2 Màrt.
Thuirt Wood: “Tha na tha e a’ dèanamh an-diugh a thaobh dìon prìobhaideachd luchd-cleachdaidh an eadar-lìn a ’sealltainn gu soilleir gu bheil e an dùil a h-uile ceum dìon eile a tharraing air ais an ceann ùine.”
Ghabh an FCC ri riaghailtean prìobhaideachd an-uiridh. Bidh iad ag iarraidh air ISPan cead luchd-cleachdaidh fhaighinn mus reic iad fiosrachadh mun deidhinn (leithid an eachdraidh brobhsaidh lìn aca). Tha an riaghailt cuideachd ag iarraidh air solaraichean eadar-lìn innse do luchd-cleachdaidh a tha a ’faighinn an fhiosrachaidh aca.
Tapadh leibh, tha thu air ballrachd a thoirt don litir-naidheachd againn! Faigh tlachd bho bhith a ’leughadh ar molaidhean agus ar molaidhean.
Faodaidh leanabh a bhith ag adhbhrachadh mòran oidhcheannan gun chadal, ach tha sgrùdadh ùr a ’sealltainn gum faodadh màthraichean a bhith nas cadail na athraichean anns a’ phlana mhòr.
Fhuair na luchd-rannsachaidh gu bheil boireannaich gu math nas buailtiche na fir deagh oidhche cadail fhaighinn nuair a tha clann aig an taigh. Tha iad ag ràdh gum faod seo mìneachadh carson a tha cuid de bhoireannaich a ’faireachdainn cho sgìth an taca ri feadhainn eile.
“Saoilidh mi gun cuidich na co-dhùnaidhean seo boireannaich a tha sgìth. Lorg an rannsachadh againn chan e a-mhàin nach do chaidil iad fada gu leòr, ach bha iad cuideachd a ’faireachdainn sgìth fad an latha.” thuirt ùghdar an sgrùdaidh, an Dotair Kelly Sullivan à Oilthigh Georgia a Deas.
Airson adhbhar an sgrùdaidh, rinn an luchd-rannsachaidh sgrùdadh air còrr air 5,800 neach agus dh ’fhaighnich iad dhaibh dè cho fada‘ s a chaidil iad air a ’mhìos a chaidh agus dè cho sgìth a bha iad a’ faireachdainn. Rinn com-pàirtichean mion-sgrùdadh air factaran leithid aois, cinneadh, ìre foghlaim, inbhe pòsaidh, an àireamh chloinne anns an teaghlach, teachd-a-steach, clàr-amais cuirp, eacarsaich, cosnadh, agus bualadh gus ceangal sam bith ri bochdainn cadail a mheasadh.
Fhuair na luchd-rannsachaidh am measg timcheall air 2,900 de luchd-freagairt boireann aois 45 no nas òige, gur e clann aig an taigh an aon rud a tha a ’toirt buaidh chinnteach air an ìre de chadal a gheibh iad. Fhuair iad a-mach, airson a h-uile pàiste san teaghlach, gun robh an cothrom gun chadal gu leòr a ’dol suas faisg air 50%.
A bharrachd air an sin, lorg an luchd-rannsachaidh gum faod 62% de bhoireannaich sa bhuidheann seo gun chloinn cadal co-dhiù seachd uairean a-thìde gach oidhche. Do bhoireannaich le clann, tha am figear seo a ’tuiteam gu 48%.
Tha luchd-rannsachaidh den bheachd gu bheil an sgrùdadh aca a ’mìneachadh carson a bhios cuid de bhoireannaich gu tric ag aithris gu bheil iad sgìth no sgìth. Chomharraich iad gu bheil boireannaich òga le clann a ’faireachdainn sgìth airson 14 latha sa mhìos gu cuibheasach, agus nach eil ach 11 latha aig boireannaich gun chloinn.
Gu inntinneach, chan eil dad aig an àireamh de chloinn a tha a ’fuireach aig an taigh ri dè cho fada‘ s a bhios duine a ’cadal air an oidhche. Thuirt Sullivan ged nach eilear a ’tuigsinn na h-eadar-dhealachaidhean gnè gu h-iomlan, is e a’ phrìomh uallach na buaidhean slàinte a tha aig dìth cadail air a h-uile duine.
Tha cadal iomchaidh na phrìomh phàirt de shlàinte iomlan agus a ’toirt buaidh air cridhe, inntinn agus cuideam. Tha e cudromach tuigsinn dè a chumas daoine bho bhith a ’faighinn na tha a dhìth orra gus an urrainn dhuinn an cuideachadh a’ gluasad a dh ’ionnsaigh slàinte nas fheàrr. “Tha i ag ràdh.
Mar as trice bidh cait agus coin a tha air am briodadh gu malairteach a ’fuireach ann an droch shuidheachadh, agus bidh mòran de bheathaichean fasgaidh gun ghlacadh gan cur gu bàs gach bliadhna. Ach is dòcha gun cuidich na riaghailtean ùra.
Tha a bhith a ’cleachdadh stòl gàrraidh san fhras coltach ri ùr-ghnàthachadh neo-chiontach, ach thàinig e gu crìch le bàs Larry Stick, 61-bliadhna, à Adamstown, Pennsylvania. A-nis tha a bhanntrach.
Faodaidh no cleachdaidh luchd-cleachdaidh a tha airson tadhal air ceann-uidhe sònraichte beagan airgid a chosg air an turas. Ach earbsa…
An tusa an fheadhainn a ghlac thu gu fìor bho chearcan “raon”? Dè a th ’ann an cearc raon-saor? Thuirt Cùirt Ath-thagraidhean Feadarail nach e duilgheadas a tha seo.
Tha luchd-saidheans a ’sìor fhàs iomagaineach mun chunnart bho super bacteria - an pathogen no bacteria super bacteria.
Bhon uairsin, tha an dùthaich air a bhith a ’gluasad gu slaodach a dh’ ionnsaigh faighinn seachad air. An-diugh, tha mòran de luchd-ceannach a ’faireachdainn tòrr nas fheàrr na beagan bhliadhnaichean air ais. Ach, is e boomers leanaban as dualtaiche a bhith a ’faireachdainn mar seo.
Lorg sgrùdadh cluaineis sàbhailte a chaidh a choimiseanadh le Ionad Beatha a ’Bhancair nach eil ach 2% de luchd-taic leanaibh meadhan-teachd-a-steach a’ creidsinn gu bheil an eaconamaidh air faighinn seachad air gu tur. Tha trì fichead sa còig sa cheud den bheachd nach d ’fhuair iad buannachd às an ath-bheothachadh idir.
Ged a tha cha mhòr a h-uile neach-togail leanaibh ag ràdh gu bheil iad an dòchas a dhreuchd a leigeil dheth aon latha, lorg an sgrùdadh seo gu bheil luchd-cluaineis a ’leigeil dhiubh a dhreuchd cha mhòr gu h-uile-choitcheann.
Tha dà adhbhar ann airson an t-suidheachaidh seo: Am measg an fheadhainn a thuirt nach d ’fhuair a’ bhuidheann buannachd às an ath-bheothachadh eaconamach, thuirt còrr is leth dhiubh gu robh na sàbhalaidhean aca nas ìsle na an ìre ron èiginn. Thuirt ceathrar às gach deichnear gu bheil an teachd-a-steach aca nas ìsle na bha e o chionn deich bliadhna.
Aig an àm, thuirt 45% de Boomers le teachd-a-steach meadhanach gu robh dùil aca a bhith a ’fuireach ann an taighean neo-shàbhailte gun fhiachan às deidh dhaibh a dhreuchd a leigeil dheth. An-diugh, chan eil ach 34% de dhaoine ris a bheil dùil.
Tha boomers leanaban a tha an dùil a dhreuchd a leigeil dheth cuideachd an dùil barrachd earbsa a chur ann an teachd-a-steach Tèarainteachd Shòisealta. Deich bliadhna air ais, thuirt 40% de boomers leanaban gu robh iad an dùil gur e sàbhalaidhean cluaineis am prìomh thùs teachd-a-steach aca. An-diugh tha 34%.
Mar sin, chan eil e na iongnadh gu bheil coltas ann gu bheil mòran de bhrògan leanaban ag ath-bheachdachadh air planaichean gus stad a chur air obair. Tha an sgrùdadh a ’sealltainn gu bheil faisg air leth de luchd-taic leanaibh (48%) an dùil obair làn-ùine no pàirt-ùine a chumail às deidh dhaibh aois cluaineis a ruighinn. Ron èiginn ionmhais, cha robh a ’chuibhreann seo ach 35%.
Thuirt Ceann-suidhe Beatha Bancairean, Scott Goldberg: “Deich bliadhna air ais, bha tuigse shoilleir aig boomers leanaban mu bhith a’ sàsachadh cluaineas gu pearsanta. “Ach an-diugh, tha mòran dhaoine a’ tuigsinn nach bi an neo-eisimeileachd ionmhasail nan cluaineas mar a bha iad an dùil. . ”
Ma tha thu anns na 50an no 60an, cha bhith ùine gu leòr agad airson beairteas a chruinneachadh aig àm an òir. Ach, faodaidh tu a-nis ceumannan a ghabhail gus ullachadh nas fheàrr. Tha iad a ’toirt a-steach gearradh air cosgaisean agus sàbhalaidhean a mheudachadh.
An toiseach, tha AARP a ’moladh a bhith a’ mìneachadh an aois aig a bheil thu airson a dhreuchd a leigeil dheth. Agus bi sònraichte. Mar eisimpleir, ma tha thu airson siubhal, beachdaich air dè an seòrsa siubhal. Chan fheum a ràdh, feumaidh tu a bhith pragmatach.
An ath rud, cuir do mhaoin ris, a ’toirt a-steach maoin ionmhasail agus pearsanta. Ma tha sgilean cruinnichte agad co-cheangailte ris na cur-seachadan as fheàrr leat thar nam bliadhnaichean, dh ’fhaodadh seo a bhith na stòr teachd-a-steach às deidh dhut do dhreuchd làitheil a leigeil seachad.
Obraich a-mach cuin a thòisicheas tu a ’tional tèarainteachd shòisealta. Mas urrainn dhut a chuir dheth gu 70, bidh am pàigheadh ​​mìosail tòrr nas motha.
Dèan anailis air a ’bhuidseit agus lorg dòighean air caiteachas a lughdachadh. Cha toir e ach beagan ùine gach mìos gus na sàbhalaidhean agad a mheudachadh.
Tha Comann Nàiseanta nan Realtors (NAR) airson do chuideachadh le bhith a ’gearradh chìsean. Carson a tha buidhnean malairt a ’riochdachadh riochdairean thogalaichean deònach seo a dhèanamh?
Uill, tha ceangal ann. Tha seilbh dachaigh a ’tighinn le cuid de lùghdachaidhean cìse, gu sònraichte lùghdachaidhean riadh morgaids. Is dòcha gu bheil am buidheann seo air sgàth ma tha thu a ’tuigsinn na buannachdan cìse uile a tha an cois seilbh dachaigh, tha thu nas dualtaiche a bhith ag iarraidh dachaigh a cheannach.
Tha làrach-lìn NAR, HouseLogic.com, a ’toirt fiosrachadh do luchd-seilbh dachaigh air mar as urrainn dhaibh sàbhalaidhean cìs thaighean a mheudachadh. Tha artaigil a ’toirt luchd-seilbh dachaigh a-steach do na diofar dhòighean anns am bi seilbh dachaigh ag atharrachadh an dòigh sa bheil iad a’ pàigheadh ​​chìsean.
Is dòcha gur e an atharrachadh as motha am foirm chìsean a chleachdas tu gus cìsean a chuir a-steach. Ma tha thu air an “fhoirm ghoirid” 1040EZ a chleachdadh roimhe seo, feumaidh tu atharrachadh chun fhoirm àbhaisteach 1040 oir feumaidh tu na gearraidhean air Clàr A. a liostadh.
Mus ceannaich thu taigh, is dòcha gu bheil thu dìreach air tagradh a dhèanamh airson cuibhreann àbhaisteach. Ach às deidh dhut a bhith ann an taigh airson bliadhna a-nis, is dòcha gum feum thu riadh morgaids agus cìsean seilbh a phàigheadh. Nuair a chuireas tu iad còmhla le cìsean stàite is ionadail a phàigh thu a-riamh ach nach do chuir thu a-riamh air falbh, faodaidh na lùghdachaidhean cuspaireil agad a bhith nas àirde na na gearraidhean àbhaisteach.
Gu ruige seo, is e cuibhreann riadh morgaids an cuibhreann as motha co-cheangailte ri teaghlach. Aig deireadh na bliadhna, chuir an neach-iasaid foirm thugad a ’sealltainn cia mheud riadh a phàigh thu tron ​​bhliadhna. Is dòcha gu bheil e grunn mhìltean de dhollairean.
Gus a thoirt air falbh, feumaidh an dachaigh agad an iasad a dhèanamh tèarainte, ach tha sealladh farsaing aig an IRS air na cothroman. Tha, is e dachaigh teaghlaich no àros a th ’ann, ach faodaidh e a bhith na bhàta no na trèanair cuideachd. Chan eil an IRS ach ag iarraidh ort a bhith comasach air cadal agus còcaireachd ann, agus taigh-beag a bhith agad.
Ma tha loidhne creideas ionannachd dachaigh agad - dàrna iasad le ionannachd dachaigh mar cho-thaobhadh, tha an riadh cuideachd ri thoirt air falbh bho chìsean. Bidh mòran dhaoine a ’cleachdadh HELOC gus ceannach mòr a dhèanamh no gus fiachan cairt creideis a dhaingneachadh oir is urrainn dhaibh riadh a chothromachadh.
Ma thachras tu a bhith a ’ceannach taigh saor-làithean, tha riadh morgaids agus cìsean air an togalach cuideachd saor bho chìsean.
Nuair a bhios iad a ’ceannach taigh airson a’ chiad uair, bidh mòran de luchd-ceannach a ’co-dhùnadh gum bi proifeiseantaich ag ullachadh nan cìsean aca gus nach cuir iad às do lasachadh sam bith. Chan e droch bheachd a tha seo, ach thuirt NAR gu bheil a ’mhòr-chuid de luchd-seilbh dachaigh làn chomasach an cunntasan cìse fhèin ullachadh.
Tha NAR a ’moladh gun cleachd thu bathar-bog ullachaidh chìsean gus dèanamh cinnteach gum faigh thu a h-uile lasachadh a bu chòir dhut fhaighinn. Ma tha an teachd-a-steach iomlan atharraichte nas ìsle na ìre sònraichte (mar as trice $ 62,000 gach bliadhna), tha thu airidh air bathar-bog ullachaidh chìsean a chleachdadh air IRS.gov an-asgaidh.
Thuirt Caidreachas Iomairtean Mòr na Cruinne gun do thuit clàr-amais misneachd luchd-cleachdaidh sa Ghearran 3.2 puingean gu 114.8 às deidh dha tuiteam airson mìos gu leth.
Fhad ‘s a bha e a’ dol am feabhas, dh ’èirich clàr-amais nan cumhachan làithreach bho 130.0 gu 133.4, agus leum an clàr-amais dùil gu 102.4 bho 99.3 air a’ mhìos a chaidh.
Thuirt Lynn Franco, Stiùiriche Comharran Eaconamach Comataidh na Co-labhairt: “Mheudaich misneachd luchd-cleachdaidh sa Ghearran agus chùm e an ìre as àirde ann an 15 bliadhna.” “An coimeas ris a’ mhìos seo, tha suidheachaidhean luchd-cleachdaidh agus margaidh obrach air am measadh eadhon nas àirde. Tha dùilean dhaoine a thaobh dùilean geàrr-ùine chompanaidhean agus na cothroman obrach is teachd-a-steach aca air fàs nas fheàrr. Gu h-iomlan, tha dùil aig luchd-cleachdaidh gun lean an eaconamaidh a ’fàs anns na mìosan a tha romhainn.”
Tha measadh luchd-cleachdaidh den t-suidheachadh làithreach gu ìre mhath seasmhach, leis an fheadhainn a thuirt gu robh suidheachadh a ’ghnìomhachais“ math ”air tuiteam bho 29.0% gu 28.7%, agus thuit an fheadhainn a bha den bheachd gu robh e“ dona ”bho 15.9% gu 13.2%.
Tha an dòigh anns a bheil luchd-cleachdaidh a ’coimhead air a’ mhargaidh obrach measgaichte cuideachd. Thuit an fheadhainn a thuirt gun robh obair “tòrr” bho 27.1% gu 26.2%, agus thuit an fheadhainn a thuirt gu robh obair “doirbh fhaighinn” bho 21.1% gu 20.3%.
Tha an ro-shealladh geàrr-ùine nas dòchasaiche. Meudaichidh a ’chuibhreann de luchd-cleachdaidh aig a bheil dùil ri leasachadh anns na sia mìosan a tha romhainn bho 22.9% gu 24.0%. Ach aig an aon àm, dh ’èirich an fheadhainn a tha ag iarraidh suidheachadh gnìomhachais a dhol sìos bho 10.8% gu 11.1%.
Tha luchd-cleachdaidh nas dòchasaiche mun mhargaidh obrach. Dh ’èirich a’ chuibhreann de dhaoine ris a bheil dùil barrachd obraichean anns na mìosan a tha romhainn bho 19.7% gu 20.4%, agus lùghdaichidh a ’chuibhreann den fheadhainn a tha den bheachd obraichean bho 14.4% gu 13.6%.
Dh ’èirich a’ chuibhreann de luchd-cleachdaidh a bha an dùil fàs teachd-a-steach bho 18.1% gu 18.3%; tha dùil gum bi a ’chuibhreann a’ crìonadh bho 9.4% gu 8.2%.
Tha an sgrùdadh mìosail air misneachd luchd-cleachdaidh stèidhichte air sampall air thuaiream de dhealbhadh coltachd air a dhèanamh le The Nielsen airson comataidh na co-labhairt, tha Nielsen na sholaraiche fiosrachaidh agus mion-sgrùdaidh mu luchd-cleachdaidh a ’ceannach agus a’ coimhead thoraidhean. Is e an ceann-latha airson toraidhean tòiseachaidh 16 Gearran.
Cha robh an dàrna amharc aig Roinn Malairt na SA air fàs eaconamach anns a ’cheathramh ràithe nas misneachaile na a’ chiad tuairmse.
Mar sin, bha an ìre fàis bliadhnail de fhìor thoradh dachaigheil (GDP) anns na trì mìosan mu dheireadh de 2016 aig 1.9%, an aon ìre ris na chaidh aithris aig a ’chiad sealladh. Anns an treas ràith den bhliadhna an-uiridh, bha ìre fàis GDP bliadhnail aig 3.5%.
Airson a ’bhliadhna gu lèir de 2016, dh’ fhàs fìor GDP 1.6% thairis air ìre 2015, agus ann an 2015 chaidh e suas 2.6%.
A rèir an dàrna tuairmse, cha robh suidheachadh iomlan fàs eaconamach sa cheathramh ràithe gun atharrachadh. Bha an àrdachadh ann an caiteachas caitheamh pearsanta (PCE) eadhon nas motha, agus bha an àrdachadh ann an caiteachas riaghaltas stàite agus ionadail agus tasgadh stèidhichte neo-chòmhnaidh nas lugha na bha dùil roimhe.
Chaidh clàr-amais prìsean GDP suas 1.9% anns a ’cheathramh ràithe, agus chaidh an treas ràith suas 1.5%.
Dh'èirich clàr-amais prìsean PCE 1.9%, agus dh'èirich e 1.5%. Às aonais prìsean bìdh is lùth, dh ’èirich clàr-amais prìsean PCE 1.2%, an coimeas ri àrdachadh de 1.7% anns a’ chairteal roimhe.
Chuimhnich Little Tikes ann an Hudson, Ohio, timcheall air 540,000 clag pàisdean Little Tikes 2-in-1 Snug’n Secure Pink.
Tha a ’chompanaidh air timcheall air 140 aithisg fhaighinn mu dheidhinn swings briste, a’ toirt a-steach 39 leanabh air an leòn, a ’toirt a-steach bruidhean, sgrìoban, gearraidhean agus bruisean cinn. A rèir aithisgean, chaidh dithis a leòn, a ’toirt a-steach leanabh le gàirdean briste.
Tha an ath-ghairm a ’toirt a-steach swing leanabh beag pinc Little Tikes 2-in-1 Snug’n Secure. Tha srian pinc ann an cumadh T air beulaibh an t-sliasaid le suaicheantas Little Tikes air, agus tha ceithir ròpan buidhe crochte air.
Tha modail 615573 air a dhealbhadh air cùl an t-suidheachain swing, leis an stampa còd ceann-latha air cùl an t-suidheachain. Tha an t-saighead taobh a-staigh cumadh a ’chòd ceann-latha a’ comharrachadh “10 ″,“ 11 ″, “12 ″ no“ 13 ″, a chaidh a ghabhail a-steach don ghairm air ais.
A bharrachd air an sin, tha an ath-ghairm cuideachd a ’toirt a-steach claisean le stampa còd ceann-latha air a chomharrachadh“ 9 ″ air an t-saighead a-staigh agus “43 ″ no nas àirde air an leubail a-muigh. Chan eil e a ’toirt buaidh air còdan ceann-latha eile no gluasadan dath eile.
Tha an swing seo air a dhèanamh anns na Stàitean Aonaichte, agus bhon t-Samhain 2009 chun Cèitean 2014, chaidh a reic aig Wal-Mart, Toys “R” Us agus stòran nàiseanta eile a bharrachd air stòran air-loidhne www.littletikes.com agus làraich-lìn eile airson $ 25.
Bu chòir do luchd-cleachdaidh stad sa bhad bho bhith a ’cleachdadh na dreallagan ath-ghairm agus fios a chuir gu Little Tikes airson ath-dhìoladh ann an cruth creideas airson toraidhean Little Tikes eile a cheannach.
Faodaidh luchd-cleachdaidh fios a chuir gu Little Tikes an-asgaidh aig 855-284-1903 bho Diluain gu Dihaoine bho 8 am gu 8 f (àm an ear), no faodaidh iad fios a chuir thuca air-loidhne aig www.littletikes.com agus cliog air “Serve You” clàr fo “ Ath-ghairm toraidh ”airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh.
Tha an teaghlach stòr de Lakeview Cheese agus Bashas a ’cuimhneachadh air diofar sheòrsaichean càise Colby a dh’ fhaodadh a bhith air an truailleadh le Listeria.
Tha na 9 toraidhean càise Colby a leanas air an toirt air ais, a ’toirt a-steach cuideam stèidhichte agus cuideam air thuaiream cuideam:
Chaidh na toraidhean ath-ghairm a dhèanamh le Guggisberg Cheese agus Deutsch Kase Haus, agus an uairsin a sgaoileadh le Lakeview Cheese gu stòran dachaigh Bashas, ​​agus an reic fo bhrand a ’bhrand grosaireachd fhèin ann an roinn feòil Arizona ann am mòr-bhùthan Bashas agus Food City.
Faodaidh luchd-ceannach a cheannaich an toradh ath-ghairm eadar 1 Sultain, 2016 agus 21 Gearran, 2017 a thilleadh chun àite ceannach airson làn-aisig air ais.
Faodaidh luchd-cleachdaidh aig a bheil ceistean fios a chuir gu 480-883-6131 gus fios a chuir gu Roinn Seirbheis Luchd-ceannach Dachaigh Bùth Bashas.
Faodaidh pìob èasgaidh an tanca connaidh suathadh an aghaidh muinchill dìon ribed a ’chàball bataraidh deimhinneach (B +), mar sin a’ cruthachadh tuill anns a ’phìob fhuarachaidh agus ag adhbhrachadh aodion bhalbhaichean connaidh.
Cuiridh BMW fios chun t-sealbhadair gum bi an neach-reic a ’sgrùdadh a’ phìob lìonaidh connaidh agus a ’dol na àite ma tha sin riatanach, agus a’ stàladh criomag rèiteachaidh gus casg a chuir air sgrìoban, an-asgaidh. Tha dùil gun tòisich an ath-ghairm air 3 Giblean, 2017.
A rèir aithisgean, tha Takata air aontachadh maoin a chuir air chois gus dìoladh a thoirt dha na daoine a dh ’fhàillig am baga-adhair aige, a thathas ag ràdh a dh’ adhbhraich 11 bàs agus ceudan de leòntan anns na Stàitean Aonaichte. Tha a ’mhaoin $ 125 millean mar phàirt de aonta bòid, a thathar an dùil a chraoladh ann an Cùirt Feadarail ann an Detroit Diluain.
Chaidh còrr air 70 millean baga-adhair easbhaidheach a ghairm air ais oir spreadh an luchd-brathaidh agus chuir iad shrapnel marbhtach a-steach do roinn an luchd-siubhail.
Ged a tha riaghladairean agus luchd-dèanaidh ag ràdh gun deach am pròiseas ath-ghairm a dhèanamh cho luath ‘s a ghabhas gus cuir às do phàirtean easbhaidheach, tha luchd-cleachdaidh den bheachd gu bheil am pròiseas ath-ghairm gu math slaodach.
San Dùbhlachd an-uiridh, chuir Rianachd Nàiseanta Sàbhailteachd Trafaic Highway (NHTSA) a-mach òrdugh a ’suidheachadh ceann-latha airson luchd-dèanaidh pàirtean ùra a thoirt do luchd-ceannach.
“Tha NHTSA a’ dèanamh nas urrainn dha gus dèanamh cinnteach nach bi dochann no bàsan eile a dh ’fhaodadh a bhith air an adhbhrachadh leis na h-inflators bagannan adhair cunnartach sin,” thuirt an Dr Mark Rosekind, Stiùiriche NHTSA an uairsin. “Bu chòir do shealbhadairean chàraichean sùil a thoirt air SaferCar.gov gu cunbhalach airson ath-ghairm agus an càradh an-asgaidh cho luath‘ s a tha pàirtean a bharrachd aca. ”
Gu dearbh, chan eil seo furasta. Tha luchd-cleachdaidh agus luchd-sgaoilidh air an sàrachadh le dìth phàirtean. Bidh cuid de luchd-dèanaidh ag iarraidh air luchd-reic iasadan a thoirt seachad, ach chan eil a ’mhòr-chuid, a’ fàgail nach eil roghainn aig luchd-cleachdaidh ach coiseachd timcheall le innealan spreadhaidh marbhtach, nach eil ach beagan òirlich air falbh bho an aghaidhean.
Thathas ag ràdh gu bheil a ’mhaoin coltach ris a’ mhaoin a chaidh a chuir air chois le General Motors ann an 2014 gus dèiligeadh ri leòintich a dh ’adhbhraich lasachadh lasachaidh cuid de chàraichean beaga. Thuirt an Wall Street Journal agus aithisgean naidheachd eile gum bi a ’mhaoin air a riaghladh le Coinneach Feinberg, a bhios cuideachd a’ ruith Maoin General Motors agus a bheir luchd-fulaing an ionnsaigh ceannairc air 11 Sultain 2001 airgead-dìolaidh.
Tha am maoin mar phàirt den $ 1 billean a thathas an dùil a phàigheas Takata. Mar phàirt den aonta, bidh amharas air Takata gun toir e aithisg sàbhailteachd meallta don neach-dèanaidh agus ag aideachadh giùlan eucorach. Thèid a ’mhòr-chuid den airgead a tha air fhàgail a chleachdadh gus na cosgaisean a thàinig air an automaker airson an ath-ghairm a phàigheadh ​​air ais.
Dhiùlt Takata na bu thràithe iarrtas an t-Seanalair Richard Blumenthal (Connecticut, na SA), ag ràdh gu robh e air maoin a stèidheachadh gus luchd-fulaing a dhìoladh agus luchd-fulaing a shàbhaladh bho bhith a ’faidhleadh laghan an aghaidh a’ chompanaidh. Cosgaisean agus trauma lagha. Thuirt e nach do dh ’aontaich Takata ach a dhol an gnìomh,“ leis gu bheil gunnaichean aca air an ceann. ”
Chomharraich Blumenthal gun do stèidhich General Motors a ’mhaoin aca fhèin dìreach beagan mhìosan às deidh dhaibh cuimhne a chumail air milleanan de chàraichean le suidsichean lasachaidh lasachaidh. An coimeas ri maoin an automaker, dh ’ainmich e an $ 125 millean“ beag-inntinneach. ”
Thathas den bheachd gur e a bhith a ’rèiteach cùis an oifigeir àrd-inbhe an cnap-starra mu dheireadh ann an oidhirp Takata gus togail fhaighinn airson a’ chompanaidh trioblaideach, air neo dh ’fhaodadh a’ chompanaidh a dhol an aghaidh briseadh.
Tha an ceann-latha teachd-a-steach feadarail cha mhòr seachad, ach tha ùine agad fhathast a bhith a ’cur ris a’ chunntas cluaineis chìsean a chaidh a chuir dheth agus a bhith an urra ris.
Is dòcha nach cuala tu a-riamh iomradh air Cloudflare, ach is dòcha gu bheil thu air cluinntinn mu do dheidhinn. Is e solaraiche seirbheis eadar-lìn a th ’ann a tha comasach air timcheall air 10% de thrafaig lìonra an t-saoghail a làimhseachadh, agus tha e dìreach air faighinn a-mach gu bheil“ aodion ”san t-siostam aca air tòrr dàta neo-aithnichte a nochdadh don phoball.
Thuirt Wired.com gun deach an so-leòntachd a lorg an toiseach leis an neach-rannsachaidh so-leòntachd Google Tavis Ormandy air 17 Gearran, ach bha e air a bhith a ’leigeil a-mach dàta cho tràth ri 22 Sultain.
Tha luchd-ceannach corporra Cloudflare a ’toirt a-steach ainmean taighe leithid Uber, Fitbit, agus OkCupid, agus mar sin dh’ fhaodadh gum bi tòrr fiosrachaidh pearsanta ann an cunnart - a h-uile càil bho IDan cleachdaiche agus àireamhan cairt creideis gu dàta slàinte.
Dhaingnich oifigearan companaidh nach e obair neach-tarraing a bh ’anns a’ bhriseadh tèarainteachd, ach bug a rinn dàta sònraichte (aon anns gach 3.3 millean iarrtas duilleag) ri fhaicinn gu poblach air an eadar-lìn. Chan eil seo a ’coimhead coltach ri mòran, ach a’ beachdachadh air na billeanan de dh ’iarrtasan duilleag a bhios Cloudflare a’ làimhseachadh gu h-àbhaisteach gach latha, faodaidh seo a bhith cudromach.
Tha e duilich tuairmse a dhèanamh air cho dona sa tha an duilgheadas, ach tha e a ’nochdadh na cunnartan a tha an lùib siostaman stòraidh is sgaoilidh dàta mòr an-diugh. Is dòcha gum bi duilgheadasan beaga aig eadhon lìonra a tha air a dheagh dhealbhadh agus air a dheagh chumail suas, agus faodaidh buaidh dhuilgheadasan beaga a bhith mòr.
Anns a ’chùis seo, thuirt oifigearan Cloudflare ged a tha an aodion dàta fìor, chan eil fianais sam bith ann gun deach dàta sam bith a mhì-chleachdadh.
A rèir aithisg anns a ’Wall Street Journal, thuirt Prìomh Oifigear Teicneòlais Cloudflare, John Graham-Cumming:“ Tha sinn den bheachd nach eil e idir coltach gum faigh cuideigin e agus gun dèilig iad ris gu dona. ”
Tha a ’chomhairle do luchd-cleachdaidh a’ faireachdainn eòlach - atharraich am facal-faire. Gu dearbh, tha seo nas fhasa a ràdh na chaidh a dhèanamh. Ma leanas sinn comhairle eòlaichean, bidh ceudan de dh ’fhaclan-faire aig a’ mhòr-chuid againn, is e sin, tha facal-faire air leth aig gach làrach air an tadhail sinn.
Tha ID cleachdaiche agus facal-faire 19 duilleag aig neach-cleachdaidh air a bheil sinn eòlach. Bidh e a ’cleachdadh Lastpass gus faclan-faire a ghineadh agus a stòradh, ach bidh e tric a’ tighinn tarsainn air tachartasan tric far am feum làrach singilte (leithid Google) 20 facal-faire no barrachd gus cunntasan agus gnìomhan eadar-dhealaichte a chleachdadh.
Tha e glè dhoirbh an cumail sgiobalta, agus bidh am beachd a bhith gan atharrachadh nuair a thig biast eile, a ’sgàineadh no a’ leigeil às a ’fàs rud beag absurd.
Tha sinn a ’creidsinn gur e seòrsa de bheatha shàbhailte agus shàbhailte a th’ ann an cait a-staigh. Ach lorg sgrùdadh ùr Suaineach gu bheil ìrean àrda de lasair lasachaidh ann an cait a-staigh.
Tha gnìomh aig an fhòn-smart agad mu thràth a leigeas fios dhut dè an ìre de bheatha bataraidh a tha air fhàgail. A-nis, faodaidh tagradh ùr ris an canar WakeMode comas a thoirt dha.
Tha rianachd Obama faiceallach mu chàraichean fèin-dràibhidh. Tha e a ’nochdadh a-nis gur dòcha gu bheil rianachd Trump nas dualtaiche na breicichean a leigeil ma sgaoil.
Thuirt Rùnaire Còmhdhail na SA Huilin Zhao ri Comann Nàiseanta nan Riaghladairean air Didòmhnaich gu bheil dùil gun lughdaich càraichean gun draibhearan tubaistean trafaic, ged a chomharraich i gu bheil 3.5 millean dràibhear làraidh anns na Stàitean Aonaichte agus dh ’fhaodadh iad buaidh a thoirt air a’ mhargaidh obrach.
Thuirt Zhao Chao gu bheil i ag ath-sgrùdadh an stiùireadh càr fèin-dràibhidh a chuir rianachd Obama a-mach san t-Sultain. Tha luchd-fèin-ghluasaid ag agairt gum faodadh an stiùireadh leigeil le stàitean na riaghailtean aca fhèin a chuir an gnìomh agus iarraidh air companaidhean fèin-ghluasadach dàta seilbh a cho-roinn, a dh ’fhaodadh dàil a chuir air leasachadh charbadan fèin-riaghailteach.
Thuirt Chao gun do dh ’èirich an àireamh de bhàsan ann an tubaistean trafaic 7% ann an 2015 agus gun do mheudaich e 8% anns a’ chiad naoi mìosan de 2016. Thuirt e: “Tha mòran gheallaidhean ann a bhith a’ cleachdadh an teicneòlais seo gu ceart. ”
Thuirt Chao gun do lorg an sgrùdadh nach eil luchd-motair nan coigrich don bheachd mu chàraichean fèin-dràibhidh, agus chuir i ìmpidh air luchd-dèanaimh agus companaidhean teicneòlais Silicon Valley “cuideachadh le bhith ag oideachadh a’ phobaill teagmhach mu na buannachdan a tha an lùib teicneòlas fèin-ghluasaid. ”
Shuidhich Kia Motors cùis-lagha gnìomh clas rè ùine a ’cumail a-mach gum faodadh na boltaichean crankshaft briseadh, ag adhbhrachadh fàilligeadh einnsean tubaisteach. Neach-seilbh shoithichean ann an 2003
Stòr ìomhaigh: Jfarr11-Wikimedia Commons O chionn ghoirid, tha gnìomhachas na h-itealain air a dhol tro atharrachaidhean, gu sònraichte “ba…
Tha mòran bhuannachdan slàinte le taic saidheansail bho bhith a ’gabhail dòsan nàdarra gach latha. Gabh cuairt sa choille (ris an canar gu tric “amaran coille” ann an Iapan.
Dè an inneal gluasadach as ùire a tha air aire gach neach a tharraing? Chan eil microprocessor dealanach luath no scrion àrd-mhìneachaidh ann, ach faodaidh e gairmean a dhèanamh.
Tha luchd-rannsachaidh air a bhith a ’dèanamh adhartas anns an t-sabaid an aghaidh ghalaran neurodegenerative. Cho tràth ris an Dùbhlachd, bha luchd-saidheans bho Oilthigh Slàinte is Saidheans Oregon air a bhith ag obair aig an oilthigh.
Deiseil airson an kiosk a chleachdadh gus burgairean agus friogais òrdachadh aig Wendy's. Nochd a ’chompanaidh biadh luath stèidhichte ann an Ohio gu bheil iad an dùil bothan ithe a chuir a-steach aig 1:00.
Tha ìrean rèidh ag èirigh. Anns an aithisg as ùire bho Chomann Bancairean Morgaids, tha an ìre rèidh cuibheasach airson morgaids ìre stèidhichte 30-bliadhna air a dhol suas beagan.
Bha gnìomhachd cùmhnant anns an Midwest agus an Iar a ’stad gun stad, a’ lughdachadh reic dachaigh airson a reic chun ìre as ìsle ann am bliadhna san Fhaoilleach.
Thuirt Comann Nàiseanta nan Realtors (NAR) gun do thuit an clàr-amais reic dachaigh aca (PHSI) 2.8% gu 106.4 air a ’mhìos a chaidh. Ged a tha an leughadh as ùire aige ìosal, tha PHSI fhathast 0.4% nas àirde na an aon ùine an-uiridh.
Thuirt Lawrence Yun, prìomh eaconamaiche aig NAR: “Tha an gainnead liostaichean air a’ mhìos a chaidh agus an crìonadh ann an prìs ruigsinneach mar thoradh air prìsean thaighean nas àirde agus ìrean morgaids air mòran de luchd-ceannach a bhrosnachadh. ” Ann an sgìrean metropolitan, faodaidh meud trafaic luchd-ceannach grèim fhaighinn gu furasta air meud trafaic luchd-reic, agus is e sin as coireach gu bheil ìre reic dachaigh mòran nas luaithe na bliadhna air ais. Is e an rud as ainmeil gu bheil taighean ann an dùthchannan an Iar air an reic taobh a-staigh mìos. Chan eil e neo-chumanta. ”
Thuirt Yun, bhon Ìsleachadh Mòr, gu bheil an ùidh ann a bhith a ’ceannach taigh air a bhith aig an ìre as àirde, a’ toirt barrachd misneachd do theaghlaichean nan suidheachadh ionmhais. Tha fàs cosnaidh air a bhith làidir anns a ’mhòr-chuid den dùthaich, agus tha margaidh nan stoc air a bhith a’ fàs nas àirde sna mìosan a chaidh seachad.
Chomharraich Yun ged a tha na factaran sin fàbharach airson fàs reic anns na mìosan a tha romhainn, tha ceannaichean a ’dèiligeadh ri gainnead solair dùbhlanach, a tha fhathast a’ putadh prìsean suas ann am mòran roinnean.
Thuirt e: “Is e an rud a tha draghail gun deach luathachadh luach prìsean san Fhaoilleach leis gun deach e thairis air ìre fàs teachd-a-steach còrr is a dhà uimhir an ìre fàis teachd-a-steach, agus dh’ èirich ìrean rèidh morgaids gu mòr bho chionn sia mìosan. ” “Gu sònraichte anns an fheadhainn as daoire. Anns a ’mhargaidh, bidh luchd-ceannach a’ faireachdainn gu bheil na buidseatan aca teann, agus is dòcha gum feum iad sàbhaladh a bharrachd no co-rèiteachadh a dhèanamh a thaobh meud no àite taighe. ”
Tha Mercedes-Benz USA (MBUSA) a ’cur nar cuimhne 1,051 2017 CLA250, CLA250 4Matic, E400 Coupe, E400 4Matic Coupe, E550 Coupe, E400 Cabriolet, E550 Cabriolet, E300, E300 4Matic, E400 Wagon, GLA250 agus GLA250 4Matic.
Ma thachras tubaist, is dòcha nach toir am baga-adhair pelvic no actuator baga-adhair luchd-siubhail aghaidh.
Mura h-eil am baga-adhair pelvic no baga-adhair aghaidh luchd-siubhail a ’cleachdadh mar a bhiodh dùil aig àm tubaist, tha an cunnart bho leòn neach-còmhnaidh a’ dol am meud.
Cuiridh MBUSA fios gu luchd-seilbh chàraichean agus luchd-reic an àite nam modalan baga-adhair air a bheil buaidh an-asgaidh. Tha dùil gun tòisich an ath-ghairm tràth sa Mhàrt 2017.
Chuimhnich Chrysler (FCA US LLC) air 69,298 2014-2017 Dodge chargers agus Chrysler 300s uidheamaichte le draibhe cuibhle (AWD).
Dh ’fhaodadh na boltaichean shailean draibhidh aghaidh a leigeil ma sgaoil agus leigeil leis a’ chrann dràibhidh aghaidh a bhith air a dhì-cheangal, a dh ’fhaodadh call cumhachd adhbhrachadh agus an cunnart bho thubaist a mheudachadh.
Cuiridh Chrysler fios gu luchd-seilbh charbadan gun cuir luchd-reic an àite na h-ochd boltaichean draibhidh aghaidh an-asgaidh. Tha dùil gun tòisich an ath-ghairm air 31 Màrt 2017.
Faodaidh sealbhadairean charbadan seirbheis teachdaiche Chrysler a ghairm aig 1-800-853-1403. Is e T03 an gairm cuimhne aig Chrysler.
Chuimhnich Companaidh Cooper Tire & Rubber taidhrichean spòrs 7,067 Discoverer M + S ann am meudan 235 / 75R15, 255 / 65R16, 215 / 70R16, 225 / 70R16, 235 / 70R16, 245 / 70R16, 265 / 70R16, 255 / 60R17, 225 / 65R17 , 235 / 65R17, 265 / 65R17, 255 / 55R18, 235 / 60R18 agus 255 / 50R19.
Faodar an taidheir a chomharrachadh le samhla “Alps”, ach chan eil e a ’coinneachadh ri riatanasan tarraing taidhrichean sneachda. Mar sin, chan eil iad a ’coinneachadh ri riatanasan Inbhe Sàbhailteachd Carbadan Motair Feadarail (FMVSS) Àir. 139“ Taidhrichean radial giuthais ùr airson carbadan aotrom ”.
Is dòcha nach toir taidhrichean an tarraing no an coileanadh ris a bheil dùil nuair a tha e a ’cur an t-sneachda, a tha a’ meudachadh cunnart tubaist.
Cuiridh Cooper fios gu luchd-seilbh chàraichean gun cuir luchd-reic taidhrichean de na suaicheantasan uile an-asgaidh. Thòisich an ath-ghairm air 20 Gearran, 2017.
Faodaidh sealbhadairean chàraichean seirbheis teachdaiche Cooper a ghairm aig 1-800-854-6288. Is e àireamh fòn Cooper airson a ’ghairm seo air ais 166.
Tha Ready Pac Foods, a tha stèidhichte ann an Swedesboro, New Jersey, Jackson, Georgia, agus Iwindale, California, a ’cuimhneachadh mu 59,225 punnd de shailead cearc.
Tha àireamhan P-27497, P-32081 no P-18502B anns na toraidhean ath-ghairm ann an comharra sgrùdaidh USDA agus chaidh an cur gu stòran reic air feadh na dùthcha.
Cha bu chòir do luchd-ceannach a cheannaich an toradh ath-ghairm an toradh ithe, ach bu chòir dhaibh a thilgeil air ais no a thilleadh chun àite a chaidh a cheannach.
Dh ’fhaodadh na boltaichean aig a bheil am baga-adhair cùirteir inflatable (IC) na àite briseadh, a dh’ fhaodadh casg a chuir air baga-adhair IC bho bhith a ’cleachdadh gu ceart ma tha tubaist ann. Mar sin, chan eil na carbadan sin a ’coinneachadh ri riatanasan Inbhe Sàbhailteachd Carbadan Motair Feadarail (FMVSS) Àir. 226“ Maothachadh stealladh ”.
Mura h-eil am baga-adhair IC a ’cleachdadh gu ceart aig àm tubaist, bidh an cunnart bho leòn luchd-còmhnaidh carbaid ag àrdachadh.
Cuiridh Volvo fios gu sealbhadairean chàraichean agus bidh luchd-reic a ’sgrùdadh agus a’ cur bholtaichean an-asgaidh ma bhios sin riatanach. Tha dùil gun tòisich an ath-ghairm air 1 Giblean, 2017.
Faodaidh sealbhadairean chàraichean seirbheis teachdaiche Volvo a ghairm aig 1-800-458-1552. Is e am fòn Volvo a chaidh a ghairm air ais an turas seo R89714.
Chaidh mòran de bhuidhnean èigneachaidh lagha air ais air tèarmann Standing Rock Sioux Diardaoin gus luchd-dìon uisge fèin-stiallach a chuir às do loidhne-phìoban Dakota.
Is e targaid nam buidhnean feadarail is ionadail campa Oceti Sakowin, a tha ri taobh an tèarmann ach air fearann ​​a tha na h-ùghdarrasan ag ràdh a bhuineas do Arm nan Innleadairean. Ged a tha mòran de luchd-iomairt air aontachadh a dhol tarsainn air Abhainn Ball-canain reòta chun àite glèidhte, tha luchd-taisbeanaidh eile air gealltainn gun cuir iad an aghaidh òrdughan feadarail agus fuireach còmhla ri Ositi Sakowin gu deireadh.
Aig deireadh na bliadhna an-uiridh, gheall Buidheann Innleadairean Arm na SA ath-sgrùdadh àrainneachd ùr a dhèanamh air Slighe Dakota. Thòisich an sgrùdadh air a ’mhìos seo. Às deidh sin, chuir e cùl ris na planaichean sin agus thug e seachad na còirichean drileadh riatanach do na com-pàirtichean gluasad lùth air Gearran 7. Lake Oa. Aig an aon àm, dh ’ainmich an Corps cuideachd an ceann-latha airson daoine campa Oceti Sakowin fhàgail air 22 Gearran, ag ainmeachadh tuiltean an earraich.
Thòisich an cur an grèim Diciadain mar a chaidh a ghealltainn, ach dh ’fhalbh na poileis mus deach campa Oceti Sakowin a ghlanadh. Anmoch feasgar Diardaoin, chaidh poileis làn armachd a-steach do Oceti Sakowin a-rithist agus chuir iad crìoch air an ionnsaigh. Sheall dealbhan bhidio a chaidh an leigeil ma sgaoil le luchd-iomairt agus meadhanan neo-eisimeileach gu robh cur an gnìomh lagha air a bhith ag amas air gunnaichean aig ifrinn agus a ’glùinean dhaoine. Thuirt luchd-fianais gun deach seann shaighdearan, luchd-naidheachd agus luchd-dìon uisge a chur an grèim.
Sgrìobh Ruth Hopkins: “Tha daoine le armachd le gunnaichean agus tha iad gun armachd, a’ seinn agus ag ùrnaigh air beulaibh nam poileas. ” Tha e air a bhith a ’cur air dòigh gluasad àrainneachd agus spioradail #NODAPL airson“ India Today ”.
Air feasgar Diciadain, chaidh duine a chaidh a thogail bho loidhnichean aghaidh ionnsaigh poileis, a chaidh a thoirt bho chunntas poblach Facebook leis an t-ainm Eric Poemz, a ghlacadh le oifigearan èigneachaidh lagha.
Mus deach a chur an grèim, bha Eric Poemz a ’filmeadh oifigearan poileis oir bha iad steigte san rathad. A ’dol an aghaidh arm oifigearan, dh’ innis Poemz dhaibh gu robh e gun armachd, agus dh ’fheuch e a-rithist ri toirt orra a dhol còmhla ris an adhbhar aige. Thuirt e nach robh cairt-aithneachaidh aca. “A rèir an lagh, bu chòir bràiste a chuir ort, agus chan eil duine agaibh ga dhèanamh.”
Nas fhaide air adhart, ghlac oifigear aire gu sònraichte. Thuirt Eric Poemz ris an oifigear: “Tha thu nad dhuine urramach. Tha fios agam gu bheil obair agad ri dhèanamh agus taic teaghlaich. Ach carson a dhìonas tu ola? Sir, chan eil againn ach uisge a dhìon. . Tha fios agam gu bheil thu a ’coimhead orm, tha thu dìreach air do cheann a chrathadh, tha, oir tha fios agam gu bheil cridhe agad agus gu bheil anam agad.
Thuirt Poemz: “Carson nach toir thu urram a-nis, a-nis feumaidh tu a’ bhràiste agad a chuir air beulaibh 6,100 neach, ”ghairm e an àireamh de dhaoine a choimhead a chraoladh beò.
Ach, mar a chunnaic daoine an ruith gu h-obann, dh ’fhalbh ceangal mothachaidh sam bith a lorg e eadar e agus an t-oifigear, agus bha coltas gu robh am fòn a’ tuiteam gu ìre mhòr air an talamh. Gu h-obann, thàinig neach-aithris a ’bhidio a-mach ann am pian agus dh’ innis e don oifigear poileis os a chionn gu robh hip briste aige.
Dh ’aontaich na poileis carbad-eiridinn a ghairm air a shon, ach bha iad airson Poemz a dhìteadh airson a bhith ann. Nuair a bha e a ’toirt iomradh air ceann-latha cur às do fheadarail, thuirt oifigear poileis:“ Tha ceann-latha agad, ach bhris thu an ceann-latha. ”
An uairsin, sheall poileasman eile mar gum biodh e a ’togail dealbh de Poemz agus dh’ iarr e air a chompanach dealbh a thogail leis. Chuala mi guth ag ràdh: “Tha mi airson dealbh a thogail den dithis agad. A bheil thu airson laighe sìos agus a bhith a ’faireachdainn comhfhurtail ri thaobh, no am bu chòir dhuinn a thogail suas? Thuirt e gu robh hip briste aige. ”
Gheall an t-oifigear an uairsin a chuideachadh, ach cha b ’ann às aonais òraidean, a sheall a-rithist a’ bheàrn ideòlach eadar an luchd-iomairt agus cur an gnìomh lagha. Thuirt oifigear: “Èist, ma sguireas tu den gheama, cha bhith sinn air do ghortachadh, dìreach lughdaich do ghòraich.”
“Ma thachras seo, gheibh thu aire mheidigeach, agus bidh spèis agad dhut, mar sin carson nach tòisich thu a’ toirt urram dhuinn? Tha thu air a bhith a ’toirt urram don raon gu lèir, an-còmhnaidh a’ toirt urram dhut fhèin, sia againn Mìosan.
Thuirt Rob Keller, neach-labhairt airson Siorram Siorrachd Morton, ri ConsumerAffairs air a ’fòn nach robh fios aige carson a bhiodh an t-oifigear a’ seasamh airson dealbh ri taobh an neach a chaidh a leòn a chaidh a chur an grèim, ach nach toireadh e beachd seachad air mion-fhiosrachadh a ’bhidio oir thuirt e nach do rinn e sgrùdadh air fhathast.
Thug neach-labhairt Morton County, Maxine Kerr, seachad am mìneachadh a leanas ann am post-d: “Tha e duilich a chreidsinn cò a laighe agus fuireach comhfhurtail. Mar as trice bidh LE (cur an gnìomh lagha) a ’feuchainn ri luchd-grèim leònte a dhèanamh comhfhurtail gus an ruig an carbad-eiridinn. Ma tha luchd-grèim mòr-sgèile cuideachail gus cuir an grèim a chlàradh, bidh LE uaireannan a ’togail dhealbhan leis an fheadhainn a chaidh an cur an grèim. Ach, cha deach an dealbh mar an-dè a thogail an-dè oir cha deach mòran a chur an grèim agus bha fios aig LE gu soilleir cò bha an grèim.
Chan eil e soilleir a bheil na h-oifigearan sin à Siorrachd Morton no buidhnean ionadail eile. Ghabh oifigearan bho bhailtean-mòra eile agus stàitean nàbachd pàirt anns an ionnsaigh cuideachd.
Leis gu bheil e coltach gun tèid duine sam bith a dh ’fhanas ann an campa Oceti Sakowin a chur an grèim, tha e coltach gur e glè bheag de chraoladh naidheachdan prìomh-shruthach mun ionnsaigh. Tha làrach-lìn naidheachdan beaga neo-phrothaideach air a bheil Unicorn Riot a ’craoladh an ionnsaigh ann an àm fìor. Ach, tha luchd-aithris ionadail ag ràdh gu bheil a ’mhòr-chuid de lìonraidhean naidheachdan prìomh-shruthach fhathast ann an raon stèidse fa leth a chaidh aontachadh le buidhnean èigneachaidh lagha.
Thuirt Dennis Ward, neach-aithris airson Lìonra Naidheachd Tùsanach Chanada: “Chan e teantaichean a th’ anns na h-àmhainnean microwave aca (na trucaichean airson naidheachdan rèidio is telebhisean). ” “Mun àm nach do rinn daoine dad an-dè, bha na trucaichean microwave sin uile air falbh.”
Thuirt Ward gu bheil teisteanasan meadhanan aig an lìonra aige fhèin cuideachd, a leigeas leis fhèin agus a cho-obraichean cunntas a thoirt bhon raon stèidse dìon. An àite sin, roghnaich iad aithris bhon champa agus chaidil iad air an làraidh naidheachdan airson ochd latha.
Aig Casino Ridirean Prairie de na Sioux nan seasamh air tursa, tha daoine air a bhith a ’cruinneachadh anns an lobaidh airson mìosan gus dìon an aghaidh an fhuachd. Tha seo air a thighinn gu bhith na bhlàr eile eadar luchd-iomairt, na meadhanan agus na poileis. Oidhche Chiadain, ochd latha às deidh dha aithris bho champa Oceti Sakowin, thuirt Ward gu robh e fhèin agus an luchd-obrach aige air seòmar taigh-òsta a ghlèidheadh ​​aig a ’chasino. Thuirt Ward nuair a bha dìnnear bhlàth a ’còrdadh riutha, thàinig buidheann de dh’ oifigearan èigneachaidh gu h-obann chun bhòrd ri thaobh agus thug iad a-mach iad gus an cur an grèim.
Thuirt Ward: “Tha e a’ coimhead coltach ris a ’BIA (Buidheann Gnothaichean Innseanach).” Is e an adhbhar airson an cur an grèim, leis gu robh mòran bhuidhnean a ’tighinn thuige, gu robh e“ duilich innse cò a tha an seo. ” Thuirt Ward, cò na dinichean a bha ri thaobh. Chan eil an adhbhar airson an cur an grèim soilleir. Dh ’ainmich Biùro nan Cùisean Innseanach na bu thràithe air a’ mhìos seo gu robh iad a ’cur riochdairean a-mach gus luchd-iomairt a chuir a-mach às a’ champa, ach chan eil iad air naidheachdan a thilleadh bho ConsumerAffairs fhathast.
Ann an standoff eile ann an lobaidh a ’chasino Diciadain, chaidh an cur an grèim agus an cur suas air Facebook. Chuairtich buidheann de dh ’oifigearan armachd an dithis fhireannach agus chuir iad às a leth gun do chuir iad rudan seachad dha chèile. Thuirt oifigear: “Fhuair sinn gairm tèarainteachd is faire ag ràdh gum faca sinn thu a’ dol seachad air rudeigin. ” Dh ’òrdaich an t-oifigear do aon de na daoine a bha ag ràdh gur e seann shaighdear a bh’ ann tionndadh mun cuairt gus a chur an grèim. Thog an lighiche-sprèidh a ghàirdean, ach cha robh e air tionndadh mun cuairt fhathast, nuair a loisg na poileis gu h-obann air le gunna Taser.
Tha ùghdarrasan feadarail agus poileis ionadail air gealltainn gun till iad gu campa Osseti Sakovin madainn Diardaoin gus crìoch a chuir air an glanadh. Anns an fheasgar, choimhead oifigearan glèidhteachais uisge air a ’champa air taobh eile na h-aibhne Cannonball bhon àite glèidhte. Dh ’innis iad gu robh na h-ùghdarrasan air a dhol a-steach do Oceti Sakowin agus chuir iad an grèim barrachd luchd-iomairt a bha fhathast an aghaidh fulangach.
“Tha iad air a dhol a-steach don champa. Canain fuaim, buill-airm, heileacoptairean, snaidhpichean, làn armachd (LIVE ROUNDS), ”thuirt aon phost. “Tha mòran dhaoine an grèim. Nì mi mo dhìcheall fuireach agus a chumail thairis airson na daoine. " Thuirt an Seattle Times Diardaoin gun deach 39 neach-grèim a chuir an grèim.
Cha bhiodh na Stàitean Aonaichte taobh an iar-dheas mar a tha fios againn air an-diugh air a bhith ann às aonais Abhainn Colorado. Tha an abhainn a ’dol thairis air 1,450 mìle air feadh na sgìre, a’ uisgeachadh fearann ​​tuathanais, a ’toirt gineadh cumhachd dealan-uisge, a’ toirt seachad uisge òil dha milleanan de dhaoine, agus tha e na stòr cur-seachad agus bòidhchead ann an raointean cur-seachad agus pàircean a dh ’aontaich an riaghaltas feadarail air an t-slighe.
Thuirt ùghdar aithisg dà bhliadhna: “Chan urrainn dhuinn a bhith a’ fuireach ann an sgìre an iar-dheas le fàsaichean mòra, agus chan eil sgìre sa mheadhan far a bheil abhainn mhòr a ’dol tarsainn na h-aibhne.” Gnìomhachd eaconamach luach 1 trillion yuan.
Ann an ùine ghoirid, ma tha buidhnean riaghaltais airson eaconamaidh an Iar-dheas a chumail suas, feumaidh iad obrachadh gu sgiobalta. Tha an rannsachadh as ùire bho Oilthigh Arizona agus Oilthigh Stàite Colorado a ’sealltainn gu bheil teòthachd ag èirigh air lughdachadh na tha de dh’uisge ann an Abhainn Colorado.
Fhuair na luchd-rannsachaidh, san 21mh linn (bho 2000 gu 2014), nach do ràinig sruthadh aibhne ach 81% de chuibheasachd na 20mh linn. Tha iad a ’toirt buaidh air an atharrachadh ann an sruthadh gu teòthachd blàthachaidh agus ag ràdh gur e seo a’ chiad sgrùdadh de a sheòrsa gus sùil a chumail air ceangal dìreach eadar blàthachadh na cruinne agus an lùghdachadh ann an sruthadh Abhainn Colorado.
Thuirt an co-ùghdar Bradly Udall ri Science Daily: “Tha àm ri teachd Abhainn Colorado fada nas dòchasaiche na measaidhean eile a chaidh a nochdadh o chionn ghoirid. Is e an teachdaireachd shoilleir do mhanaidsearan uisge gum feum iad dealbhadh gus sruth aibhne a lughdachadh gu mòr. . ”
Chan e gun robh measaidhean roimhe air Abhainn Colorado dòchasach. Bho 2000, tha tart fada air uisge a lughdachadh san sgìre. Thug oifigearan riaghaltais agus luchd-rannsachaidh rabhadh seachad, mar thoradh air an sin, gum feum àiteachas lùghdachadh mòr a thoirt air a bhith a ’caitheamh uisge anns na beagan bhliadhnaichean a tha romhainn. Tha Biùro an Ath-ghairm a ’ro-innse air a’ mhìos seo gum bi cothrom 34% ann ro 2018 nach coinnich an abhainn ri feumalachdan a h-uile stàite.
Ach, a rèir an rannsachaidh as ùire le luchd-rannsachaidh ann an Colorado agus Arizona, chan eil tart ach a ’dèanamh suas dìreach dà thrian de chrìonadh na h-aibhne. Thuirt iad gur e atharrachadh clìomaid a bu choireach ris an treas cuid den chall.
A rèir an rannsachadh aca, tha an àrdachadh teothachd ag adhbhrachadh uisgeachadh ann an slighean-uisge an lagan. Tha na co-dhùnaidhean sin a ’ciallachadh ged a bhiodh an tart seachad, is dòcha nach bi e comasach an abhainn a thoirt air ais chun ìre a bh’ ann roimhe. Mhìnich Udal ann an agallamh eile: “Chan urrainn dhuinn a ràdh le cinnt gun èirich frasadh agus gun sàbhail e sinn.”
Ach, eadhon ged a tha dùil gum bi tuathanaich, gnìomhachas thogalaichean agus luchd-cleachdaidh a ’gearradh chosgaisean, tha luchd-glèidhteachais fhathast draghail gum faodadh gnìomhachasan eile a bhith ag iarraidh bun-structar ùr a thogail air oirthir Abhainn Colorado agus a roinn fhaighinn. Tha plana riaghlaidh ghoireasan Biùro Riaghladh Fearainn an-dràsta a ’ceadachadh drileadh ola is gas ann an Linne Colorado.
An tuiteam mu dheireadh, bha an Ionad airson Bith-iomadachd a ’bagairt cùis-lagha a thoirt do BLM mura h-eil a’ bhuidheann a ’gealltainn gun cuir iad stad air leasachadh ola is gas ùr ann an raointean àrda na h-aibhne. Thuirt Wendy Park, neach-lagha aig an Ionad Rannsachaidh Bith-iomadachd, ri ConsumerAffairs gur e pàirt den dragh gum bi briseadh no drileadh uisgeachaidh anns an lagan ag iarraidh air a ’chompanaidh“ tòrr uisge a chleachdadh. ” Tha e coltach gun tig an t-uisge a tha i draghail mu dheidhinn bho Abhainn Colorado.
Ach tha leasachaidhean gealltanach air a bhith ann. Bho bhith air am bagairt le cùis-lagha, dh ’aontaich BLM measadh ùr a dhèanamh air buaidh ghnìomhachasan na sgìre, ris an canar Beachd Bith-eòlas a’ Phlana, a tha Park an dùil a dhèanamh as t-earrach.
Gabh air ais ann an tìm agus rannsaich eachdraidh ar dùthcha le bhith a ’tadhal air planntachas Abhainn Sheumais air Slighe 5 àlainn ann an Siorrachd Charles, Virginia. Is e..
Tha litrichean mòra air a bhith aig an e-mion-reic hhgregg o chionn fhada agus tha dìth airgid ri fhaighinn airson bancaichean.
Chaidh òrdachadh do shealbhadair slabhraidh oilthigh airson prothaid $ 22 millean a phàigheadh ​​agus bidh ùine aca sa phrìosan às deidh dha a bhith a ’mealladh an riaghaltas feadarail agus a’ gèilleadh ris.
Is e seo am mìle mu dheireadh as duilghe. Tha seo fìor a bheil thu a ’gabhail pàirt ann am marathon no a’ feuchainn ri dhèanamh a-mach ciamar a thogas tu lìonra bann-leathann prothaideach.
Chan eil fònaichean sgairteil saor, agus chan eil companaidhean fòn-làimhe a ’toirt subsadaidh dhaibh tuilleadh gus an ùine cùmhnant dà-bhliadhna a chumail suas. Tha mi an dòchas gun urrainn dhomh beagan teacsa a tharraing.
Lorg sgrùdadh ùr a chaidh a choimiseanadh le CareerBuilder gu bheil a ’mhòr-chuid de bhoireannaich nas sine na 25 a’ cur dàil ann a bhith a ’tòiseachadh teaghlach gus fòcas a chuir air na dreuchdan aca.
Tha 83% de bhoireannaich a ’roghnachadh an cùrsa-beatha a dhèanamh prìomh-shruthach fhad‘ s a tha iad a ’cur dheth dealbhadh teaghlaich. Thuirt iad gu bheil an àireamh de fhireannaich a tha a ’faighinn an aon sgrùdadh beagan nas lugha (79%).
Is e a bhith ag iarraidh airgead a dhèanamh agus airgead gu leòr a shàbhaladh airson taic a thoirt don teaghlach am prìomh adhbhar airson dealbhadh teaghlaich dha fir is boireannaich a chuir dheth. Ach, ged a dh ’fhaodadh fir agus boireannaich a bhith a cheart cho riaraichte fòcas a chuir air na dreuchdan aca fhèin, chan eil an aon ghnè coltach ri chèile ann an raon dùilean proifeasanta.
Lorg an sgrùdadh, ge bith a bheil dùil ri tuarastal bliadhnail no tiotal obrach, gu bheil beachdan gu math eadar-dhealaichte aig fir is boireannaich mu na buannachdan a tha iad a ’dùileachadh bho an dreuchdan.
Thuirt Rosemary Haefner, Prìomh Oifigear Goireasan Daonna aig CareerBuilder: “Tha luchd-obrach an latha an-diugh a’ fàs, agus tha fir is boireannaich a ’feitheamh ris a’ chloinn aca gus an ruig iad na h-amasan proifeasanta is ionmhasail aca. "
Thuirt Hefner: “A dh’ aindeoin adhbharan co-chosmhail airson dealbhadh teaghlaich a chuir dheth, tha dreuchdan gu math eadar-dhealaichte aig fir agus boireannaich ann an teachd-a-steach agus dreuchdan ris a bheil dùil. ”
Tha an eadar-dhealachadh gnè ann an dùil dreuchd follaiseach, leis gu bheil 44% de na fir an dùil tuarastal sia-figear fhaighinn, agus dìreach 20% de bhoireannaich. Tha còrr air trian de bhoireannaich (34%) den bheachd gu bheil pàigheadh ​​na buidhne aca neo-chothromach.
A bharrachd air tuarastalan nas àirde, tha fir cuideachd nas dualtaiche a bhith a ’dùileachadh ìrean obrach nas àirde nan dreuchdan. Tha 22% de bhoireannaich an dùil an ìre inntrigidh a chumail suas no a ruighinn, agus chan eil ach 10% de na fir le dùilean ìosal.
Tha an àireamh de dh'fhireannaich a tha an dùil a bhith nan sealbhadairean companaidh air barrachd air dùblachadh (9% an coimeas ri 4% airson boireannaich). Tha am miann a bhith na iar-cheann-suidhe cuideachd a ’nochdadh eadar-dhealachaidhean coltach, le dùil gum bi 5% de na fir a’ ruighinn ìre iar-cheann-suidhe, agus dìreach 2% de bhoireannaich.
Tha co-dhùnaidhean eile an sgrùdaidh a ’sealltainn gum feum 63% de bhoireannaich a tha an dùil teaghlach a bhith aca feitheamh gus am bi iad co-dhiù 30 bliadhna a dh’ aois airson teaghlach a thòiseachadh. Thuirt 15% de bhoireannaich (a dhà uimhir na fir) gum fuirich iad gus am biodh iad co-dhiù 35 gus teaghlach a thòiseachadh.
Tha ithe fallain agus cuideam a chall na ghnìomhan duilich dha neach sam bith, ach tha sgrùdadh ùr a ’sealltainn nuair a thaghas tu a dhol dhan leabaidh agus èirigh, faodaidh tu droch thinneas adhbhrachadh.
Dh ’ainmich JC Penney an-diugh a’ chiad phrothaid bhliadhnail aca bho 2010, ach an uairsin dh ’ainmich e gun dùnadh e timcheall air 130 stòr agus dà ionad sgaoilidh.
Mar as trice bidh fiacail beag ag eadar-theangachadh gu beagan dhollairean sa mhadainn, agus bidh clann an latha an-diugh a ’faighinn pàighidhean airgid nas àirde bhon chloinn sin.
Tha Volkswagen air billeanan dolar a phàigheadh ​​ann an càinean, càinean agus cosgaisean ceannach air ais co-cheangailte ris an sgainneal “dìosail salach” aige. Ach cha do chuidich seo mòran airson innleadair Volkswagen Oliver Schmidt, a bha na cheannard air roinn gèilleadh sgaoilidhean an automaker.
Chaidh Schmidt, 48, a chuir gu 11 cunntadh feallsanachd ann an Detroit, agus dhiùlt britheamh feadarail a leigeil ma sgaoil air urras Diardaoin, ag ràdh gu bheil e ann an cunnart mòr a bhith ag itealaich. Dh ’fheuch Schmidt ri itealaich dhan Ghearmailt às deidh saor-làithean teaghlaich air 7 Faoilleach agus chaidh a chur an grèim aig Port-adhair Eadar-nàiseanta Miami. Ma thèid a dhìteadh, bidh e suas ri 169 bliadhna sa phrìosan.
Chaidh rabhadh a thoirt dha àrd-oifigearan eile Volkswagen fuireach sa Ghearmailt, co-dhiù airson a-nis, faodaidh iad a bhith air an dìon gu sàbhailte bho bhith air an cur an grèim agus an toirt a-mach, oir is ann ainneamh a bhios a ’Ghearmailt a’ cur a-mach a saoranaich thall thairis.
A rèir Automotive News, thathar ag ràdh gu bheil Schmidt na ùghdar air meòrachan mallachd a chaidh a sgrìobhadh sa Ghiblean 2014, nuair a lorg luchd-rannsachaidh aig Oilthigh West Virginia gu robh dìosail Volkswagen a ’dol thairis air ìrean feadarail agus a’ cleachdadh bathar-bog nuair a bha iad a ’dèanamh deuchainn air Modhan a’ chàir gus sgaoilidhean a lughdachadh.
“Bu chòir dhuinn an toiseach co-dhùnadh a bheil sinn onarach. Ma tha sinn mì-onarach, fuirichidh a h-uile dad mar an ceudna. " A rèir aithris sgrìobh Schmidt gu co-obraiche.
Is e Schmidt an dàrna neach-obrach Volkswagen a chaidh a bhualadh leis an sgannal. Dh ’aidich Seumas Liang, innleadair Volkswagen stèidhichte ann an California, ciontach airson co-fheall a bhith a’ mealladh riaghladairean san t-Sultain an-uiridh. Tha e air a bhith a ’co-obrachadh le luchd-sgrùdaidh agus tha iad an dùil binn a chuir air sa Chèitean.
Tha Volkswagen air aontachadh càin $ 4.3 billean na SA a phàigheadh ​​do bhuidhnean na SA agus prògram ath-ghairm is ath-cheannach a chuir an gnìomh, a thathar an dùil a bheir cosgais iomlan na SA agus Canada nas àirde na US $ 23 billean.
Anns na beagan bhliadhnaichean a dh ’fhalbh, chan eil prìsean taigheadais air a bhith ag èirigh, agus chan eil ìrean tasgaidhean a’ tuiteam gu ìrean eachdraidheil.
A rèir na h-aithisg as ùire bho Zillow Group, tha ìrean rèidh morgaids air a dhol suas leth puing sa cheud no barrachd anns na mìosan a dh ’fhalbh. Tha an fhìrinn seo air barrachd is barrachd aire a tharraing bho luchd-ceannach.
Às deidh taghadh ceann-suidhe na SA, thòisich ìrean rèidh morgaids ag èirigh leis gu robh neart an dolar a ’meudachadh toradh bannan ionmhas 30-bliadhna na SA, a tha na phrìomh chomharradh air ìrean rèidh morgaids. Bhon uairsin, tha am Fed air ìre airgead feadarail a thogail aon uair, ach chuir e a-steach gu làidir gum bi barrachd reataichean àrdachadh am-bliadhna.
Mar sin, thuirt 53% de luchd-ceannach a dh'fhaodadh a bhith ann ri luchd-faighinn suirbhidh Zillow gur e ìrean rèidh morgaids ag èirigh am prìomh dhuilgheadas, rud nach eil na iongnadh.
Thuirt Comann Bancairean Morgaids (MBA) mar a tha ìrean rèidh a ’sìor dhol suas, thuit an àireamh de luchd-cleachdaidh a ghabh iasadan morgaids 2% an t-seachdain roimhe. Ach an coimeas ri amannan o chionn ghoirid, tha ìrean rèidh fhathast gu math ìosal.
Tha aithisg MBA a ’sealltainn gun do dh’ èirich an ìre rèidh cuibheasach air morgaids ìre stèidhichte 30-bliadhna beagan gu 4.36% an t-seachdain sa chaidh. Tha seo faisg air puing nas àirde na an ìre as ìsle, ach fhathast fada nas ìsle na an 6% rè builgean an taigheadais.
Tha draghan mu ìrean clàr-seilbhe (an àireamh de thaighean rim faighinn airson an reic) fhathast an ceann goirt as motha do luchd-ceannach. Tha e coltach gu bheil an roghainn seo a ’fàs nas lugha gach mìos. Thuirt Comann Nàiseanta nan Realtors (NAR) gun do thuit ìrean tasgaidhean air feadh na dùthcha san Fhaoilleach còrr is 7% bhon Fhaoilleach 2016.
Thuirt prìomh eaconamaiche NAR Lawrence Yun (Lawrence Yun) gu bheil dìth clàr-seilbhe a ’cur cuideam suas air prìsean taigheadais, an cois prìsean taigheadais ag èirigh, a’ fàgail nach eil e comasach dha luchd-ceannach a bhith comasach air taigheadas fhaighinn.
Gu dearbh, lorg sgrùdadh Zillow air luchd-ceannach dachaigh gu bheil 65% de dhaoine a ’faireachdainn iomagain air sgàth dìth roghainn. Anns a ’mhargaidh taigheadais teth agus raon prìsean ìre inntrigidh, tha roghainnean gu sònraichte cuingealaichte.
Thuirt Erin Lantz, Leas-cheann-suidhe Morgaids aig Zillow: “Airson mòran bhliadhnaichean, tha lughdachadh ìrean rèidh air a bhith na bhuannachd do mhargaidh taigheadais na SA. Eadhon ged a dh ’èireas prìs ceannachd dachaigh, bidh na pàighidhean morgaids mìosail airson ceannaichean dachaigh agus ceannaichean dachaigh gun atharrachadh. Ìre nas ìsle. ​​” Buidheann. “Mar a bhios ìrean rèidh ag èirigh am-bliadhna, bidh luchd-ceannach dachaigh a’ chiad uair agus an fheadhainn a tha ag iarraidh ceannach ann am margaidh daor far a bheil prìs ruigsinneach air a thighinn gu bhith na chùis cuideam air buidseatan àrdachadh. ”
Ach is dòcha nach cuir seo maill air reic dachaigh, co-dhiù san àm ri teachd. Tha sgrùdadh Zillow a ’sealltainn gu bheil luchd-ceannach dachaigh fhathast a’ lorg, agus ma chumas prìsean thaighean a ’dol suas, coimheadaidh iad airson taighean nas saoire.
Tha sgamadairean a ’sìor fhàs a’ cleachdadh a ’choimpiutair agad gus do mhealladh. Is e an cleas as ùire a bhith gad chreidsinn gu bheil duilgheadas teicnigeach aig a ’choimpiutair agad.
Tha reic chàraichean ùra sa Ghearran buailteach a bhith measgaichte. Is e seo am mìos as giorra den bhliadhna, agus mar sin tha an àireamh de làithean airson càraichean a reic air a dhol sìos.
Ach tha deireadh-seachdain Latha a ’Chinn-suidhe aige, is dòcha gur e seo an saor-làithean as motha a tha co-cheangailte ri reic chàraichean is làraidhean. A ’mhìos seo, tha sgrùdaichean gnìomhachais an dùil gun tuit reic bhon Ghearran an-uiridh.
Tha Kelley Blue Book a ’dèanamh a-mach gun tuit reic chàraichean ùra sa Ghearran 3% bliadhna an dèidh bliadhna gu 1.3 millean carbad. A rèir an ìre bhliadhnail a chaidh atharrachadh gu ràitheil (SAAR), ro dheireadh na Dùbhlachd, thathas a ’meas gun ruig e 17.1 millean carbad.
Thuirt Tim Fleming, anailisiche aig Kelley Blue Book: “A dh’ aindeoin an àrdachadh ann am brosnachadh, tha iarrtas luchd-cleachdaidh fhathast an ìre mhath seasmhach, agus bidh e doirbh fàs reic luchd-saothrachaidh a choileanadh sa Ghearran.
Ach a dh ’aindeoin an crìonadh ris a bheil dùil ann an reic, thuirt Fleming gum bi 17 millean carbad mar reic bliadhnail iomlan fallain.
Tha làrach-lìn nan càraichean Edmunds.com an dùil leasachadh beag sa Ghearran, agus thathas a ’meas gu bheil reic SAAR aig $ 17.6 millean. Tha dùil gun tuit e dìreach 1% an taca ris a ’Ghearran an-uiridh agus gun èirich e 17% an taca ris a’ mhìos a chaidh.
Thuirt Jessica Caldwell, Stiùiriche Gnìomha Mion-sgrùdadh Gnìomhachas Edmunds: “Is dòcha gu robh deireadh-seachdain na saor-làithean air a bhith na adhbhar airson reic làidir a’ Ghearrain, ach tha sinn cuideachd a ’faicinn soidhnichean gu bheil luchd-dèanaidh innealan a’ tòiseachadh air na càraichean aca a thoirt a-mach às a ’mhargaidh nas ionnsaigheach. . ”. “Bha reic cabhlach làidir sa Ghearran agus bha brosnachadh fhathast a’ dol suas. Ged nach fheum làraidhean agus SUVan mòran cuideachaidh gus ceannaichean le ùidh a lorg, tha an tasgadh de charbadan luchd-siubhail a ’dol am meud.”
Tha seo math dha luchd-cleachdaidh nuair a dh ’fheumas luchd-reic agus luchd-saothrachaidh barrachd brosnachaidh a thoirt seachad airson carbadan a dhràibheadh. Ach, mura seachain thu na càraichean “teth” as reic a reic agus barrachd fòcas a chuir air na càraichean a tha a ’dol sìos, gheibh thu a’ phrìs as fheàrr. Is iad sin na modailean far am faod thu an aonta as fheàrr a cho-rèiteachadh.
Bha dùil aig Edmunds sa Ghearran gun èirich reic General Motors thairis air an-uiridh, agus mar sin is dòcha nach fheum e gearan a dhèanamh mu bhrosnachadh cho tarraingeach.
Ach is dòcha gu bheil Fiat Chrysler agus Hyundai / Kia a ’tabhann cuid de chùmhnantan tarraingeach oir tha an reic aca sìos a’ mhòr-chuid bhon uiridh. Ach, tha Edmunds a ’dèanamh a-mach gun èirich reic a h-uile inneal-dèanaidh bhon Fhaoilleach.
Thuirt Roinn Malairt na SA gun do dh ’fhàs reic na mìos a chaidh seachad 3.7%, le ìre fàis bliadhnail air atharrachadh gu ràitheil de 555,000, agus reic Dùbhlachd de 535,000, an coimeas ris an fhigear tùsail de 536,000.
B ’e prìs meadhanach dachaigh a chaidh a reic air a’ mhìos a chaidh US $ 312,900, àrdachadh de US $ 21,800 bhon Fhaoilleach 2016, ach lùghdachadh de US $ 3,300 bhon Dùbhlachd. Is e am meadhan meadhan a ’phuing far am bi leth de na taighean a’ reic airson prìsean nas àirde agus an leth eile a ’reic airson nas ìsle.
B ’e a’ phrìs reic cuibheasach US $ 360,900, call bliadhna an dèidh bliadhna de US $ 4,700, agus lùghdachadh de US $ 18,000 bhon t-Samhain.
Aig deireadh an Fhaoillich, b ’e an àireamh iomlan de dhachaighean ùra airson reic 265,000, a tha co-ionann ri 5.7 mìosan de sholarachadh stèidhichte air ìrean reic gnàthach.
Tha Companaidh dèideagan Elk Astràilia air cuimhneachadh mu 444,000 dèideagan Little Live Pets Lil Frog agus Lil Frog Lily Pad a chaidh a reic anns na Stàitean Aonaichte agus Canada.
Nuair a thèid bataraidh a ’phutan a thoirt a-mach às an losgann dèideag, faodaidh còmhdach a’ bhataraidh a bhith na phròiseact, agus faodaidh stuth ceimigeach a ’bhataraidh aoidion, a’ suidheachadh stuth ceimigeach agus cunnart leòn.
Tha a ’chompanaidh air 17 aithisgean fhaighinn mu chòmhdach bataraidh a’ fàs projectiles no aodion ceimigeach bataraidh. Mar thoradh air dhà de na leòntan thàinig tadhal air seòmar èiginn agus dotair gus casg a chuir air truailleadh ceimigeach bataraidh dha na sùilean.
Tha an ath-ghairm a ’toirt a-steach dèideagan plastaig Little Live Pets Lil Frog. Bidh iad ag obair le ceithir bataraidhean putan agus a ’leum.
Little Live Pets Lil Frog's SKU: 28217, Lil Frog's Lily Pad's SKU: 28218 air a chlò-bhualadh air an abdomen ìosal faisg air sliasaid chlì an losgann, agus tha a chòd ceann-latha saothrachaidh mar a leanas. Is e an raon còd ceann-latha WS112016 gu WS123216.
Chaidh na dèideagan sin a chaidh a dhèanamh ann an Sìona a reic air Amazon.com ann an stòran AAFES, Target, Toys “R” Us agus Wal-Mart agus stòran air-loidhne air feadh na dùthcha bhon Lùnastal 2016 chun Ghearran 2017. Tha Lil Frog mu $ 15 agus tha Lil Frog mu 25. Dolair . ceap lili.
Bu chòir do luchd-cleachdaidh stad a chuir air losgannan dèideag a chleachdadh sa bhad, na fosgail am bogsa bataraidh, agus cuir fios gu Moose Toys an àite bathar Little Live Pet an-asgaidh.
Faodaidh luchd-cleachdaidh fios a chuir gu Moose Toys air-loidhne aig 844-575-0340 (an-asgaidh) bho Diluain gu Dihaoine bho 8 am gu 5f (PT) no tro www.moosetoys.com, agus cliog air “Sàbhailteachd Bathar” gus tuilleadh fiosrachaidh fhaighinn.
Chuimhnich Fratelli Beretta USA de Olive Hill, New Jersey, mu 468 punnd de thoraidhean mortadella.
Chaidh na nithean a leanas a thoirt a-mach air 30 Samhain 2016 leis an àireamh giùlain “EST. Tha an 7543B ann an comharra sgrùdaidh USDA air a ghairm air ais ”:
Tha an toradh air a chuir gu luchd-sgaoilidh ann am Pennsylvania, agus an uairsin air a sgaoileadh tuilleadh gu reic agus reic ann an Arizona, California, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, agus Texas. Ionad cuairteachaidh.
Cha bu chòir do luchd-ceannach a cheannaich an toradh ath-ghairm an toradh ithe, ach bu chòir dhaibh a thilgeil air ais no a thilleadh chun àite a chaidh a cheannach.
Chuimhnich Calphalon à Atlanta, Georgia, timcheall air 2 mhillean sgeinean bathar-bùird ùr-nodha a chaidh a reic anns na Stàitean Aonaichte agus Canada.
Tha a ’chompanaidh air 27 aithisgean fhaighinn de lacerations meòir no làimhe, a’ toirt a-steach leòntan a dh ’fheumas sutures ann an ceithir àiteachan. A bharrachd air an sin, tha a ’chompanaidh air timcheall air 3,150 aithris fhaighinn mu bhriseadh sgian.
Tha an ath-ghairm a ’toirt a-steach snaidheadh ​​bathar bùird co-aimsireil Calphalon, còcairean, peelers, Sudoku agus sgeinean goireasach air an reic air leth eadar Lùnastal 2008 agus Màrt 2016.
Peeler 3½ ”, sgian boning 5 ″, 5 ″ santoku, sgian tomato / bagel 5½”, 6 ″ forc, 6 ″ goireasach, 7 ″ santoku, 8 ″ aran, sgian còcaire 8 ″, 8 ″ slice Machine, 10 ″ stàilinn, siosar cidsin, 8 sgeinean steak agus neach-gleidhidh sgian
Peeler 4½ òirleach, goireas 6 òirleach, santoku 7 òirleach, aran 8 òirleach, sgian còcaire 8 òirleach, sliseag 8 òirleach, stàilinn 10 òirleach, siosar cidsin, sgeinean 8 steak agus neach-gleidhidh sgian
4.5 “peeler, 6 ″ goireasach, 8“ aran, sgian còcaire 8 ″, sgian 8 steak, siosar cidsin, biorach sgian
4.5 ″ peeler, 6 ″ goireasach, 7 ″ Santoku, 8 ″ aran, sgian còcaire 8 ″, sgian 8 steak, siosar cidsin, bloca biorach
4.5 “peeler, 5 ″ deboning, 5.5“ tomato, 6 ″ goireasach, 7 ″ Santoku, 8 ″ aran, sgian còcaire 8 ″, 8 ″ slicer, 8 sgian steak, siosar cidsin, bloca biorach
4.5 “peeler, 5 ″ deboning, 5“ ceapaire, 5.5 ″ tomato, 6 ″ forc, 6 ″ goireasach, 7 “ceapaire, 8 ″ aran, sgian còcaire 8 ″, 8 ″ slicer, 8 sgian steak, siosar cidsin, bloc geurachadh
Chaidh na sgeinean sin a chaidh a dhèanamh ann an Sìona a reic ann an JC Penney, Kohl's, Macy's agus stòran eile air feadh na dùthcha bhon t-Sultain 2008 chun Dùbhlachd 2016, a bharrachd air a ’bhùth air-loidhne www.Amazon.com. Is e a ’phrìs airson gach sgian US $ 25 agus is e prìs neach-gleidhidh na h-inneal US $ 300. .
Bu chòir do luchd-cleachdaidh stad sa bhad bho bhith a ’cleachdadh na h-innealan-bùird ath-ghairm agus fios a chuir gu Calphalon gus toraidhean bathar-bùird eile fhaighinn.
Faodaidh luchd-cleachdaidh fios a chuir gu Calphalon bho Diluain gu Dihaoine bho 8m gu 5f (Àm an Ear), no air-loidhne www.calphalon.com aig 800-809-7267, agus an uairsin cliog air “Luchd-ceannach” aig bonn na duilleig Taic ”agus an uairsin cliog “Ath-ghairm” airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh. .
Tha pian na ghalar cumanta dha mòran de luchd-ceannach, ach tha sgrùdadh ùr a ’sealltainn gum faodadh cuid de sheòrsaichean pian a bhith gar cur aig ìre thràth.
Dh ’iarr buidheann de luchd-lagha stàite Rùnaire an Fhoghlaim Betsy DeVos agus stiùirichean còmhdhail gun a bhith ag ainmeachadh“ seusan fosgailte ”do dh’ oileanaich.
Chan eil siubhal eadar na Stàitean Aonaichte agus an Roinn Eòrpa saor. Is e sin, mura glèidh thu aon de na tursan-adhair ùr-aontaichte eadar Nirribhidh eadar na Stàitean Aonaichte agus na Stàitean Aonaichte.
Le teachd an earraich, bidh flùraichean brèagha a ’fàs, ach is dòcha gum bi luchd-fulang aileardsaidh ràitheil ag ionndrainn bòidhchead an earraich. Mas e poilean a th ’ann
Tha mòran làraich-lìn naidheachdan meallta ann mu thràth, agus a-nis tha an Coimisean Malairt Feadarail (FTC) air a h-uile prògram rèidio naidheachdan meallta a dhùnadh.
Leis an t-sluagh mòr boomer pàisde a ’tighinn a-steach don phrìomh shuidheachadh aig aois cluaineis, tha dealbhadh cluaineis air fàs gu math cudromach. Ach faodaidh an ìre seo de bheatha a bhith ann an diofar chruthan.
A bheil thu a ’dealbhadh a dhol air chuairt air feadh na dùthcha ann an trèilear Airstream? Bidh na feumalachdan agad eadar-dhealaichte bhon dreuchd ùr a tha thu an dùil a dhreuchd a leigeil dheth.
Nuair a thig e gu cluaineas, bidh an deasbad cha mhòr an-còmhnaidh a ’tòiseachadh le airgead. Gun a bhith a ’dol a dh’ obair gach latha a ’ciallachadh nach toir thu an aon tuarastal air ais dhut. Mar sin, is e a ’chiad cheist ciamar a nì thu suas airson an eadar-dhealachadh.
Bheir tèarainteachd shòisealta stòr de theachd-a-steach mìosail, ach chan e stòr teachd-a-steach mòr. Is dòcha gu feum thu stòran teachd-a-steach eile, leithid peinnseanan (a tha tearc an-diugh) no cunntasan sàbhalaidh cluaineis.
A rèir Roinn na Làbarach, tha fios aig nas lugha na leth de dh'Ameireaganaich dè a dh ’fheumas iad a shàbhaladh airson cluaineas, ach a bhith cothromach, tha e duilich an àireamh seo a dhearbhadh mus dèan iad co-dhùnadh ciamar a phlanas iad airson cluaineas.
Ma tha thu an dùil lughdachadh lughdachadh agus gluasad gu àite fuirich cosgais ìseal, faodaidh tu taigh a cheannach às aonais morgaids, feumaidh tu nas lugha de dh'airgead gach mìos na ma tha thu an dùil leth-bhliadhna de ùine siubhail a chaitheamh.
Ann am faclan eile, tha e furasta dì-meas a dhèanamh air na feumalachdan agad. Tha an riaghaltas ag ràdh gur dòcha gu feum thu 70% den teachd-a-steach ro-dhreuchd agad airson cumail suas.
Is e seo as coireach gu bheil barrachd is barrachd dhaoine a tha a ’leigeil dheth a dhreuchd tràth ag obair ann an cruth air choreigin. Às deidh dreuchdan soirbheachail, tha tòrr eòlas agus eòlas aca. Mar as trice, bidh an luchd-fastaidh a bh ’aca roimhe ag iarraidh obraichean pàirt-ùine.
Gu dearbh, às deidh dhut a bhith ag obair ann an dreuchd nach eil a ’còrdadh riut no ag obair airson 40 bliadhna no barrachd, eadhon ged a tha thu pàirt-ùine, chan eil coltas ann gu bheil thu a’ leantainn air adhart ag obair cho tarraingeach. Ach, ghabh mòran a bha a ’leigeil dhiubh an cothrom seo oidhirpean ùra fheuchainn. Tha an làrach-lìn NewRetirement.com a ’tabhann mholaidhean mu bhith a’ lorg mholaidhean freagarrach.
Is e an deagh naidheachd gu bheil daoine a tha an impis a dhreuchd a leigeil dheth an-diugh nas dòchasaiche na às deidh an Ìsleachadh Mòr. Tha sgrùdadh ùr le T. Rowe Price a ’sealltainn gu bheil 47% de luchd-togail leanaban agus Gen Xs den bheachd gu bheil an cluaineas air leth“ glè choltach ”, a tha a’ sealltainn gu bheil iad air beachdachadh gu dona air, air cromadh sìos, no nach robh fios aca dè a bha na lùib. dè.
Tha na stuthan rannsachaidh gu ìre mhòr nan luchd-tasgaidh, a ’sealltainn gu bheil iad air a bhith a’ cruinneachadh beairteas. Nuair a tha iad a ’faicinn aois cluaineis, tha a’ mhòr-chuid ga fhaicinn mar “àm airson fois a ghabhail.” Chan eil ach 38% an dùil “ath-dhealbhadh a dhèanamh iad fhèin."
Eadar cuimhneachain teachdaireachd teacsa agus biadhan meadhanan sòisealta a tha air an ùrachadh gu cunbhalach, tha fònaichean sgairteil a ’seasamh a-mach. Ach cum suas…
Tha milleanan de bhoireannaich air puist-d fhaighinn bho Chomann Eadar-nàiseanta Ceannardas nam Ban (IWLA). Tha beachd post-d…
Tha McDonald's air cuid de cheumannan fheuchainn sa bhliadhna a dh ’fhalbh gus barrachd luchd-ceannach a thàladh. Tha a ’chompanaidh air feuchainn ri fosgladh.
Is e a bhith a ’coimhead air lèirmheasan air an iPhone as ùire aon rud. Às deidh na h-uile, is dòcha gum biodh tu airson coimeas a dhèanamh eadar e le modalan eile.
Anns a ’chùis as fheàrr, faodaidh sàbhaladh airgid a bhith na dhùbhlan. Tha e coltach gu bheil feum èiginneach air airgead a chosg air uisge.
Tha an gnìomh seo eadhon nas duilghe nuair a tha eallach ort le fiachan cairt creideis le riadh àrd. Gabhaidh na pàighidhean mìosail sin sàbhalaidhean a dh ’fhaodadh a bhith ann.
Làrach-lìn ionmhas pearsanta Rinn Bankrate.com sgrùdadh air luchd-cleachdaidh agus lorg iad nach eil ach 52% de dhaoine le barrachd shàbhalaidhean èiginn na fiachan cairt creideis. Tha seo timcheall air an aon rud ris an-uiridh.
Ach, thuirt 24% de luchd-cleachdaidh gun robh na fiachan cairt creideis iomlan aca nas àirde na an ìre a chuir iad an dàrna taobh airson sàbhalaidhean, suas bho 22% an-uiridh. Thuirt timcheall air 17% de luchd-cleachdaidh nach eil fiachan cairt creideis aca, agus tha sin na mhisneachd, ach tha iad cuideachd ag aideachadh nach eil tasgaidhean sam bith aca.
Thuirt prìomh neach-anailis ionmhasail Bankrate.com, Greg McBride: “Tha cus Ameireaganaich nach do dh'atharraich meud nan sàbhalaidhean aca an coimeas ri fiachan, eadhon ged a lorgas an fheadhainn a rinn adhartas na sàbhalaidhean aca. Chan eil gu leòr. ”
Mar as sine a tha thu, is ann as dualtaiche a tha thu sàbhaladh an àite fiachan cairt creideis. Ach, tha millennials inbheach rè an èiginn ionmhais nas dualtaiche sàbhalaidhean mòra fhaighinn na an co-aoisean as òige.
Chuir ùghdar na h-aithisg iongnadh air lorg eile. Tha seanairean aois 72 agus nas sine nas dualtaiche sàbhalaidhean èiginn a bhith aca na neach sam bith, eadhon ged nach eil fiachan cairt creideis aca. A rèir an ùghdair, tha seo a ’sealltainn gu bheil mòran de sheann daoine a’ fuireach air teachd-a-steach stèidhichte agus nach eil àite ann airson sruthadh airgid mìosail.
Mar a dh ’fhaodadh dùil a bhith agad, mar as àirde teachd-a-steach neach-cleachdaidh, is ann as dualtaiche a bhios e no i le mòran shàbhalaidhean agus glè bheag de fhiachan cairt creideis. Mar a thuit ìrean teachd-a-steach, thòisich an cothromachadh eadar sàbhalaidhean agus fiachan ag atharrachadh.
Tha teaghlaichean leis an teachd-a-steach as ìsle nas dualtaiche fiachan cairt creideis no sàbhalaidhean èiginn a bhith aca.
Is e fiachan cairt creideis an fheadhainn as puinnseanta oir tha an ìre rèidh mar as trice ann an àireamhan dùbailte. Tha seo cuideachd cunnartach oir tha e furasta cothromachadh mòr a chruinneachadh gach mìos.
Mura pàigh an neach-cleachdaidh ach an ìre as lugha gach mìos, chan eil e no i air mòran adhartais a dhèanamh ann a bhith a ’toirt air ais na fiachan. Gus an cothromachadh cairt creideas a lughdachadh gu h-èifeachdach, thoir sùil air a ’bhile mhìosail gus na cosgaisean ionmhais mìosail a thuigsinn. Pàigh an t-suim sin, agus nas urrainn dhut de phrionnsapal.
Tha Buidheann Ionmhais Taigheadais Feadarail (FHFA) ag aithris air clàr-amais prìsean dachaigh (HPI), a tha stèidhichte air reic ri Fannie Mae agus Freddie Mac no air a ghealltainn le Freddie Mac Air a thomhas leis an fhiosrachadh mu phrìs reic taigheadas co-thaobhach, dh ’èirich e 1.5% bho an treas ràith agus chaidh e suas 6.2% bho na trì mìosan den aon ùine an-uiridh.
Thuirt leas-phrìomh eaconamaiche FHFA, Andrew Leventis: “Ged a tha ìrean rèidh air a dhol suas gu mòr anns a’ cheathramh ràithe, tha an dàta againn a ’sealltainn nach eil prìsean thaighean a’ sealltainn gu bheil iad a ’fàs nas slaodaiche.” “Ged a bheir e barrachd ùine a bhith a’ faireachdainn Gu làn bhuaidh na h-ìre rèidh, chan eil fianais sam bith ann gu bheil clàr nan taighean a tha rim faighinn airson reic gu math ìosal, agus is e seo am prìomh fheachd air cùl àrdachadh prìsean neo-àbhaisteach. ”
Thuirt Roinn na Làbarach (DOL) gun do mheudaich tagraidhean gun chosnadh anns an t-seachdain gu 18 Gearran, gu 244,000 às deidh dhaibh atharrachadh airson factaran ràitheil. Chaidh ìre na seachdain roimhe ìsleachadh le 1,000 gu 238,000.
Chan eil a ’chuibheasachd gluasadach ceithir seachdainean cho luaineach agus tha e air a mheas mar thomhas nas cruinne den mhargaidh obrach, a’ ruighinn 241,000, lùghdachadh de 4,000 bhon t-seachdain roimhe.
Tha Comann Nàiseanta nan Realtors (NAR) ag aithris gun do dh ’àrdaich reic ghnothaichean crìochnaichte dachaighean a’ toirt a-steach dachaighean le aon teaghlach, taighean-baile, condominiums agus co-chomainn 3.3% air a ’mhìos a chaidh, ìre bhliadhnail a chaidh atharrachadh gu ràitheil Is e 5.69 millean a th’ ann.
Thuirt Lawrence Yun, prìomh eaconamaiche aig NAR: “Bha gnìomhachd reic sa mhòr-chuid de roinnean air a’ mhìos a chaidh, làidir, leis gu robh fastadh làidir agus barrachd misneachd luchd-cleachdaidh aig deireadh na bliadhna an-uiridh a ’togail ùidh ann a bhith a’ ceannach dachaighean. ” “Tha dùbhlain margaidh ann fhathast, ach Mar a lùghdaich luchd-ceannach dachaigh ìrean tasgaidh a bha fada bho bhith iomchaidh agus a bhith a’ crìonadh aig prìs ruigsinneach, thòisich margaidh nan togalaichean a ’soirbheachadh.”
B ’e a’ phrìs meadhanail de gach seòrsa taigh a bh ’ann san Fhaoilleach $ 228,900, àrdachadh de 7.1% thairis air an aon ùine an-uiridh. Is e an àrdachadh seo an àrdachadh as motha bhon Fhaoilleach 2016 agus is e an 59mh mìos leantainneach ann am fàs bliadhna an dèidh bliadhna. Is e am meadhan meadhan a ’phuing far a bheil prìs leth taigh ag èirigh còrr is leth.
Mheudaich an tasgadh iomlan de thaighean aig deireadh na mìos 2.4% gu 1.69 millean taigh a bha ann airson a reic. Ach, tha seo fhathast sìos 7.1% bho bhliadhna air ais, agus tha e air a bhith sìos airson 20 mìosan an dèidh a chèile. Aig an ìre reic gnàthach, is e an tasgadh gun reic 3.6 mìosan.
Tha Yun a ’dèanamh a-mach gum bi farpais a’ teannachadh as t-earrach airson luchd-ceannach a tha a ’coimhead airson dachaighean anns na raointean prìsean ìosal is meadhan-deireadh.
“Tha rannsachadh ùr a chaidh a dhèanamh le NAR agus realtor.com - an lùb sgaoilidh aig prìs ruigsinneach agus sgòran realtors - a’ sealltainn gun robh an cothlamadh de phrìsean thaighean nas àirde agus prìsean a ’ciallachadh gun robh e comasach dha còrr air leth de theaghlaichean anns a h-uile stàite a h-uile margaidh a phàigheadh ​​air a’ mhìos a chaidh. . An teachd-a-steach aca. " Thuirt e.
A rèir Aithisg Luchd-cleachdaidh Siubhal Adhair Roinn Còmhdhail na SA (DOT), chuir luchd-giùlan dheth dìreach 1.17% de na tursan-adhair clàraichte aca an-uiridh, an coimeas ri 1.5% ann an 2015, am figear coimeasach as ìsle ann an 22 bliadhna.
B ’e a’ phuing as ìsle a bh ’ann roimhe 1.24% ann an 2002. San Dùbhlachd an-uiridh, chuir companaidhean-adhair stad air 1.6% de na tursan dachaigheil clàraichte aca, an coimeas ri 1.7% bliadhna air ais, ach àrdachadh bho 0.3% a’ mhìos roimhe.
A bharrachd air an sin, b ’e ìre mearachd làimhseachaidh bagannan an neach-giùlain an-uiridh 2.70 iùro gach mìle neach-siubhail, an coimeas ri 3.13 uair ann an 2015. Is e seo an ìre fàis bliadhnail as ìsle bho thòisich DOT a’ tional dàta air aithisgean mì-làimhseachaidh san t-Sultain 1987. B ’e an luach as ìsle roimhe 3.09 ann an 2012.
Gach mìos, san Dùbhlachd, chaidh aithris gu robh an ìre mearachd làimhseachaidh bagannan gach mìle neach-siubhail aig 3.58, a bha nas ìsle na 3.97 san Dùbhlachd 2015 ach nas àirde na 2.02 san t-Samhain 2016.
Bha an ìre àrdachadh ann an 2016 aig 0.62 gach 10,000 neach-siubhail, nas àirde na an 0.73 a chaidh ainmeachadh ann an 2015, agus is e sin an ìre fàis bliadhnail as ìsle bho chaidh dàta eachdraidheil a ’dol air ais gu 1995. B’ e an luach as ìsle roimhe seo 0.72 ann an 2002.
Tha an aithisg cuideachd a ’toirt a-steach coileanadh air-àm, dàil tarmac, dàil itealain fad-ùine, agus adhbharan airson dàta dàil.
A bharrachd air an sin, tha sreath de ghearanan seirbheis adhair, a ’toirt a-steach duilgheadasan itealaich, bagannan, glèidheadh ​​agus tiogaidean, ath-dhìoladh, seirbheis teachdaiche, ciorram agus leth-bhreith.
Chuimhnich Michelin Ameireaga a-Tuath air 247 pìosan de thaidhrichean Michelin X Works XZY le meud 315 / 80R22.5 156 / 150K, a chaidh a thoirt a-mach bho 1 Faoilleach 2011 gu 31 Iuchar 2015.
Chan eil an samhla DOT riatanach agus comharra litir raon luchdachaidh aig an taidheir, mar sin, chan eil e a ’coinneachadh ri riatanasan Riaghailt na SA 30112 agus Inbhe Sàbhailteachd Carbaid Motair Feadarail (FMVSS) Àir. 119“ Taidhrichean giuthais ùra airson carbadan motair le GVWR ”, nas àirde na 4,536 kg (10,000 not)) Agus baidhsagalan-motair. ”
Cuiridh Michelin fios gu luchd-seilbh chàraichean agus ceartaichidh iad na taidhrichean le bhith a ’cur nan comharran a tha a dhìth orra gu maireannach no cuir taidhrichean coltach riutha an-asgaidh. Thòisich an ath-ghairm air 13 Gearran 2017.
Anns an àm nach robh cho fada air falbh, bha àm ann nuair a bha gnìomhachas na feòla is nan cearcan a ’dìon a’ chleachdadh connspaideach a bh ’ann a bhith a’ biathadh stoc le antibiotaicean. “Th…
Pàighidh Keurig Green Mountain Inc. $ 5.8 millean oir cha tug e cunntas sa bhad air locht sàbhailteachd ann an aon de na h-innealan cofaidh aige don Bhuidheann Tèarainteachd Feadarail.
Dhearbh boireannach Breatannach gun do luathaich an càr Nissan aice gu h-obann agus gun deach a fuadach o chionn ghoirid fo chasaid marbhadh neach-coiseachd. AnnDiggles, a.
Feumaidh luchd-cleachdaidh a dhol an aghaidh àireamh mhòr de pathogens agus bacteria gach latha, agus ann an iomadh cùis, faodaidh an siostam dìon againn coinneachadh ris an dùbhlan. H ..
Bidh an teannachadh ann an dàimhean romansach gu tric a ’tighinn bho dhuilgheadasan ionmhais. Gu dearbh, tha rannsachadh a ’sealltainn gum faod airgead teannachadh adhbhrachadh ann an seachd a-mach à deich cupannan.
Tha sgrùdadh ùr bho Ospadal Bridgeport ann an Connecticut a ’sealltainn gum faod app a chaidh a leigeil a-mach o chionn ghoirid leis an t-ainm Carmaforlife piseach a thoirt air mairsinn bho ionnsaigh cridhe.
Tha susbaint foghlaim anns an app a chaidh a dhealbhadh gus luchd-dreuchd a chuideachadh gus sgioba a ’Chòd Ghorm a stiùireadh tro ath-bheothachadh. Is e am beachd air cùl Carmaforlife leigeil le proifeiseantaich cùram slàinte am protocol “Taic Beatha Cardiac Adhartach” a chaidh a leasachadh le Comann Cridhe Ameireagaidh a thuigsinn.
Lorg an sgrùdadh ùr seo gun do chuidich Carmaforlife le bhith a ’meudachadh ìre mairsinneachd grèim cridhe bho 57% gu 78%, àrdachadh de 21%. A bharrachd air an sin, tha an àireamh de dh ’euslaintich as urrainn a dhol dhachaigh às deidh ionnsaigh cridhe air a dhol suas 64%.
Mhìnich ACLS Solutions, a stèidhich a ’chompanaidh air cùl na h-aplacaid, toraidhean drùidhteach an rannsachaidh seo aig co-labhairt Joseph A. Zacanino o chionn ghoirid aig Siostam Slàinte New Haven aig Oilthigh Yale.
Thuirt Gloria Bindelglass: “Tha a h-uile neach-còmhnaidh, dotairean cùram dian agus banaltraman a’ tòiseachadh an urra ris an tagradh seo. Tha fios aca, anns na suidheachaidhean as duilghe agus as miosa, gu bheil na suidheachaidhean a tha romhpa gan dèanamh nan cleachdaichean nas fheàrr, agus chunnaic iad toraidhean sa bhad. ” Ceannard agus stèidheadair ACLS Solutions.
Tha Carmaforlife (ris an canar cuideachd an “app gluasadach airson ath-bheothachadh bho grèim cridhe”) air a dhealbhadh gus dotairean a chuideachadh ann an suidheachaidhean far a bheil àm mionaideach deatamach tro shreath de chlàran-ama cunntadh sìos. Tha na diofar phlanaichean airson gach seòrsa grèim cridhe air an liostadh gu mionaideach agus ag eadar-obrachadh leis an timer gus an dotair a stiùireadh.
Tha gnìomh atharrais còd samhlachaidh aig an metronome fuaim anns an t-seisean app agus cleachdadh, a chuidicheas luchd-cleachdaidh gus astar teannachadh broilleach atharrachadh gu foirfe.
Mar a thèid an còd air adhart, bidh an tagradh a ’clàradh a h-uile obair leantainneach ann an àm fìor. Tha am feart seo chan e a-mhàin a ’cur às don fheum air clàradh làimhe, mar sin a’ sàbhaladh ùine dhotairean, bidh e cuideachd a ’leasachadh cruinneas chlàran meidigeach agus a’ leigeil leis an sgioba sgrùdaidhean nas mionaidiche a dhèanamh air coileanadh.
Mu dheireadh, faodaidh an tagradh an stiùiriche sgioba a chuideachadh gus faighinn a-mach dè an adhbhar a dh ’fhaodadh ionnsaigh cridhe fhaighinn, mar sin a’ cuideachadh le bhith a ’luathachadh agus a’ leasachadh feabhas an euslaintich. Tha ACLS Solutions a ’moladh gum faodar an tagradh a chleachdadh chan ann a-mhàin ann an ospadalan, ach cuideachd ann an àrainneachd ro-ospadal le luchd-obrach meidigeach agus eadhon oifigearan armachd san spot.
Cho tràth ris an Lùnastal, dh ’innis sinn gun do chuir Google an cèill a thagraidhean anns a’ ghnìomhachas roinneadh turas. Chleachd a ’chompanaidh an app seòlaidh Waze aca gus tòiseachadh a’ dèanamh deuchainn “A bheil mi a’ dol a dhol? ”. Tha am bun-bheachd seo a ’leigeil leis an draibhear ceangal a chumail ri luchd-siubhail san aon taobh.
An toiseach, bha deuchainnean cuingealaichte ri Israel agus sgìre Bàgh San Francisco, ach dh ’innis am Wall Street Journal gun tug toraidhean adhartach brosnachadh do Google am prògram a leudachadh. Dh ’ainmich Ceannard Waze Noam Bardin gum bi a’ chompanaidh a ’dèanamh deuchainn air an t-seirbheis ann an grunn bhailtean mòra anns na Stàitean Aonaichte agus Ameireagaidh Laidinn anns na mìosan a tha romhainn.
Dh ’fhaodadh an leudachadh seo adhbhrachadh gu bheil Google a’ strì ri seirbheisean roinneadh turas mòr-chòrdte eile leithid Lyft agus Uber. Ach, tha seirbheisean Waze eadar-dhealaichte ann an grunn phrìomh dhòighean.
An toiseach, feumaidh luchd-cleachdaidh turasan Waze òrdachadh uairean ro làimh, agus chan eil gealltanas sam bith ann gun gabh draibhearan riutha. Tha seo air sgàth gu bheil an t-seirbheis ag iarraidh air draibhearan a bhios a ’cleachdadh tagradh seòlaidh luchd-siubhail a tha a’ siubhal san aon taobh a thogail. Air an làimh eile, tha Uber agus Lyft ag obrachadh barrachd sheirbheisean air-iarrtas a tha luchd-cleachdaidh an urra riutha gus an toirt gu àite sam bith a tha iad airson a bhith ann an ùine ghoirid.
Mar sin, mar a bhios mòran de dhraibhearan Uber agus Lyft a ’dèanamh a-nis, tha coltas ann nach bi draibhearan a’ cleachdadh Waze mar am prìomh thùs teachd-a-steach aca. Chan eil draibhearan a ’pàigheadh ​​ach 54 sgillin gach mìle do dhraibhearan (a rèir an IRS, is e seo an ìre ath-phàigheadh ​​airson turasan gnìomhachais), agus cha gheàrr Waze an teachd-a-steach sin aig an àm seo. Ach, ma tha an t-seirbheis soirbheachail, faodaidh an suidheachadh atharrachadh.
Is e am prìomh thàladh airson marcaichean an eadar-dhealachadh prìsean. Chan eil am faradh airson luchd-cleachdaidh seirbheis Waze bho Downtown Oakland gu Downtown San Francisco ach US $ 4.50, agus is e na faraidhean as saoire airson Uber agus Lyft na SA $ 10.57 agus US $ 12.40, fa leth. Ach, bidh a ’mhòr-chuid de shoirbheachadh na seirbheis seo an urra ri co-obrachadh an draibhear.
“An urrainn dhuinn leigeil le daoine àbhaisteach a dhol a dh'obair agus an togail bho àm gu àm? Is e seo an dùbhlan as motha, ”thuirt Budding.
Cheannaich Google Waze airson $ 1 billean ann an 2013, ach tha e air a bhith a ’cuimseachadh air a’ mhargaidh dràibhidh fèin-riaghailteach airson ùine. Anns an aon bhliadhna, chuir e $ 258 millean an seilbh ann an Uber agus chuir e aon de na oifigearan aige gu bòrd stiùiridh na companaidh.
Thar ùine, dhealaich an dà chompanaidh ri chèile air sgàth farpais, ach dh ’fhaodadh nochdadh seirbheis Waze Carpool cùisean a dhèanamh nas luaithe. Gu ruige seo, tha cuid de bhuannachdan aig Google oir chan fheum e faighinn seachad air cuid de na cnapan-starra riaghlaidh a dh ’fheumas seirbheisean roinneadh turas eile dèiligeadh riutha. Thuirt Bardin cuideachd gu bheil e comasach san àm ri teachd teicneòlas dràibhidh fèin-riaghailteach a thoirt a-steach do sheirbheisean.
“Nam biodh sinn mar thoiseach-tòiseachaidh, cha bhiodh e comasach dhuinn seasamh an aghaidh na geall fad-ùine sin. Le Google, is urrainn dhuinn a dhèanamh… Is dòcha aig a ’cheann thall, chan e inneal-fuadain a thogas tu, ach inneal-fuadain a thogas tu,” dh'fhaighnich e.
Faodaidh ithe èisg a bhith mar phàirt de bhiadh fallain. Ach, is e cùis cothromachaidh an ìre de mhearcair a dh ’fhaodadh luchd-cleachdaidh ithe le èisg. Tha seo neo-aithnichte.
O chionn beagan bhliadhnaichean, chaidh na mìltean de ghairmean fo thuil gus slighean turais a bhrosnachadh ann am Florida. Tha na gairmean sin ag ràdh gu bheil iad nam pàirt den chùirt.
Ma dh ’innseas cuideigin dhut gun do bhuannaich thu $ 1 millean agus nach eil agad ach“ cìs làimhseachaidh ”de $ 25 a phàigheadh, bhiodh tu amharasach, ceart? Gu mì-fhortanach, chan eil a h-uile duine cho faiceallach riut fhèin. Is toil le mòran de luchd-ceannach, gu sònraichte seann daoine, am feart seo.
Gu dearbh, chan eil bònas $ 1 millean ann. Mar sin, bidh an neach-fulang a ’call suas ri $ 25. Anns a ’chùis as miosa, faodaidh luchd-foill creach a dhèanamh air na cunntasan banca no cairt creideis aca.
Dh ’aontaich aon neach den leithid bho Ian Gamberg casaidean a’ Choimisein Malairt Feadarail fhuasgladh, ag ràdh gun do rinn e seirbheis don phrògram puist dhìreach agus thug e air daoine smaoineachadh gun d ’fhuair iad duais.
Cho-dhùin an aonta rèiteachaidh na casaidean an aghaidh Gamberg. Chlò-bhuail agus chuir Gamberg fiosrachadh adhartachaidh agus dheasaich e cànan agus cruth a ’phuist agus a’ chèis leis an luchd-dìon eile. Tha sanasachd air an postadh ann an ainm Paulson Independent Distributor, Ionad Ceannach Eadar-nàiseanta, Phelps Ingram Distributor agus Keller Sloan & Associates.
Chuir an t-òrdugh breithneachadh $ 800,000 air, ach stèidhichte air an t-suidheachadh ionmhais aige, cha robh cead aig Gamberg ach $ 1,400 a phàigheadh. Ma thèid a lorg nach eil an aithris aige fìor, thèid làn bhreithneachadh a dhèanamh sa bhad.
Tha a ’chùis-lagha an aghaidh an luchd-dìon a tha air fhàgail sa phlana, Millenium Direct Incorporated agus a phrionnsapal David Raff, a’ leantainn.
Chaidh a ’chùis a thogail mar fhreagairt air iomairt eadar-nàiseanta gus cuir an aghaidh foill puist, a bha a’ toirt a-steach gnìomhan a rinn buidhnean èigneachaidh lagha às a ’Bheilg, Canada, an Òlaind agus an Rìoghachd Aonaichte.
Cuimhnich gur e Tbh a th ’ann an Tbh agus gur e lìonra a tha san eadar-lìon? Mar a tha innealan gluasadach gan cleachdadh barrachd is barrachd ann am meadhanan dibhearsain, tha an loidhne eadar an dà rud a ’sìor fhàs.
Tha aithisg ann a-nis a dh ’fhaodadh a bhith nas aonaichte, oir dh’ innis Bloomberg News gu bheil Major League Baseball (MLB) ann an còmhraidhean le Facebook, an dòchas geama a chraoladh air àrd-ùrlaran meadhanan sòisealta gach seachdain an t-seusan seo.
Dh ’ainmich Bloomberg neach a bha faisg air an deasbad ag ràdh gu robh e coltach gu robh còmhraidhean aige le mòran de na meadhanan naidheachd eile, a bha cuideachd ag aithris na sgeòil. Tha seo a ’sealltainn, mus robh na còmhraidhean, gu robh aon no an dà phàrtaidh a’ fleòdradh bailiùn deuchainn.
Anns a ’Ghiblean mu dheireadh, dh’ ainmich Twitter agus an Lìog Ball-coise Nàiseanta (NFL) aonta fon tèid Twitter a chraoladh geamannan ball-coise oidhche Dhiardaoin ann an seusan 2016. Mar as trice bidh na geamannan sin air an cluich le Lìonra NFL tro Tbh càball agus air an craoladh air stèiseanan Tbh margaidhean dachaigh an dà sgioba.
A rèir aithisgean, phàigh Twitter $ 10 millean airson seo. Nas tràithe air a ’mhìos seo, dh’ innis The Wall Street Journal nach do mheudaich na geamannan sin an àireamh de luchd-cleachdaidh Twitter a tha an companaidh an dòchas.
Às deidh susbaint bhidio a lorg o chionn ghoirid, tha àrd-ùrlaran meadhanan sòisealta ag iarraidh barrachd susbaint. Aig an aon àm, tha an t-acras air riochdairean susbaint spòrs airson buill-sùla. Tha iad a ’sìor fhàs comasach air an ceangal tro chàbaill.
Tha an crìonadh slaodach ann an luchd-aontachaidh ESPN a-riamh air a bhith na adhbhar pian Disney aig a ’chompanaidh phàrant, oir tha luchd-amhairc òga a’ sìor fhàs an urra ri fònaichean sgairteil airson cha mhòr a h-uile fèisteas agus fiosrachadh.
Cha tug Facebook no MLB iomradh air aithisg Bloomberg. Feumaidh a leithid de ghnothaichean aontachadh leis a ’mhòr-chuid de shealbhadairean.
Ged a tha fèill mhòr ball-basgaid anns na Stàitean Aonaichte air a dhol sìos anns na deicheadan mu dheireadh, bha coltas ann gun robh Sreath na Cruinne an-uiridh eadar na Cubs agus na h-Innseanaich a ’tàladh mac-meanmna an t-sluaigh agus ùidh às ùr. Ged a dh ’fhaodadh gum biodh ùidh aig Facebook aig prìs reusanta ìosal, dh’ fhaodadh luchd-seilbh ball-basgaid a bhith air an tàladh le buaidh eadar-nàiseanta Facebook - tha barrachd luchd-cleachdaidh aige taobh a-muigh nan Stàitean Aonaichte na tha taobh a-staigh a chrìochan.
An urrainn do Facebook prògraman spòrs eile a leantainn? O chionn ghoirid tha an Ceannard Mark Zuckerburg air barrachd ùidh a nochdadh ann am figearan spòrs. An t-seachdain seo, ann an Tuscaloosa, choinnich e ri prìomh choidse ball-coise Alabama, Nick Saban, gus beachdachadh air sgilean ceannais.
Is e aon dhòigh air slàinte ionmhasail luchd-cleachdaidh a thomhas mar a làimhsicheas iad fiachan. Às deidh don aithisg sealltainn àrdachadh ann an ìrean bunaiteach cairt creideas.
Eadhon ged a chunnaic an cuilean-coille e aig toiseach na mìos seo, chan eil an t-earrach cho fada air falbh. Leis, tha mosgìotothan agus bhìoras Zika a ’bagairt tachairt a-rithist.
Anns a ’gheamhradh, tha luchd-rannsachaidh meidigeach air a bhith trang a’ leasachadh banachdachan anti-bhìoras agus tha iad air adhartas mòr aithris.
Thuirt an Dotair Dan H. Barouch bho Ionad Meidigeach Beth Israel Deaconess (BIDMC): “Tha astar leasachadh clionaigeach preclinical agus tràth den bhanachdach Zika gun samhail.”
Tha Barouch na ùghdar co-fhreagarrach air artaigil ath-bhreithneachaidh san iris “Banachdachadh”, a ’toirt cunntas air adhartas rannsachaidh a’ bhanachdach Zika. Thuirt e, ann an ùine ghoirid, gu bheil luchd-rannsachaidh air sealltainn gum faod diofar àrd-ùrlaran banachdach dìon èifeachdach a thoirt seachad an aghaidh ionnsaighean bhìoras Zika ann an deuchainnean bheathaichean.
Thuirt Barouch: “Ach, feumaidh leasachadh clionaigeach a’ bhanachdach Zika dùbhlain sònraichte. ”
An-diugh, dìreach dà bhliadhna às deidh a ’chiad dol-a-mach bhìoras Zika ann am Brasil, tha luchd-rannsachaidh ag amas air trì tagraichean banachdach eadar-dhealaichte. Tha iad ag ràdh gu bheil na tagraichean banachdach seo èifeachdach an dà chuid ann am muncaidhean luchainn agus rhesus ann an àrainneachd obair-lann. Tha buaidh dìon èifeachdach aige. Chaidh grunn deuchainnean daonna a dhèanamh ann an grunn àiteachan anns na Stàitean Aonaichte an tuiteam mu dheireadh
Thuirt Barouch: “Tha leasachadh luath thagraichean banachdach Zika ann an deuchainnean clionaigeach a’ nochdadh co-obrachadh dealasach agus èifeachdach luchd-saidheans san raon seo gus fuasgladh fhaighinn air an duilgheadas chruinneil chudromach seo. "
Ged nach eil comharran bhìoras Zika dona agus mar as trice bidh daoine a ’faighinn seachad air às deidh beagan sheachdainean, faodaidh am bhìoras buaidh uamhasach a thoirt air às deidh dha boireannaich a tha trom le leanabh fhaighinn.
Tha Buidheann Slàinte na Cruinne (WHO) a ’toirt rabhadh gur e galar bhìoras Zika nuair a tha thu trom le adhbhar malformachadh eanchainn congenital, a’ toirt a-steach microcephaly, a tha na dhroch-chruth gnèitheach far nach urrainn don eanchainn leasachadh gu h-iomlan. Faodaidh bhìoras Zika cuideachd syndrome Guillain-Barré adhbhrachadh.
Eadhon leis an adhartas a chaidh a dhèanamh anns a ’bhliadhna a dh’ fhalbh, thuirt Barush nach eil fios fhathast air mòran de rudan mun bhìoras Zika, a chuireas maill air leasachadh banachdachan.
Thuirt e gu bheil cùisean sàbhailteachd na phrìomh chùis oir bidh an sluagh targaid de bhanachdach sam bith a ’toirt a-steach boireannaich a tha trom no a dh’ fhaodadh a bhith trom le leanabh.
Taing don ìre as àirde de dhìon an-aghaidh bualadh, siostam an aghaidh bualadh an toiseach agus solais àrd-inbhe, faodaidh an Subaru Impreza ath-dhealbhadh coiseachd.
A rèir Comann Bancairean Morgaids (Comann Bancairean Morgaids), san t-seachdain a ’crìochnachadh air 17 Gearran, thuit tagraidhean morgaids airson an dàrna turas ann an sreath, sìos 2% bho chionn seachdain.
Thuit an clàr-amais ath-mhaoineachadh 1% bhon t-seachdain roimhe, agus thuit a ’chuibhreann de ath-mhaoineachadh de ghnìomhachd morgaids 0.7% gu 46.2% de thagraidhean iomlan, an ìre as ìsle bhon t-Samhain 2008.
Thuit a ’chuibhreann de ghnìomhachd morgaids ìre caochlaideach (ARM) ann an tagraidhean iomlan gu 7.3%, bha cuibhreann FHA aig 11.6%, dh’ èirich roinn VA bho 11.8% an t-seachdain roimhe gu 12.1%, agus bha cuibhreann USDA aig 0.9%.
Chuimhnich Corporra Yamaha Ameireagaidh air Pàirc Buena, California, mu 900 beingean a chaidh an reic le pianos grand Yamaha.
Tha cus peant anns a ’pheant air taobh a-staigh a’ bheing, a tha a ’dol an aghaidh inbhe peant luaidhe feadarail.
Tha an ath-ghairm a ’toirt a-steach being obrach piàna 3I PM ​​/ PAW air a reic le Yamaha Grand Piano GB1K PM / PAW.
Tha na beingean cuimhneachail mar fhiodh donn le suidheachain leathar donn agus roinn fo na suidheachain. Tha an còd ceann-latha riochdachaidh eadar 08 07 agus 16 08 (tha a ’bhliadhna agus a’ mhìos “YY MM”). Tha an àireamh modail, còd ceann-latha saothrachaidh agus “Yamaha Corporation” air an clò-bhualadh air an leubail geal anns an roinn a-staigh.
Gheibh luchd-cleachdaidh cuideachd liosta de dh ’àireamhan sreathach piàna a chaidh a reic leis a’ bheing ath-ghairm aig http://4wrd.it/benchrecall.
Eadar am Faoilleach 2009 agus an t-Samhain 2016, chaidh na beingean sin a dhèanamh ann an Indonesia agus an reic còmhla ri pianaichean mòra ann am bùthan piàna air feadh na dùthcha airson timcheall air US $ 15,000.
Bu chòir do luchd-cleachdaidh a ’bheing piàna ath-ghairm a thoirt air falbh bhon àite le clann sa bhad, agus fios a chuir gu Yamaha, na SA airson stiùireadh mu bhith a’ tilleadh a ’phiàna airson ath-chuir an-asgaidh.
Faodaidh luchd-cleachdaidh fios a chuir gu Yamaha gun chìsean aig 844-703-5446 eadar 8: 30m agus 4: 30f (PT) bho Diluain gu Dihaoine. Is e an seòladh puist-d Benchrecall@yamaha.com agus is e an làrach-lìn www. usa.yamaha. com, an uairsin cliog air “taic” no http://4wrd.it/benchrecall airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh.
Tha Companaidh Càise Biery a ’cuimhneachadh air càise coloin fad-beatha sònraichte a dh’ fhaodadh a bhith air a thruailleadh le Listeria.
Chaidh na toraidhean a leanas a ghairm air ais, a phacaigeadh aig Companaidh Càise Biery ann an Louisville, Ohio, agus a sgaoileadh aig ionadan sgaoilidh ann an Georgia, Indiana, agus Pennsylvania bho 11 Samhain, 2016 gu 4 Faoilleach, 2017:
Cha bu chòir do luchd-ceannach a cheannaich na toraidhean ath-ghairm iad ithe, ach bu chòir dhaibh an toirt air ais chun àite ceannach airson làn-aisig air ais.
Faodaidh luchd-cleachdaidh aig a bheil ceistean fios a chuir gu Biery Cheese aig 1-800-243-3731 bho Diluain gu Dihaoine bho 8: 00m gu 4: 30f (Àm Coitcheann an Ear).
Thug Deutsch Kase Haus à Middlebury, Indiana, na SA, càise dha MDS Foods a chaidh a lorg air a thruailleadh leis an Listeria monocytogenes pathogenic.
Ath-ghairm na nithean a leanas bhon aon loidhne riochdachaidh ris na toraidhean gu h-àrd:
Cha bu chòir do luchd-ceannach a cheannaich na toraidhean ath-ghairm iad ithe, ach bu chòir dhaibh an toirt air ais chun àite ceannach airson làn-aisig air ais.
Faodaidh luchd-cleachdaidh le teagamh fios a chuir gu Seirbheis Luchd-ceannach Bidhe MDS aig (330) 879-9780 Diluain gu Dihaoine, 8: 00m gu 5: 00f (Àm Coitcheann an Ear).
An toiseach, bha daoine draghail gum biodh cus cleachdadh innealan gun uèir ag adhbhrachadh sgrìoban aillse eanchainn. An àite sin, bha iad fo chasaid gun do ghoid iad càr.
Nuair a dh ’fheumas a’ chompanaidh àrdachadh tuarastail is àrdachadh a riarachadh, faodaidh an teannachadh eadar luchd-obrach a bhith àrd. Mar as trice, bidh an fheadhainn a tha a ’fàilligeadh aig a’ cheann thall a ’faireachdainn faoin, ach a bheil an fhìrinn gu bheil an teachd-a-steach aca nas ìsle na na co-obraichean aca ri dhèanamh ris na coltas aca?
Tha luchd-rannsachaidh bho Sgoil Eaconamachd Lunnainn agus Oilthigh Massachusetts den bheachd gum faodadh seo a bhith na adhbhar. Às deidh dhaibh sgrùdadh a dhèanamh, thuirt iad gu bheil a bhith tarraingeach gu corporra a ’toirt buannachd do luchd-cleachdaidh barrachd teachd-a-steach a thàladh.
Ach, tha iad ag ràdh nach e bòidhchead am prìomh thaobh a bheir barrachd teachd-a-steach dha-rìribh. Tha fìrinnean air dearbhadh gu bheil na feartan pearsantachd agus fèin-mhisneachd a tha air an toirt seachad le coltas nas cudromaiche.
“Gu corporra, is dòcha gum bi luchd-obrach nas tarraingiche a’ cosnadh barrachd, is dòcha air sgàth gu bheil iad nas bòidhche, ach seach gu bheil iad nas fhallaine, nas buige, agus gu bheil feartan pearsantachd nas fheàrr aca a tha a ’cur ri àrd-ìre Mar eisimpleir, nas ciallaiche, nas inntinniche agus nas lugha de neurotic.” Mhìnich an neach-rannsachaidh Satoshi Kanazawa.
Chan e beachd ùr a th ’ann gum bi luchd-obrach nas tarraingiche a’ pàigheadh ​​barrachd. Tha luchd-rannsachaidh ag ràdh gu bheil sgrùdaidhean roimhe seo air feuchainn ri dèiligeadh ri “cìsean bòidhchead” agus “peanasan grànda.”
Anns an sgrùdadh làithreach, rinn an luchd-rannsachaidh measadh air a ’bheachd le bhith a’ dèanamh anailis air sampall riochdachail de luchd-obrach Ameireaganach air feadh na dùthcha. Bidh e a ’measadh luchd-obrach stèidhichte air an tarraing corporra aig ceithir diofar ìrean de bheatha ann an 13 bliadhna. Tha toraidhean an t-suirbhidh air an eagrachadh a ’cleachdadh sgèile còig puingean.
Tha sgrùdadh a ’sealltainn nach eilear a’ dèanamh leth-bhreith air luchd-obrach air sgàth an coltas. An àite sin, lorg an luchd-rannsachaidh gu bheil taobhan leithid slàinte, inntleachd, agus prìomh fhactaran pearsantachd co-cheangailte ri tarraingeachd corporra.
Thuirt an luchd-rannsachaidh: “Tha e coltach gu bheil luchd-obrach nas bòidhche a’ cosnadh barrachd, chan ann air sgàth gu bheil iad brèagha, ach air sgàth gu bheil iad nas fhallaine, nas buige, agus gu bheil pearsantachd nas fheàrr (nas cunntachaile agus nas iomallaiche, ach nas lugha de neurotic). ”
Gu h-ìoranta, tha luchd-rannsachaidh eadhon air faighinn a-mach, ann an cuid de chùisean, gu bheil an dòigh-obrach seo nas tarraingiche na co-obraichean.
Às deidh mion-sgrùdadh a dhèanamh air na co-dhùnaidhean, lorg Kanazawa agus am prìomh neach-rannsachaidh Mary Still (Mary Still) gu robh luchd-freagairt a bha air am meas “glè neo-tharraingeach” air an sgèile gu h-àbhaisteach a ’faighinn barrachd buannachd na an fheadhainn nach robh tarraingeach. àrd. Ann an cuid de chùisean, faodaidh an luchd-obrach sin eadhon dùbhlan a thoirt dhaibhsan aig a bheil cliù àrd airson bòidhchead.
Thuirt an neach-rannsachaidh: “Bidh teachd-a-steach mòran nas àirde an-còmhnaidh aig luchd-freagairt fìor neo-tharraingeach na luchd-freagairt neo-tharraingeach, agus uaireannan eadhon nas motha na luchd-freagairt a tha coltach gu cuibheasach no tarraingeach.”
Às deidh pròiseas dearbhaidh agus measaidh teann, dh ’ainmich luchd-deasachaidh Kelly Blue Book (KBB) e mar na 12 càr teaghlaich as fheàrr ann an 2017.
Thuirt boireannach ann an Siorrachd Los Angeles gun do mheall Sprint i agus co-dhiù 99 neach-caitheimh California eile a gheall gu meallta prìsean a lughdachadh agus trì Visa cs a phàigheadh ​​ro-làimh.
Dh ’innis sinn o chionn ghoirid gu bheil Yahoo agus Verizon a’ dèanamh adhartas ann a bhith a ’crìochnachadh a’ ghnothaich togail. Bho iomadh briseadh dàta Yahoo gu fathannan mu iarrtas Verizon airson lasachadh mòr air a ’ghnothach, tha mòran eas-bhuannachdan aig an aonta.
A dh ’aindeoin na dùbhlain sin, tha an dà chompanaidh fhathast ann an còmhraidhean. Thuirt stòran faisg air an t-suidheachadh an t-seachdain sa chaidh gum faodadh Verizon lasachadh $ 350 millean iarraidh agus co-roinn buaidh laghail sam bith co-cheangailte ris a ’bhriseadh dàta o chionn ghoirid le Yahoo.
A rèir stòran, a-nis, dh ’innis an“ Wall Street Journal ”gum bi an dà chompanaidh a’ gearradh 350 millean dolar na SA bhon aonta tùsail 4.83 billean dolar na SA, agus bidh iad a ’roinn na cosgaisean co-cheangailte ri brisidhean gu cothromach. Chan eil Verizon agus Yahoo air an aonta ath-sgrùdaichte ainmeachadh gu h-oifigeil, ach tha dùil gum bi e air a bhuileachadh a dh ’aithghearr.
Tha Yahoo air planaichean a dhèanamh mu thràth agus ma shoirbhicheas leis a ’cheannach, leanaidh e air, a’ toirt a-steach atharrachadh ainm a ’ghnìomhachais a tha air fhàgail gu“ Altaba ”agus lughdachadh na h-àireamh de dhreuchdan air a’ bhòrd aige. Bha stòr a ’cumail a-mach gu bheil a’ chompanaidh cuideachd airson earrannan a reic ann an Alibaba Group Holdings Ltd. agus Yahoo Japan.
Airson Verizon, tha mòran bhuaidhean adhartach is àicheil aig a ’ghnothach seo. Às deidh dha gnìomhachas eadar-lìn Yahoo fhaighinn gu soirbheachail, bidh e comasach dha na meadhanan gluasadach agus na margaidhean sanasachd aige a leudachadh agus brath a ghabhail air a ’bhunait luchd-cleachdaidh mòr a tha ceangailte ri àrd-ùrlar Yahoo. Ach, às deidh don bhriseadh dàta o chionn ghoirid buaidh a thoirt air còrr air 1 billean cunntasan Yahoo, tha luchd-earrannan companaidh faiceallach mun ghnìomhachas.
Ged a dh ’fheumas na h-aon luchd-earrannan sin aontachadh ris an aonta togail ath-sgrùdaichte, tha an dà chompanaidh an dòchas gum bi an gnothach deiseil ro mheadhan a’ Ghiblein.
Dh ’ainmich Comann Gnìomhachas nan dèideagan na dèideagan agus na geamannan as fheàrr den bhliadhna aig na 17mh Duaisean Bhliadhnail Toy of the Year (TOTY) a chaidh a chumail o chionn ghoirid ann am Baile New York.
Aig amannan cluinnidh tu gu bheil sealbhadair an taighe “fon uisge” - a tha a ’ciallachadh gu bheil barrachd thaighean aca na bu chòir dhaibh a bhith. Ach ann an da-rìribh is dòcha gu bheil thu fon uisge, a tha an-dràsta mu choinneimh luchd-seilbh dachaigh ann am pàirtean de cheann a tuath California.
Mar a tha eagal air oifigearan tubaist, ma dh ’fhailicheas an t-slighe-dòrtaidh aig Dama Lake Oroville, faodaidh còrr is 100,000 taigh a bhith fo thuil.
Thuirt Janet Ruiz, riochdaire California bho Institiud Fiosrachaidh Àrachais: “Tha an cunnart bho thuiltean a’ bagairt gu mòr air beatha agus seilbh nan siorrachdan sin ann an ceann a tuath California agus a ’toirt air na mìltean de dhaoine falmhachadh.” Chan eil na prìomh phoileasaidhean àrachais màladair is malairteach a ’còmhdach milleadh a rinn tuiltean. Tha feum air poileasaidh àrachais tuil air leth. ”
No mar a thuirt Coimiseanair Àrachais California Dave Jones: “Is dòcha gur e àrachas tuiltean a h-uile càil eadar thu fhèin agus an call ionmhasail millteach…. Tha mi a ’cur ìmpidh air luchd-seilbh dachaigh an còmhdach aca ath-sgrùdadh agus beachdachadh air Poileasaidh àrachais tuil a leasachadh. Feumaidh luchd-cleachdaidh na cunnartan aca a thuigsinn agus a bhith ullaichte mus tig mòr-thubaist. ”
Gheibhear àrachas tuiltean le subsadaidh feadarail bho Phrògram Àrachais Tuiltean Nàiseanta (NFIP) FEMA agus cuid de chompanaidhean àrachais prìobhaideach. Tha e cudromach cuimhneachadh gu bheil ùine feitheimh 30-latha aig poileasaidh NFIP mus tèid an còmhdach a chuir an gnìomh, agus mar sin chan urrainn dhut feitheamh gus an tòisich e a ’sileadh.
Ma tha feum air àrachas a bharrachd air poileasaidh bunaiteach FEMA NFIP, faodaidh cuid de chompanaidhean àrachais prìobhaideach poileasaidhean àrachais tuil a bharrachd a thoirt seachad. Gus barrachd ionnsachadh mu àrachas tuiltean, tadhal air FloodSmart.gov.
Atharraichidh luchd-cleachdaidh a tha air a bhith cleachdte ri prìsean gasoline an ìre mhath ìosal anns an dà bhliadhna gu leth seo as t-earrach.
Gu dearbh, tha iad mu thràth. A rèir sgrùdadh tomhas connaidh AAA, b ’e a’ phrìs chuibheasach nàiseanta de gasoline fèin-sheirbheis $ 2.28 gach galan, a bha cha mhòr gun atharrachadh an t-seachdain sa chaidh. Ach an taca ris a ’phrìs bliadhna air ais, tha e 57 sgillin gach gallan nas àirde.
Is e a ’phrìs chuibheasach nàiseanta de gasoline àrd-inbhe a tha a dhìth airson barrachd is barrachd chàraichean ùra $ 2.80 gach galan, a tha timcheall air 59 sgillin nas àirde na an-uiridh. Is e prìs reic cuibheasach dìosail $ 2.51 gach galan, a tha timcheall air 53 sgillin nas àirde na an-uiridh.
Gu ruige seo, is e cosgais ola amh an adhbhar airson an àrdachadh prìsean. Tha prìsean ola nas àirde na an-uiridh, gu h-àraidh air sgàth gu bheil OPEC air a bhith a ’cur a-mach comharran làidir gu bheil iad an dùil cinneasachadh a ghearradh gus barrachas ola a lughdachadh, a tha air prìsean ola a chumail an ìre mhath lag bho dheireadh 2014.
Ach, cha do thachair a ’mhòr-chuid de na lughdachaidhean a chaidh a mholadh fhathast. Tha misneachd a tha a ’sìor fhàs ann am margaidh na h-ola ann am prìsean ola ag èirigh air luchd-malairt a bhrosnachadh gus prìsean ola amh a phutadh fo $ 55 gach baraille, a tha fada bhon àrd.
Anns na beagan sheachdainean a tha romhainn, tha coltas ann gum bi draibhearan a ’tòiseachadh a’ faicinn prìsean pumpa airson gach ìre connaidh a ’tòiseachadh ag èirigh. Tha seo air sgàth gu bheil fìneadairean mar as trice a ’lughdachadh obrachaidhean aig deireadh a’ gheamhraidh agus tràth san earrach airson cumail suas agus a ’tòiseachadh ag atharrachadh gu gasoline aig prìs nas àirde as t-samhradh.
Mar as trice bidh na prìsean sin ag èirigh gu deireadh-seachdain Latha Cuimhneachaidh, agus an uairsin a ’tuiteam gu slaodach tron ​​t-samhradh. Ma tha am-bliadhna coltach ris an-uiridh, is dòcha gum faic luchd-cleachdaidh prìsean gasoline ag èirigh timcheall air 25 sgillin mus tig iad gu àirde.
Ma dh ’fheumas aon no dhà de fhìneadairean cinneasachadh a ghearradh nas fhaide, bidh an toradh aca eadhon nas àirde. Thairis air an deireadh-sheachdain, bhris teine ​​a-mach aig fìneadair-ola ann an Torrance, California. A rèir an Los Angeles Times, thòisich an teine ​​le spreadhadh madainn Disathairne. Thuirt anailisiche GasBuddy, Patrick DeHaan, ann an tweet gum faodadh luchd-motair California prìsean gasoline àrdachadh 10 gu 25 sgillin.
An-dràsta, is e prìs cuibheasach gasoline cunbhalach ann an California $ 2.90 gach galan. Is e a ’phrìs àrd $ 3.14 gach galan.
Tha cuid de na gasoline as daoire san dùthaich aig California. Tha an gasoline as saoire an t-seachdain seo ann an Carolina a Deas. Is e prìs cuibheasach gasoline cunbhalach air feadh na stàite $ 2.03 gach galan, agus is e prìs cuibheasach na prìse $ 2.60.
O chionn beagan bhliadhnaichean, bha luchd-ceannach dachaigh millennial gu mòr airson fuireach anns a ’bhaile-mòr seo. Is toil leotha am beachd a bhith a ’coiseachd gu taighean-dealbh, taighean-bìdh agus ionadan bhùthan.
Ach, mar a bhios barrachd is barrachd dhaoine a ’tòiseachadh ghnìomhachasan teaghlaich, tha na sgìrean fo-bhailtean an-diugh a’ coimhead nas tarraingiche. Tha Realtor.com ag aithris gu bheil mòran de choimhearsnachdan fo-bhailtean air a bhith nan àiteachan reic thogalaichean, a ’dèanamh àrdachadh ann am prìsean thaighean taobh a-muigh prìomh raointean a’ bhaile.
Chan eil ann am margaidh an taigheadais ach Northeast Colorado / Montebello, bruach de Denver; Willie / Paul, St. Texas, bruach de Dallas; bruach-mòr California ann am Baile Àtha Cliath / Duberty, a tha na phrìomh àite fo-bhailtean as ainmeil anns na Stàitean Aonaichte.
Thuirt Jonathan Smoke, prìomh eaconamaiche aig realtor.com: “Tha na sgìrean fo-bhailtean mar as trice air am faicinn mar Meccans de theaghlaichean òga a tha deònach a bhith ri malairt ann an ùine siubhail nas giorra agus beatha oidhche a’ bhaile mar mhalairt air sgoiltean nas fheàrr agus taighean nas motha. ”
Ach thuirt Yan gu bheil an dàimh eadar fo-bhailtean agus sgìrean bailteil eadar-cheangailte. Anns na beagan bhliadhnaichean a dh ’fhalbh, leis gu bheil prìsean taigheadais bailteil air fàs skyrocketed agus ìrean tasgaidhean air teannachadh, tha prìsean taigheadais fo-bhailtean aig prìs ruigsinneach air a bhith nas tarraingiche.
Thuirt Yan: “Tha an anailis againn a’ sealltainn gu bheil 50% de luchd-ceannach an dùil taighean a cheannach as t-earrach, a tha a ’sealltainn gum b’ fheàrr leotha taighean fo-bhailtean. ”
Ach tha an anailis cuideachd a ’sealltainn gu bheil na sgìrean fo-bhailtean mar as trice a’ tàladh luchd-ceannach seach gu bheil iad faisg air an sgìre bhailteil agus goireasach gu agus bho. Thuirt Yan gu bheil na sgìrean fo-bhailtean clàraichte taobh a-muigh meadhan a ’bhaile, agus gu bheil meadhan a’ bhaile fhèin na mhargaid taigheadais mòr-chòrdte.
Tha na sgìrean fo-bhailtean air an liosta cuideachd air fàs spreadhaidh fhaicinn o chionn ghoirid. Anns na seachd bliadhna a dh ’fhalbh, bha ìre fàis cuibheasach nan dachaighean aca aig 18.8%. Chan eil seo a ’toirt buaidh air fàs choimhearsnachdan fo-bhailtean agus bailteil eile.
Ann an cuid de metropolises Sunbelt, tha fàs dhachaighean fo-bhailtean fada nas motha na fàs a ’bhaile. Lorg mion-sgrùdadh Realtor.com gun do dh ’fhàs fo-bhailtean Austin, San Antonio, Oklahoma City, Jacksonville agus Houston 18% gu 27% eadar 2010 agus 2017. An coimeas ri sin, chan eil sgìrean bailteil nan metropolises sin ach 7% gu 16%. Air feadh na dùthcha, tha fàs sluaigh fo-bhailtean aig 33 a-mach à 50 sgìre metropolitan a tha nas àirde na fàs àireamh-sluaigh bailteil.
Thuirt Realtor.com gu bheil na sgìrean fo-bhailtean air an liosta aige anns na 8% de na còdan puist as mòr-chòrdte san dùthaich. Thuirt e gun d ’fhuair na taighean sin 1.6 uiread de bheachdan air realtor.com na na taighean àbhaisteach san sgrùdadh.
Thuirt dotair ann am Flint, Michigan, gu bheil e air dòigh sgrìonaidh sònraichte a leasachadh a lorgas aillse broilleach ann am boireannaich le teannachadh broilleach dlùth.
Thuirt e gum faod am protocol aige “MRI broilleach luath” aillse broilleach a lorg sia bliadhna nas tràithe na mamografachd agus dh ’fhaodadh e mìltean de bheatha a shàbhaladh.
Tha Comann aillse Ameireagaidh ag ràdh air an làrach-lìn aca: “Ma tha tòrr stuth snàithleach no glandular agad, ach gun mòran geir nad bhroilleach, thèid do bhroilleach a mheas mar thiugh.”
Tha e a ’tionndadh a-mach gu bheil dùmhlachd broilleach gu math cumanta agus nach eil e anabarrach. Ach, dh ’fhaodadh seo a bhith na dhùbhlan airson sgrìonadh le mamograman.
A rèir Clionaig Mayo, tha laghan aig cuid de stàitean a tha ag iarraidh air dotairean fiosrachadh a thoirt do bhoireannaich nuair a tha mamograman a ’sealltainn gu bheil am broilleach dùmhail. Thuirt Clionaig Mayo: “Ach, chan eil e soilleir dè a bu chòir dha boireannaich a dhèanamh mu dheidhinn seo."
Tha an Dr David A. Strahle, Cathraiche Ìomhaigh Meidigeach Roinneil (RMI), den bheachd gur dòcha gur e MRI broilleach luath am freagairt.
Tha MRI na dhòigh fìor èifeachdach airson a bhith a ’cumail sùil air na thachras taobh a-staigh bodhaig an duine. Is e an aon dhuilgheadas gu bheil e gu math daor. Mar sin, chan eil ach mu 2% de bhoireannaich (boireannaich a tha air am meas ann an cunnart mòr aillse broilleach) air a dhol tro MRI.
Thuirt Strahle gun lughdaich am prògram aige an ùine a dh ’fheumar airson sganaidhean broilleach 70% gu dìreach 7 mionaidean. Thuirt e gun lughdaich seo cosgaisean gu mòr.
Ged nach eil a ’chompanaidh àrachais fhathast a’ còmhdach MRI broilleach luath, thuirt Strahle gur e $ 395 cosgais taobh a-muigh na pòcaid, fhad ‘s a tha cosgais làn MRI breithneachaidh $ 700 no barrachd. Thuirt Strahle nach fheum an scan a bhith air a dhèanamh ach a h-uile dà bhliadhna, chan e mamograman nas trice.
Thuirt Strahle: “Is e adhartas mòr a tha seo." “Chì mi gun urrainn dhuinn aon latha casg a chuir air a’ ghalar seo bho bhith a ’marbhadh bhoireannaich.”
Tha na h-Ionadan airson Smachd agus Bacadh Galar (CDC) ag aithris gur e aillse broilleach an aillse as cumanta a tha a ’toirt buaidh air boireannaich anns na Stàitean Aonaichte. Ann an 2013 (a ’bhliadhna as ùire far a bheil dàta buntainneach ri fhaighinn), bhàsaich faisg air 41,000 boireannach Ameireaganach le aillse broilleach.
A rèir sgrùdadh a rinn na h-Ionadan airson Smachd agus Bacadh Galar (CDC), tha boireannaich eadar 50 agus 74 a ’faighinn sgrìonadh airson aillse broilleach gach dà bhliadhna. Bu chòir do bhoireannaich fo aois 50 bruidhinn ris an dotair aca aig toiseach an sgrùdaidh.
Anns a ’Ghearran, chrìon misneachd luchd-togail anns a’ mhargaidh dachaigh aon-teaghlaich ùr airson an dàrna mìos an dèidh a chèile, agus thuit Comann Nàiseanta Luchd-togail Dachaigh (NAHB) / Clàr-amais Margaidh Taigheadais Wells Fargo (HMI) 2 phuing gu 65 puingean.
Thuirt Prìomh Eaconamaiche NAHB, Robert Dietz: “Tha crìonadh na mìos seo gu mòr mar thoradh air a’ chrìonadh ann an gnothaichean ceannaichean. Bidh luchd-togail a ’leantainn orra ag obair gu cruaidh gus cosgaisean a lughdachadh fhad‘ s a bhios iad a ’dèiligeadh ri dùbhlain solair, leithid fearann ​​neo-leasaichte. Agus gainnead saothair. ” “A dh’ aindeoin na cuingeadan sin, tha bunaitean margaidh iomlan an taigheadais fhathast làidir, agus tha dùil gum faic sinn fàs leantainneach às deidh dhuinn fuasgladh fhaighinn air an duilgheadas seo am-bliadhna. "
Bidh NAHB / Wells Fargo HMI a ’measadh beachdan luchd-togail mu reic gnàthach dachaigh aon teaghlach agus dùilean reic airson na sia mìosan a tha romhainn mar“ mhath ”,“ meadhanach ”no“ dona ”. Iarraidh air luchd-togail ìre luchd-ceannach a mheas mar “àrd gu glè àrd”, “cuibheasach” no “ìosal gu glè ìosal”.
Tha na sgòran airson gach co-phàirt an uairsin air an cleachdadh gus clàr-amais atharrachadh ràitheil, far a bheil àireamh sam bith os cionn 50 a ’nochdadh gu bheil barrachd luchd-togail den bheachd gu bheil suidheachaidhean nas fheàrr na nas miosa.
Thuit na trì pàirtean HMI sa Ghearran. Thuit a ’phàirt a tha a’ tomhas suidheachadh reic gnàthach 1 phuing gu 71; thuit an clàr-amais a tha a ’nochdadh dùilean reic airson na sia mìosan a tha romhainn 3 puingean gu 73; thuit a ’phàirt a tha a’ tomhas tadhal air ceannaichean 5 puingean. Gu 46.
A ’breithneachadh bhon chuibheasachd gluasadach trì mìosan de sgòran HMI roinneil, thuit roinn an ear-thuath 2 phuing, thuit an roinn a deas 1 phuing, dh’ èirich roinnean a ’mheadhan agus an iar le 1 phuing, agus dh’ fhan roinn an iar seasmhach airson an treas mìos an dèidh a chèile. .
Thuirt Cathraiche NAHB Granger NicDhòmhnaill: “Ged a tha luchd-togail fhathast dòchasach, tha na h-àireamhan a tha sinn a’ faicinn a ’tilleadh gu raointean àbhaisteach.” “Tha an eallach riaghlaidh fhathast na dhùbhlan mòr don ghnìomhachas againn. Tha NAHB a ’coimhead air adhart ri bhith a’ coinneachadh ri dùbhlain ùra. Cho-obraich a ’Chòmhdhail agus an riaghaltas gus faochadh a thoirt do chuid den chuideam gus prìs ruigsinneach ghnìomhachasan beaga a lughdachadh agus prìs taigheadais a lughdachadh.”
Mar a tha sinn air aithris anns na beagan làithean a dh ’fhalbh, tha prìs ruigsinneach taigheadais ann am margaidh thogalaichean teth California air a thighinn air adhart anns na mìosan a chaidh seachad. Tha eòlaichean gnìomhachais ag ràdh gu bheil prìsean air tuiteam beagan, fhad ‘s a tha teachd-a-steach air a dhol suas.
Ach chan eil seo a ’ciallachadh gu bheil a’ mhargaidh a ’slaodadh sìos. Thuirt Comann Realtors California (CAR) gun tàinig 2016 gu crìch le coileanadh làidir, agus thòisich 2017 san aon dòigh.
Ma tha reic ann an 2017 a ’leantainn rathad an Fhaoillich, tha CAR a’ dèanamh a-mach, ro 31 Dùbhlachd, gun tèid còrr is 420,000 dachaigh a tha ann mar-thà a reic air feadh na stàite. Tha seo na àrdachadh de 2.1% thairis air an Dùbhlachd agus àrdachadh de 4.4% thairis air Faoilleach 2016.
Thuirt Ceann-suidhe CAR, Geoff McIntosh: “Tha margaidh taigheadais California fhathast air a mhìneachadh le margaidhean cladaich aig prìs nas àirde agus sgìrean dùthchail nas saoire a tha fhathast a’ faighinn cothrom air prìomh ionadan cosnaidh. ”
Gus barrachd thaighean aig prìs ruigsinneach a lorg, thuirt McIntosh gu bheil mòran de luchd-ceannach a ’coimhead airson rudan taobh a-muigh prìomh mhargaidhean Sgìre a’ Bhàigh leithid San Francisco, San Mateo agus Santa Clara. Dh'adhbhraich seo àrdachadh ann an reic Contra Costa, Napa agus Solano.
Ann an California a Deas, tha an aon rud a ’tachairt, a’ leantainn gu margaidhean nas làidire ann an Riverside agus San Bernardino o chionn beagan mhìosan.
Tha prìs mheadhanail dachaighean aon teaghlaich ann an California air tuiteam fon chomharra $ 500,000 airson a ’chiad uair ann am faisg air bliadhna, ach chan eil sin a’ ciallachadh gu bheil luchd-seilbh dachaigh a ’gearradh phrìsean. Tha seo dìreach a ’ciallachadh gu bheil dachaighean ìre inntrigidh nas saoire gan reic, a tha na chomharradh fallain airson a’ mhargaidh.
Thuit a ’phrìs reic dachaigh meadhanach ann an California bho $ 508,870 san Dùbhlachd gu $ 489,580 san Fhaoilleach, lùghdachadh de 3.8%. Ach a dh ’aindeoin sin, tha e fhathast 4.8% nas àirde na san Fhaoilleach 2016.
Tha Leslie Appleton-Young, àrd iar-cheann-suidhe agus prìomh eaconamaiche roinn nan càraichean, den bheachd gun do bhrosnaich an àrdachadh ann an ìrean rèidh morgaids reic san Fhaoilleach. Thuirt i gu bheil brosnachadh aig luchd-ceannach dachaigh a dhol an gnìomh mus èirich prìsean taigheadais nas fhaide, agus tha i an dùil gum bi buaidh dubhach aig a ’cheann thall air margaidh nan togalaichean, oir dh’ fhaodadh e casg a chuir air cuid de luchd-ceannach dachaigh a bhith aca.
Tha clàr teann air a bhith aig margaidh California de na dachaighean a tha rim faighinn airson grunn mhìosan, ach thàinig piseach air san Fhaoilleach. Thuirt CAR gun robh tasgadh 3.7 mìosan ann air a ’mhìos a chaidh, an coimeas ri 2.6 mìosan san Dùbhlachd.
Anns a ’mhìos mu dheireadh de 2016, thuit an àireamh de dhachaighean dùinte agus an ìre ro-dùnadh. Solaraiche fiosrachaidh seilbh CoreLogic r ..
Chuimhnich Suzuki Motor of America air modal 791 2009-2013 Grand Vitaras uidheamaichte le sgaoileadh làimhe.
Dh ’fhaodadh an acfhainn chùil a tha ag amas air briseadh, a’ cur casg air gluasadan gèar agus a ’meudachadh cunnart tubaist.
Cuiridh Suzuki fios gu sealbhadairean chàraichean gun cuir luchd-reic an àite an aisil cùil aig astar caochlaideach an-asgaidh. Tha dùil gun tòisich an ath-ghairm air 1 Màrt 2017.
Tha an sgeulachd seo stèidhichte air fios ath-ghairm a chuir Rianachd Sàbhailteachd Trafaic Highway Nàiseanta (NHTSA) no neach-dèanamh fèin-ghluasadach. Ged a dh ’fhaodadh an sanas ath-ghairm modalan agus bliadhnaichean toraidh sònraichte a shònrachadh, faodaidh an ath-ghairm gu foirmeil a bhith a’ toirt a-steach dìreach cuid de charbadan anns na roinnean sin - mar eisimpleir, bidh cinneasachadh a ’ruith taobh a-staigh ùine shònraichte.
An deach do chàr ath-ghairm? Gus faighinn a-mach a bheil toradh neo-sgrùdaichte air do chàr, sgrìobh sìos an àireamh VIN agad (gheibh thu e san oisean chlì gu h-ìosal den chrann-gaoithe), tadhal air www.nhtsa.gov/recalls, agus cuir a-steach don VIN far a bheil sin comharraichte.
Às deidh dhut an rabhadh ath-ghairm fhaighinn, bu chòir dhut fios a chuir chun neach-sgaoilidh ionadail agad, agus ma tha pàirtean ann, thèid an càradh riatanach a dhèanamh. Mar as trice, chan eil na pàirtean rim faighinn sa bhad, is dòcha gum feum thu feitheamh, agus a thaobh ath-ghairm mòr, is dòcha gum bi e grunn mhìosan. Faodaidh an neach-reic neach-iasaid a thoirt dhut gu saor-thoileach, ach chan eil seo riatanach fon lagh.
Ma thachras tubaist agus feumar am baga-adhair aghaidh a chuir a-steach, faodar inneal-adhair baga-adhair Takata a ’charbaid a bhriseadh mar phàirt den mhodal baga-adhair aghaidh luchd-siubhail a chaidh a chleachdadh anns an uidheamachd thùsail no an uidheamachd ùr.
Cuiridh Nissan fios gu luchd-seilbh chàraichean gun cuir luchd-reic an àite nam pàirtean baga-adhair luchd-siubhail an-asgaidh. Chan eil an neach-dèanamh fhathast air clàr fios a thoirt seachad.
Tha an sgeulachd seo stèidhichte air fios ath-ghairm a chuir Rianachd Sàbhailteachd Trafaic Highway Nàiseanta (NHTSA) no neach-dèanamh fèin-ghluasadach. Ged a dh ’fhaodadh an sanas ath-ghairm modalan agus bliadhnaichean toraidh sònraichte a shònrachadh, faodaidh an ath-ghairm gu foirmeil a bhith a’ toirt a-steach dìreach cuid de charbadan anns na roinnean sin - mar eisimpleir, bidh cinneasachadh a ’ruith taobh a-staigh ùine shònraichte.
An deach do chàr ath-ghairm? Gus faighinn a-mach a bheil toradh neo-sgrùdaichte air do chàr, sgrìobh sìos an àireamh VIN agad (gheibh thu e san oisean chlì gu h-ìosal den chrann-gaoithe), tadhal air www.nhtsa.gov/recalls, agus cuir a-steach don VIN far a bheil sin comharraichte.
Às deidh dhut an rabhadh ath-ghairm fhaighinn, bu chòir dhut fios a chuir chun neach-sgaoilidh ionadail agad, agus ma tha pàirtean ann, thèid an càradh riatanach a dhèanamh. Mar as trice, chan eil na pàirtean rim faighinn sa bhad, is dòcha gum feum thu feitheamh, agus a thaobh ath-ghairm mòr, is dòcha gum bi e grunn mhìosan. Faodaidh an neach-reic neach-iasaid a thoirt dhut gu saor-thoileach, ach chan eil seo riatanach fon lagh.
Tha Choice Farms a ’cuimhneachadh air àireamh chuingealaichte de bhalgan-buachair air an truailleadh le Listeria monocytogenes.
Tha an ath-ghairm a ’toirt a-steach seachd treallaich fa leth a tha air an lughdachadh, a tha mar aon de na trì seòrsaichean de bhalgan-buachair lìonta:
Bu chòir do luchd-ceannach a tha fo amharas gun do cheannaich iad na toraidhean ath-ghairm cuidhteas iad agus cuir fios gu Choice Farms LLC airson ath-dhìoladh.
A h-uile a-nis agus an uairsin, chì thu sgeulachd a ’mìneachadh nach eil na cinn-latha air an stampadh air biadh a’ dèanamh mòran ciall - tha a ’mhòr-chuid dhiubh saor-thoileach agus chan eil dad aca ri slàinte is sàbhailteachd.
Is e an adhbhar airson a h-uile troimh-chèile nach eil riaghailtean ceangailteach ann a-riamh airson a ’mhòr-chuid de chinn-latha crìochnachaidh, agus mar sin tha luchd-saothrachaidh air a bhith ga chleachdadh gu faiceallach. Bidh seo a ’stad, agus tha luchd-tagraidh luchd-cleachdaidh ag ràdh gun cuidich e Ameireaganaich airgead a shàbhaladh le bhith gun a bhith a’ tilgeil a-mach biadh a ghabhas ithe. Bu chòir dha cuideachd an cuideam air an lìonadh talmhainn a lughdachadh.
Is dòcha gu h-iongantach, chan eil an gnàthachadh ùr mar thoradh air riaghailtean ùra an riaghaltais. An àite sin, tha an dà phrìomh bhuidheann malairt grosaireachd, Comann Margaidh Bidhe agus Comann Luchd-saothrachaidh Grosaireachd, air seata de inbhean saor-thoileach a mholadh a bhrosnaicheas luchd-saothrachaidh agus grosairean gus gabhail riutha.
Thuirt Ceann-suidhe GMA agus Ceannard Pamela G. Bailey ann am fios naidheachd a ’toirt cunntas air an inbhe ùr:“ Is e am prògram ceann-latha còd toraidh againn an eisimpleir as ùire de mar as urrainn do luchd-reic agus luchd-saothrachaidh ceum a ghabhail gus luchd-cleachdaidh a chuideachadh agus sgudal bìdh a lughdachadh. ”
Tha an inbhe ùr a ’dol an àite nam bileagan ceann-latha eadar-dhealaichte le dhà:“ Mar a chleachdas tu ”agus“ An dòigh as fheàrr air a chleachdadh ”.
Tha Roinn Àiteachais nan Stàitean Aonaichte agus buidhnean slàinte is luchd-cleachdaidh neo-eisimeileach air a bhith a ’cur ìmpidh air a leithid de ghnìomhan airson bhliadhnaichean.
“Tha mi a’ smaoineachadh gu bheil e fìor mhòr. Thuirt Emily Broad-Leib, stiùiriche Clionaig Lagh is Poileasaidh Bidhe Harvard, ann an aithisg o chionn ghoirid anns an Washington Post. “Is e seo an aon cheum fhathast, ach tha e glè chudromach. ”
Thuirt Broad-Leib: “Is e soilleireachadh agus cunbhalachadh cànan leubail ceann-latha aon de na dòighean as èifeachdaiche a thaobh cosgais as urrainn dhuinn sgudal bìdh anns na Stàitean Aonaichte a lughdachadh 40% gach bliadhna,” thuirt e, ag ràdh gun cuidich an inbhe ùr luchd-cleachdaidh. Dèan co-dhùnaidhean nas fheàrr agus lughdaich sgudal bìdh is airgid neo-riatanach. ”
Chan fhaic thu na h-atharrachaidhean sa bhad. Is e an t-Iuchar 2018 an ceann-latha oifigeil, agus leis gu bheil na h-inbhean ùra saor-thoileach, cha lean a h-uile duine iad. Ach thuirt prìomh ghrosairean, Wal-Mart nam measg, gu bheil iad an dùil loidhne a dhèanamh.
Dh ’fhaodadh gum bi inbhean gnìomhachais ùra cuideachd nam bunait airson reachdas feadarail aig àm air choreigin, ged a tha coltas ann nach tachair a dh’ aithghearr anns an àrainneachd dì-riaghlaidh gnàthach.
An geamhradh seo, tha an Caribbean làn Ameireaganaich air saor-làithean, ach a-mhàin aon rud sònraichte: Cuba. Tha an dùthaich iomallach seo fosgailte do na Stàitean Aonaichte.
Tha Oceania ag ràdh gur e seo a ’chompanaidh turais àrd-ìre as motha san t-saoghal agus tha iad ag ràdh gun toir iad“ am biadh as fheàrr aig muir. ” An dèidh seòladh Riviera Oceania I.
Tha an Coimisean Malairt Feadarail (FTC) a ’sgrùdadh a bheil luchd-iasaid càr subprime a’ cleachdadh “suidsichean marbhadh” agus teicneòlasan eile gus prìsean fo-ùine a shàrachadh gu mì-laghail.
A bheil siùcar ann an deochan agus bàraichean Odwalla? Tha e an urra ri co-dhiù a tha thu a ’smaoineachadh gur e“ sùgh siùcar siùcar falaichte ”siùcar. Rinn Robin Reese e. Ann an cùis-lagha 2013, thuirt i…
Tha aithisg ùr a ’nochdadh gum faodadh atharrachaidhean ann an iarrtas luchd-cleachdaidh anns an ath dheich bliadhna toirt air luchd-coiseachd coin a dhol thairis air iarrtas thidsearan. Mar nead falamh B…
Tha companaidh Louisiana air òrdachadh le cùirt feadarail stad a chuir air a bhith a ’reic cungaidhean mì-bhranndaichte, neo-aontaichte agus adulterated agus stuthan daithead. Pàigheadh ​​lìbhrigidh
Dha mòran dhaoine, dh ’fhaodadh gum bi e duilich ùine a lorg airson eacarsaich a dhèanamh, ach tha mòran sgrùdaidhean air sealltainn gum faod coiseachd airson ùine mhòr slàinte mhòr a thoirt b.
A bheil maoin an lìonra agad ann an cunnart? Ma tha, chan eil thu nad aonar. Lorg sgrùdadh ùr le Trend Micro nach deach nas lugha na 178 millean inneal ceangailte ris an eadar-lìn anns na Stàitean Aonaichte a sgrùdadh.
Gu sìmplidh, tha maoin lìonra fosgailte nan innealan ceangailte ris agus rim faicinn air an eadar-lìn poblach, leithid routers, webcams no DVRs. Faodar an leithid de uidheamachd a chleachdadh gus sùil a chumail air an t-sealbhadair aige, agus gu tric faodar a ghabhail thairis agus a chleachdadh ann an ionnsaighean saidhbear air feadhainn eile.
Rinn an sgrùdadh sgrùdadh air na deich bailtean as motha anns na Stàitean Aonaichte agus lorg e gu bheil na maoinean as fosgailte aig Los Angeles, air a leantainn le Houston agus Chicago.
Gu inntinneach, tha an sgrùdadh ag ràdh gu bheil a ’mhòr-chuid (79%) de DVR ann an Chicago, agus trì-chairteal (80%) de na DVRan uile air an dèanamh le TiVo.
Tha na camarathan as fosgailte a tha ceangailte ris an eadar-lìn a ’toirt a-steach camarathan dachaigh air an dèanamh le D-Link agus camarathan tèarainteachd air an dèanamh le GeoVision agus Avtech
Tha an router mar dhoras aghaidh an eadar-lìn dachaigh agad. Mura h-eil e sàbhailte, faodaidh eucoirich briseadh a-steach don cheangal ionadail agad agus faodaidh iad sùil a chumail air do ghnìomhachd, no eadhon an dàta prìobhaideach agad a ghoid ann an cuid de chùisean.
Faodaidh router mì-chinnteach a bhith na “zombie” cuideachd, a tha a ’ciallachadh gum faod e a bhith na phàirt de“ botnet ”(co-ionann ris an lìonra còmhlan siubhail a chì thu anns The Walking Dead). Ged is dòcha nach toir seo buaidh dhìreach ort, tionndaidhidh e do dhachaigh gu sealladh eucoir agus nì e thu mar phàirt de lìonra cruinne a bheir taic do cheannairc, pornagraf cloinne, agus goid dearbh-aithne.
Is e an ceum tèarainteachd as bunaitiche gun a bhith a ’ceannach router dàrna-làimh a-riamh. Is e an dàrna fear am facal-faire atharrachadh air router sam bith a cheannaicheas tu. Bu chòir am facal-faire a thaghas tu a bhith fada (is fheàrr timcheall air 16 caractaran) agus iom-fhillte de litrichean, àireamhan agus samhlaidhean litrichean àrda is ìosal.
Sgrìobh sìos am facal-faire, ach na cuir ann an sealladh fìor-ghlan a chì luchd-tadhail. Is e an rud chudromach a tha fa-near an seo nach eil sinn a ’bruidhinn mun fhacal-faire a shuidhich thu airson Wi-Fi (is dòcha gum bi e nas sìmplidh ma tha thu ag iarraidh), ach facal-faire rianaire an router.
Is e an treas ceum router a cheannach le fuasglaidhean tèarainteachd freumhaichte. Chomharraich Trend Micro gu bheil e air co-obrachadh le ASUS gus an ìre tèarainteachd a chuir air router ASUS. Faodaidh solaraichean eile fuasglaidhean coltach ris a thoirt seachad.
Tha taigheadas gun teirm. Tha seo a ’ciallachadh nach eil mòran airgid agad air fhàgail às deidh dhut an taigh a phàigheadh ​​gach mìos.
Tha margaidh thogalaichean Zillow ag aithris gu bheil coltas ann gu bheil seo a ’fàs àbhaisteach. Bidh ìrean rèidh agus prìsean thaighean ag èirigh còmhla. Mar thoradh air an sin, thuirt Zillerot, bha teachd-a-steach cuibheasach dachaigh pàighte le morgaidsean nas motha na bha e aig àm sam bith anns na sia bliadhna a dh ’fhalbh.
O chionn bliadhna, chleachd ceannaichean dachaigh cuibheas de 14.7% de theachd-a-steach an taigheadais aca air morgaidsean. Tha e a-nis 15.8%.
Thuirt Zillow gur e luachan dachaigh ag èirigh am feachd dràibhidh as motha. Tha prìs cuibheasach taighe nàiseanta ag èirigh còrr is 5% gach bliadhna, gu ìre mhòr mar thoradh air a ’chrìonadh leantainneach ann an clàr-seilbhe. Mar a bhios an àireamh de thaighean air a ’mhargaidh a’ dol sìos, is dòcha gum bi prìs thaighean airson an reic nas àirde. Tha a ’phrìs a tha iad a’ reic faisg air a ’phrìs faighneachd oir tha buannachd aig an neach-reic, chan e an ceannaiche.
Aig deireadh na bliadhna an-uiridh, b ’e am pàigheadh ​​morgaids cuibheasach mìosail US $ 758, àrdachadh de timcheall air US $ 68 thairis air a’ bhliadhna roimhe. Thuirt Zillow gun robh a ’mhòr-chuid den àrdachadh mar thoradh air luachan dachaigh ag èirigh. Is e feart eile cìs seilbh. Mar a bhios luach na dachaigh a ’dol suas, bidh cìs nan togalaichean cuideachd, a thèid a ghabhail a-steach sa mhorgaids mhìosail.
Ged a tha am Fed air an t-slighe gu ìrean rèidh nas àirde, chan eil an ìre de mhaoin feadarail a tha e a ’riaghladh a’ toirt mòran buaidh air ìrean rèidh morgaids. Air an làimh eile, bidh dolar na SA nas làidire a ’putadh toradh bannan suas, agus is e na h-ìrean rèidh sin, gu sònraichte an fheadhainn air bannan ionmhas 30-bliadhna na SA, a tha a’ toirt a ’bhuaidh as motha air ìrean morgaids.
Thuirt an Dr Svenja Gudell, prìomh eaconamaiche aig Zillow: “Mar a bhios ìrean rèidh morgaids ag èirigh, bidh cosgaisean maoineachaidh nas àirde aig luchd-ceannach dachaigh, agus gheibh dachaighean daor iasadan morgaids mìosail nas àirde mar-thà.”
Thuirt i gum faodadh ìrean rèidh morgaids èirigh nas fhaide gus an ruig an cuibhreann teachd-a-steach a tha riatanach gus am morgaids mìosail meadhanach a phàigheadh ​​a ’chuibheasachd eachdraidheil. Ann am faclan eile, tha mòran mhargaidhean daor air gach taobh den chaolas air a dhol thairis air.
Thuirt Goodell: “A thaobh màil, tha an slaodachadh ann am meas màil o chionn ghoirid air cothrom a thoirt do luchd-gabhail an teachd-a-steach aca a ghabhail, leis gu bheil mòran dhaoine air cuibhreann nas motha den teachd-a-steach aca a chleachdadh airson màl mìosail.”
Tha pàighidhean morgaids anns gach margaidh cuideachd eadar-dhealaichte, seach gu bheil prìsean dachaigh California mar as trice mòran nas àirde na ann an Nebraska. Tha aithisg Zillow a ’sealltainn gu bheil pàighidhean morgaids luchd-seilbh dachaigh ann an Los Angeles, San Jose agus San Francisco a’ dèanamh suas a ’chuibhreann as motha de theachd-a-steach taigheadais, nas àirde na 40%.
Tha a ’chomataidh lighiche neo-phrothaideach a’ cur ìmpidh air ospadalan chloinne ann an sia bailtean-mòra coin teth a thoirt air falbh bho chlàran-bìdh euslaintich. Thuirt a ’bhuidheann nach ann a-mhàin gu bheil coin teth…
Nuair a thig e gu bhith a ’brùthadh air cùisean sòisealta, is dòcha nach bi seo aig mullach an liosta. Is dòcha nach eil eadhon air an liosta.
Leig Netflix a-mach sgrùdadh ùr a ’sealltainn gun do dh’aidich 48% de chàraidean gu“ meallta ”le neach cudromach eile. Thoir fa-near nach e infidelity gnèitheasach a th ’ann. Bha iad a ’coimhead gu fiadhaich air a’ chuilbheart san àm ri teachd dh ’aontaich a’ chàraid a bhith a ’coimhead còmhla.
Tha an sanas mar thoradh air sgrùdadh Netflix ann an 2013, a chomharraich an-toiseach iongantas anns a bheil com-pàirtiche a ’coimhead air adhart gun a bhith a’ cur fios chun phàrtaidh eile. Bhon uairsin, tha Netflix ag ràdh gu bheil an cleachdadh seo air a dhol suas 300%, agus gu bheil e a-nis cumanta am measg chàraidean a tha a ’roinn cunntasan Netflix.
Thuirt Netflix ann am fios naidheachd: “Tha am miann airson mealladh a’ tòiseachadh gu math slaodach. Mus fhaigh thu eòlas air, chan urrainn dhut feitheamh agus cabhag - tha breugan geal agus leisgeulan air a thighinn gu bhith nam pàirt den gheama. ” “Cha lean an giùlan seo ach. Fàs, dh’aidich 63% de mhealltairean Ameireaganach nan robh fios aca gum faigheadh ​​iad cuidhteas an cleachdadh seo, gum mealladh iad barrachd. ”
Thuirt a ’chompanaidh gu bheil a bhith a’ coimhead air carnabhail air meallta a dhèanamh nas cumanta leis gu bheil e furasta “aon a bharrachd” a ràdh.
Thuirt Netflix gun do sheall an sgrùdadh aige gur ann anns na Stàitean Aonaichte a tha an àireamh as motha de sgamadairean. Chaidh an urram a thoirt do Bhrasil, agus an uairsin Mexico.
Dè mu dheidhinn an dùthaich far a bheil càraidean nas dualtaiche na bòidean aca a chumail còmhla? A rèir Netflix, is e an Òlaind a ’chàraid as dìleas a tha a’ coimhead film, agus an uairsin a ’Ghearmailt agus a’ Phòlainn.
Sheall aithisg bho Bhanca Tèarmann Feadarail New York an t-seachdain seo gun do lean ìre delinquency iasadan càr ùra ag èirigh anns a ’cheathramh ràithe den uiridh, a’ tighinn faisg air an ìre as àirde bho èiginn ionmhais.
Mheudaich iasadan fèin-ghluasadach a chaidh dàil airson dìreach 30 latha gu còrr air $ 23 billean anns na trì mìosan mu dheireadh den bhliadhna. Is e seo an ìre as àirde bhon treas ràith de 2008.
Tha na h-iasadan fèin-ghluasadach a tha air an lughdachadh gu mòr air a dhol sìos - còrr air 90 latha air dàil. Ach, bha làn-phàigheadh ​​iasadan nas àirde na US $ 8 billean, an ìre as àirde bhon chairteal roimhe, rud nach eil na ghluasad brosnachail.
Anns na beagan bhliadhnaichean a dh ’fhalbh, le cuideachadh bho ìrean rèidh ìosal agus brosnachadh malairt tarraingeach, tha reic chàraichean ùra air a dhol suas gu ìrean nas àirde gach mìos.
Ach, leis gu bheil prìs malairt cuibheasach càr ùr a-nis nas àirde na $ 35,000, tha comhairlichean ionmhais pearsanta draghail gum bi luchd-cleachdaidh a ’caitheamh eadar 6 is 7 bliadhna a’ pàigheadh ​​airson carbadan nach urrainn dhaibh a phàigheadh.
Fiù ‘s cho tràth ri 2014, bha Melinda Zabritski, Prìomh Stiùiriche Experian Auto Finance, draghail mu cus-leudachadh de luchd-ceannach chàraichean.
Thuirt Zabritski aig an àm: “Tha luchd-ceannach chàraichean buailteach a bhith a’ pàigheadh ​​gach mìos. ” “Mar thoradh air an sin, tha sinn fhathast gam faicinn a’ gluasad gu cùmhnantan màil agus leudachadh mar ro-innleachd gus pàighidhean a lughdachadh agus carbadan a dhèanamh nas ruigsinneach. ”
Mar as trice bidh iasad seachd bliadhna a ’ciallachadh nach urrainn don cheannaiche airgead a phàigheadh ​​air ais. Anns na seachd bliadhna a tha romhainn, tha duilgheadasan ionmhais anns a h-uile àite, agus dh ’fhaodadh na pàighidhean aca a dhol air dheireadh. Is dòcha gur e sin a tha sinn a ’tòiseachadh a’ faicinn a-nis.
Chan eil màl furasta. Sheall aithisg bhon mhargaidh màil Swapalease.com nach robh an ìre ceadachaidh airson tagraichean màl chàraichean san Fhaoilleach ach 50%, sìos bho 63% san Fhaoilleach 2016.
Ann an aithisg New York Fed air fiachan iomlan luchd-cleachdaidh, tha dàta iasad fèin-ghluasadach a ’leantainn. Lorg an aithisg gun tàinig àrdachadh mòr air fiachan iomlan an taighe le US $ 226 billean gu US $ 12.58 trillean, àrdachadh de 1.8%.
Thuirt oifigearan gur e seo an àrdachadh ràitheil as motha ann am fiachan iomlan taighe bhon cheathramh ràithe de 2013, agus gu bheil an àireamh iomlan an-dràsta aon phuing sa cheud nas ìsle na an ìre as àirde de $ 12.68 trillean aig toiseach na h-èiginn ionmhais.
Is e foill tasgaidh aon de na scams as sine. Bheir daoine a tha coltach gu bheil iad earbsach deagh thoradh dhut air tasgadh.
Tha Saputo Inc. air tòiseachadh a ’cur an cuimhne cuid de thoraidhean càise Gouda air sgàth draghan mu thruailleadh Listeria a dh’fhaodadh a bhith ann. Thug an solaraiche Deutsch Kase Haus LLC fios don chompanaidh mun chunnart às deidh dha faighinn a-mach gur dòcha gu robh na toraidhean aige ann an cunnart.
Tha Listeria monocytogenes na fhàs-bheairt a dh ’fhaodadh a bhith marbhtach do chloinn òga, seann daoine, no luchd-cleachdaidh le siostaman dìon lag no ann an cunnart. Ach, faodaidh eadhon luchd-cleachdaidh fallain comharraidhean leithid fiabhras, ceann goirt, stiffness, nausea, pian bhoilg agus a ’bhuineach. Dh ’fhaodadh gum bi breith trom no marbh-bhreith aig boireannaich a tha trom le leanabh.
Tha an ath-ghairm a ’toirt a-steach dà thoradh - Càise Gouda Deatach Great Midwest Applewood agus Càise Gouda Deatach Mark Pasteurized Duitseach. Tha an dà chuid gan reic air feadh na dùthcha, gu h-àraidh ann am bùthan reic agus stòran delicatessen.
Gheibhear fiosrachadh mun bhrand, toradh, meud pacaidh, Còd Bathar Uile-choitcheann (UPC) agus ceann-latha “Stèidh Reic” gu h-ìosal. Gu ruige seo, cha deach galar sam bith a cheangal ris a ’ghairm seo.
Thathas ag iarraidh air luchd-cleachdaidh a cheannaich an toradh ath-ghairm cuidhteas e no a thilleadh chun àite ceannach airson làn-aisig air ais. Ma tha dragh ort mu thinneas no leòn sam bith a dh ’adhbhraicheas an toradh seo, cuir fios chun t-solaraiche cùram slàinte agad sa bhad.
Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh, faodaidh luchd-cleachdaidh fios a chuir chun chompanaidh aig 1-877-578-1510 tro Frida eadar 9 am agus 9 f Time an Ear.
Tha Aonadh nam Buidhnean Luchd-ceannach a ’cur ìmpidh air a’ Choimisean Malairt Feadarail na h-oidhirpean aca a dhèanamh gus luchd-ceannach a dhìon a tha air am meas “cunnartach.”
Chuir Biùro Dìon Ionmhais Luchd-cleachdaidh stad air èigneachadh an-diugh, agus dh ’aontaich Cùirt Ath-thagraidhean Washington ath-bheachdachadh a dhèanamh air co-dhùnadh an Dàmhair, a nì e nas fhasa do rianachd Trump smachd a chumail air a’ bhuidheann agus an stiùiriche Richard Cordray (Richard Cordray) a losgadh.
Thèid a ’chùirt gu lèir a dheasbad air 24 Cèitean, a’ toirt a-steach am Prìomh Bhreitheamh Merrick B. Garland (Merrick B. Garland), a bha air a ’bheing fhàgail nuair a thug a’ Chòmhdhail buaidh air a h-ainmeachadh airson na h-Àrd Chùirt.
Tha luchd-taic bhuidhnean luchd-cleachdaidh trioblaideach den bheachd gu bheil co-dhùnadh na cùirte a ’chùis ath-fhosgladh na adhbhar misneachd.
Thuirt Mike Landis, stiùiriche lagha aig US PIRG: “Tha sinn glè thoilichte gum bi a’ chùirt gu lèir ag ath-sgrùdadh a ’cho-dhùnadh an aghaidh ceannas neo-eisimeileach Biùro Dìon Ionmhais Luchd-cleachdaidh.” “Tha ath-sgrùdadh coileanta na cùirte a’ toirt cothrom don stiùiriche Richard Cordray a chrìochnachadh Rè a ’ghabhaltas, a bhith fhathast na ghaisgeach luchd-cleachdaidh.”
“Tha sinn a’ cur fàilte air an naidheachd gu bheil a ’Chùirt Ath-thagraidh gu lèir a’ cluinntinn a ’chùis seo. Tha neo-eisimeileachd an CFPB bho ùidhean sònraichte Wall Street agus luchd-iasaid creachaidh, a bharrachd air structar ceannardais èifeachdach, deatamach airson comas a ’bhiùro sùil a chumail air a’ ghnìomhachas agus luchd-ceannach a dhìon. ” Thuirt Lisa Donner, stiùiriche gnìomh ath-leasachadh ionmhais.
Is e teirm oifis Cordray 2018, agus chan urrainn dha a bhith air a losgadh fon lagh a stèidhich am CFPB. Bha PHH Corp New Jersey a ’dol an aghaidh na riaghailt seo leis gun robh e a’ dol an aghaidh a ’Bhun-stèidh. Rinn a ’chompanaidh ath-thagradh an aghaidh co-dhùnadh CFPB agus chuir iad càin $ 109 millean air.
Tha an Ceann-suidhe Trump air gealltainn 75% de na laghan agus na riaghailtean uile anns na Stàitean Aonaichte a chuir air ais agus Achd Dodd-Frank a thoirt air ais, a bha na reachdas aig an CFPB ann an 2010 agus a chuir riaghailtean teann ùra an sàs air Wall Street.
Tharraing dùbhlan PHH taic bho bhuidhnean gnìomhachais a ’gabhail a-steach Seòmar Malairt Ameireagaidh, Comann Iomairtean Farpaiseach, agus Comann Nàiseanta nan Realtors, ach tharraing e taic làidir bho bhuidhnean luchd-cleachdaidh agus buidhnean eile.
Air 23 Faoilleach, chuir 16 neach-lagha stàite athchuinge chun chùirt gus eadar-theachd a dhèanamh sa chùis. Bha buidhnean luchd-cleachdaidh a ’toirt a-steach Ameireaganaich Ath-leasachadh Ionmhais, Caidreachas Luchd-caitheimh Ameireagaidh agus Buidheann Sgrùdaidh Ùidh Poblach Ameireagaidh cuideachd a’ dìon na buidhne.
“Anns na còig bliadhna bho chaidh a stèidheachadh, tha Biùro Dìon Ionmhais Luchd-cleachdaidh air a bhith ag obair gu cruaidh gus laghan a chaidh an dearmad ro èiginn ionmhais 2008 a chuir an gnìomh, agus tha e air a bhith nas cumhachdaiche na riaghaltas feadarail sam bith eile ann a bhith a’ toirt cumhachd do luchd-cleachdaidh. Tha institiudan a ’dèanamh giùlan meallta nas meallta, meallta agus gu tur meallta le droch chleasaichean ann an gnìomhachas nan seirbheisean ionmhais,” thuirt Wade NicEanraig, Cathraiche agus Ceannard Co-labhairt Ceannardan Saoranaich agus Còraichean Daonna.
“Tha e na bhriseadh-dùil ach chan eil e na iongnadh gu bheil luchd-iasaid latha-pàighidh, luchd-cruinneachaidh fhiachan, oilthighean airson prothaid, agus buidhnean gnìomhachais cumhachdach eile air tionndadh gu caidreachasan anns a’ Chòmhdhail agus na cùirtean gus feuchainn ris a ’bhiùro a lagachadh gus an urrainn dhaibh cumail orra a’ gabhail brath air Ameireaganaich a tha so-leònte a thaobh ionmhais, Henderson. thuirt e ann an aithris air post-d gu ConsumerAffairs: “Tha riaghladh a’ phannail an aghaidh Biùro Radiocommunication ceàrr gu laghail agus ceàrr dha luchd-cleachdaidh. Is sinne an turas DC gu lèir a ghabh an cothrom seo airson a cheartachadh agus bha e toilichte. ”
Tha a ’Chomhairle Sàbhailteachd Nàiseanta a’ dèanamh a-mach gun do bhàsaich faisg air 40,000 neach ann an tubaistean trafaic an-uiridh, àrdachadh de 6% bhon bhliadhna roimhe agus àrdachadh de 14% bho 2014.
Gu loidsigeach, bu chòir an àireamh bàis bho thubaistean trafaic a lùghdachadh. Beachdaich air na feartan sàbhailteachd a tha aig carbadan an latha an-diugh. Ann an 1964, chan e a-mhàin nach robh bagaichean adhair ann, ach cha robh feum aig a h-uile càr eadhon air criosan-sàbhalaidh.
Mar sin carson a tha na bàsan trafaic ag èirigh? Is e pàirt den fhreagairt agam gu bheil barrachd charbadan air an rathad na bha ann an 1964.
A-rithist, is dòcha gum bi pàirt aig giùlan an neach air cùl na cuibhle stiùiridh. Rinn a ’chomhairle sgrùdadh air draibhearan agus dh’ ionnsaich iad gu bheil 64% de dhaoine den bheachd nach e cùis sàbhailteachd a th ’ann a bhith nas àirde na crìoch astair.
Tha 47% de dhaoine den bheachd gu bheil e ceadaichte dha draibhearan teachdaireachdan teacsa a chuir air cùl na cuibhle stiùiridh, tha 13% den bheachd gun urrainn dhaibh draibheadh ​​às deidh smocadh marijuana, agus cha bhith eadhon 10% a ’draibheadh ​​às deidh dhaibh beagan deoch làidir òl.
Thuirt Deborah Hersman, cathraiche agus àrd-oifigear na Comhairle Tèarainteachd Nàiseanta: “Mharbh ar toil-inntinn sinn. “Tha na h-Ameireaganaich den bheachd nach urrainn dhuinn dad a dhèanamh gus casg a chuir air tuiteam, ach chan eil seo fìor. ”
Thuirt i, a bharrachd air bàsan, bhathar a ’meas gun do dh’ adhbhraich tubaistean trafaic an-uiridh droch leòn do 4.6 millean neach agus gun cosgadh iad timcheall air 432 billean dolar na SA.
Thuirt Hessman gu bheil na Stàitean Aonaichte a ’cur cùl ri dùthchannan leasaichte eile ann a bhith a’ casg bàsan air rathaidean. Mar a thuirt sinn san Iuchar an-uiridh, tha an ìre bàis trafaic as àirde aig na Stàitean Aonaichte am measg nan 20 dùthaich le teachd-a-steach as àirde. Bho 2000 gu 2013, thuit an ìre bàis anns na Stàitean Aonaichte 31%, agus thuit an àireamh de bhàsan tubaist ann an dùthchannan leasaichte eile 56% gu cuibheasach anns an aon ùine.
Dè am freagairt? Is dòcha gu bheil cuid den bheachd gur e càr fèin-dràibhidh a tha seo, ach tha a ’Chomhairle Sàbhailteachd Nàiseanta an dòchas ceumannan sàbhalaidh beatha a chuir an gnìomh sa bhad air rathaidean a tha e air a shuidheachadh mar amas bàs neoni.
Tha na ceumannan sin a ’toirt a-steach glasan lasachaidh èigneachail dha daoine a tha a’ dràibheadh ​​fo bhuaidh deoch làidir agus foghlam nas fheàrr air na cunnartan a tha an cois a bhith ag òl agus a ’draibheadh. Tha e cuideachd den bheachd, coltach ri camara trafaic a ghlacas draibhear solais dhearg, gum faod innealan èigneachaidh lagha fèin-ghluasadach astar a ghlacadh, a tha na cheum anns an t-slighe cheart.
Bha a ’chomataidh cuideachd a’ brosnachadh laghan a bha a ’toirmeasg cleachdadh fònaichean-làimhe fhad‘ s a tha cuideigin a ’dràibheadh, eadhon ann am modh gun làmhan. Mu dheireadh, tha e a ’cur ìmpidh air stàitean laghan crios-sàbhalaidh a neartachadh agus an siostam ceadachd trì-ìrean a leudachadh gu gach dràibhear ùr aig a bheil aois làithreach bho 18 gu 21.
Cho tràth ris an Dùbhlachd, dh’ainmich Delta Air Lines gun toireadh e biadh an-asgaidh dha luchd-siubhail coidse air na tursan-adhair thar-roinneil. Tha luchd-siubhail a tha ag itealaich eadar Port-adhair Eadar-nàiseanta Kennedy New York agus Port-adhair Eadar-nàiseanta Los Angeles / Port-adhair Eadar-nàiseanta San Francisco glaiste a-steach gus faicinn a bheil am plana comasach.
Tha e coltach a-nis gun lean a ’chompanaidh ag obair gu cruaidh. Dh ’ainmich Delta Air Lines gun toir e biadh an-asgaidh dha na tursan-adhair a chaidh ainmeachadh air 1 Màrt, agus gun leudaich e e gu 10 tursan-adhair thar-dùthcha eile ro 24 Giblean.
Bidh an ùrachadh na bhuannachd do mhargaidhean Seattle, California, New York, Boston agus Washington DC. Ma bheir luchd-ceannach BOS-SFO, BOS-LAX, BOS-SEA, DCA-LAX, FK-PDX, JFK, faodaidh iad biadh an-asgaidh-SAN, JFK -SEA, SEA-FLL, SEA-MCO agus SEA-RDU a mhealtainn.
Thuirt a ’chompanaidh:“ Tha an leasachadh seo mar phàirt de thasgadh leantainneach Delta de mhilleanan dolar ann an eòlas luchd-cleachdaidh air iteig, a tha a ’toirt a-steach prìomh bhlasadan càbaill, plaideachan leasaichte, connadh itealain ùraichte a’ toirt a-mach roghainnean bìdh agus gnìomh dibhearsain Inflight an-asgaidh. ”.
Faodaidh luchd-siubhail biadh an-asgaidh a thaghadh bho ghrunn roghainnean bìdh. Airson bracaist, faodaidh luchd-siubhail ceapaire bracaist maple meala, medley bracaist Luvo no truinnsear measan is càise a thaghadh. Airson lòn, faodaidh Delta Air Lines measgachadh Turcach a thaghadh air a smocadh le mesquite, pasgan glasraich làn-ghràin ann an stoidhle Mheadhan-thìreach no platter measan is càise. Rè an t-seirbheis deoch mus tig iad, bidh bàr bracaist ann cuideachd dhaibhsan a bhios ag itealaich thar oidhche.
A bharrachd air an sin, ma tha thu nas sine na 21 bliadhna, gheibh buill Delta Comfort + basgaid bidhe mus ruig thu, a bharrachd air lionn, fìon agus spioradan an-asgaidh. Do bhuill a bhios ag itealaich bho JFK gu Port-adhair Eadar-nàiseanta Los Angeles no SFO, bidh bàr iogart reòta Grèigeach meadhan-raon ann cuideachd.
Thuirt Delta Air Lines gun leudaich iad an t-seirbheis aca gu barrachd thursan-adhair às deidh dhaibh fios air ais adhartach fhaighinn bho luchd-ceannach mun deuchainn a chaidh a dhèanamh an-uiridh.
"Tha sinn uile a 'dol a-mach a thoirt seachad le ar luchd-cleachdaidh as fheàrr a cabin eòlas, agus a' toirt seachad an-asgaidh àrd-chàileachd biadh a tha na phàirt chudromach de eòlas seo. Nuair a rinn sinn deuchainn air a ’bhun-bheachd seo, bha meas agus meas aig ar luchd-cleachdaidh air, agus mar sin tha an Ro-innleachd againn air a bhuileachadh air a’ mhargaidh. ” Said Ausband Allison, Àrd-iar cheann-suidhe air Delta Airline Seirbheisean.
Le cuideachadh bho theicneòlas, is dòcha gum bi luchd-amhairc eòin ùra a ’tighinn gu bhith nan eòlaichean eòlach. Nas tràithe am-bliadhna, chuir Subaru app coimhead eòin ris an canar eBird.
Fuireach ann e air geamhradh fuar deireadh-seachdain? Carson nach leig thu le fiabhras a ’chaibineit tòiseachadh gu slaodach, agus carson nach dèan thu a’ chuid as fheàrr den ùine agad le bhith a ’crìochnachadh pròiseact DIY no dhà?
Air deireadh-sheachdainean, chan urrainn dhut a dhol a-mach, tha e na chothrom math ùine a chaitheamh a ’gabhail a-steach agus a’ leasachadh an àite a-staigh. Ach Figuring a-mach a bheil comas sa tha teaghlach à sealladh nach eil e an-còmhnaidh furasta.
Fortanach, an seilbh dachaigh goireas làraich HouseLogic bho Realtor.com a 'tabhann cuid bheachdan air mar a dh'fhaodas luchd-seilbh dachaigh aca a leasachadh a-staigh àite nuair a tha an aimsir ro fhuar a dhol a-mach. Faodar a ’mhòr-chuid de bheachdan HouseLogic a chrìochnachadh air an deireadh-sheachdain.
Nuair a bhios an teòthachd fuar a ’dèanamh taigheadas riatanach, faodaidh luchd-seilbh dachaigh na dòighean a leanas a chleachdadh gus na taighean aca a mhaiseachadh:
A bharrachd air cìsean àrdachaidh, tha oileanaich colaisde air a bhith a ’gearain mu chosgaisean àrda leabhraichean teacsa. Racaidean, tha cuid ann mu thràth.
Consumer luchd-tagraidh a bhith ag obair a dhìon Consumer Ionmhasail Dìon bho Biùro Congressional bacadh no Làn-ullaichte a fhuair cuid ris nach robh dùil cuideachadh t-seachdain seo.
Gabhamaid ris gu bheil daoine mar as trice a ’smaoineachadh gu bheil cus cuideam orra san obair. Tha e dìreach ri tìr. Cha robh duine a 'smaoineachadh a tha seo furasta, ceart?
Ach, nuair a CareerCast suirbhidh luchd-leughaidh, tha e a lorg gu bheil faisg air trì-chairteal de dhaoine a 'creidsinn gu bheil iad fo chuideam mhòr aig an obair. Iarr air a 'chom-pàirtichean gus sgòr aca brùthadh bho 1 gu 10, le 10 cunbhalach brùthadh.
Is e glè bheag de dhaoine a tha ag aideachadh nach eil iad fo chuideam. Ach an t-suirbhidh a lorg gun robh 71% de na com-pàirtichean aca fhèin a mheas mar chudthrom seachd no barrachd, a 'sealltainn gu bheil iad a' smaoineachadh a tha iad ag obair ann an glè spàirneach àrainneachd.
Dè a th ’ann an cuideam? Thuirt 30% gur e seo an ceann-latha airson an obair a dh ’fheumas iad a chrìochnachadh. Tha a 'chuid as motha a' putadh an tùs de dh'uallach tha a bheil uallach airson beatha dhaoine eile, leithid a bhith na phìleat, lannsair no oifigear-poileis. Tha sin 17%.
Aig cùl an liosta seo, 10.2% den bheachd gun robh an co-fharpaiseachd a bha an oifis as motha an tùs de dh'uallach, fhad 'sa bha 8.4% a thàinig a-mach na feumalachdan corporra obair.
CareerCast susbaint air-loidhne na neach-deasachaidh Caol Kensing thuirt e: "Ma tha thu air an loidhne aghaidh agus uallach airson atharrachaidhean agus dreuchd uallach airson beatha dhaoine eile, agus an uair sin a 'lùghdachadh cuideam nach cuidich." "Ach, ma tha an ceann-latha a 'cruthachadh cus cuideam aig an obair, Feuch am faighnich thu do neach-stiùiridh airson goireasan a bharrachd gus cuideachadh leis a' phròiseact no faighinn a-mach ma tha an clàr-ama Faodar lagachadh airson maothachadh."
Creideas e no nach eil, tha ìre cuideam nas àirde aig daoine a tha ag obair ann am foghlam na luchd-obrach cùram slàinte. Am measg an luchd-oideachaidh, 88.9% ag ràdh gun robh cuideam ìre bha 7 no nas àirde, ach dìreach 69% den luchd-obrach meidigeach a bha cuideam.
Eadar iad tha na daoine a tha ag obair ann an seirbheis teachdaiche, na daoine bochda a bhios ag èisteachd ris na gearanan againn a h-uile latha. Chomharraich seachdad ’s a h-ochd sa cheud de luchd-obrach seirbheis teachdaiche ìre cuideam seachd no nas àirde.
Lorg an sgrùdadh gu bheil luchd-obrach àbhaisteach a ’caitheamh 47 uair san t-seachdain air obair an àite an 40 uair àbhaisteach. Tha seo a ’ciallachadh gu bheil luchd-obrach àbhaisteach a’ caitheamh faisg air 40% den ùine dùisg aca mu choinneimh diofar chuideaman co-cheangailte ri obair.
Lorg an sgrùdadh gur e cuideam am prìomh adhbhar airson cuid de luchd-obrach fhàgail. Thuirt faisg air 59% de chom-pàirtichean nam biodh e comasach, gum fàgadh iad an dreuchd gus faighinn cuidhteas an cuideam.
Air sgàth draghan gun robh an pacaidh dh'fhaodadh fàs botulinum, Loblaw Company Limited air ais bhranndaichte leanabh biadh pocannan.
Is e Clostridium botulinum am bacterium as cumanta a dh ’adhbhraicheas botulism. Is dòcha nach bi biadh air a bheil bacteria a ’coimhead no a’ fàileadh milleadh, ach faodaidh e droch bhuaidh slàinte a thoirt air. Ma chaitheamh, a dh'fhaodadh gabhail a-steach comharraidhean nausea, cur a-mach, sgìths, dizziness, Blurred lèirsinn no diplopia, tioram bheul, fàilligeadh analach, agus pairilis. Anns a ’chùis as miosa, faodaidh caitheamh eadhon leantainn gu bàs.
Tha a 'chiad cuimhne a chaidh a-mach air 3 Gearran, 2017, ach an dèidh sàbhailteachd bìdh rannsachadh, Chanada Food Buidheann Sgrùdaidh (CFIA) air ùrachadh e a-steach barrachd bathar. Tha na toraidhean sin gan reic ann an grunn roinnean de Chanada, nam measg Ontario, an Cuan Siar, Quebec agus grunn roinnean san iar. Ach, bu chòir a bhith faiceallach cuideachd mu luchd-ceannach Ameireaganach a bhios a ’ceannach bathar agus gan toirt air ais dha na Stàitean Aonaichte.
Airson liosta iomlan de far a bheil toraidhean gan reic, a bharrachd air fiosrachadh mu ainmean branda, ainmean cumanta, meudan, còdan toraidh agus còdan toraidh uile-choitcheann (UPC), bu chòir do luchd-cleachdaidh tadhal air an làrach-lìn seo an seo.
Thathas ag iarraidh air luchd-cleachdaidh a cheannaich bathar ath-ghairm sam bith an toirt air falbh sa bhad no an toirt air ais don àite ceannach. Ma tha thu den bheachd gu bheil thu tinn bho bhith ag ithe an toradh ath-ghairm, bu chòir dhut fios a chuir chun dotair agad sa bhad.
Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh mu dheidhinn an ath-ghairm, faodaidh luchd-cleachdaidh fòn 1-888-495-5111 no fios a chur air-loidhne aig Loblaw customerservice@presidentschoice.ca.
Mercedes-Benz air ais cuid 2017 E300 agus E300 4Matic carbadan. Tha an gluasad luamhan modal air a chur air an t-stiùiridh colbh de na carbadan a dh'fhaodadh a bhith air a mhilleadh. Ma thèid am bòrd cuairteachaidh a-staigh a mhilleadh, cha tagh gluasad an luamhan gluasad am bogsa gèar.
Ma tha an carbad nach eil a 'gluasad air adhart no air ais a rèir an dràibhear an taghadh leis a' gear luamhan, an cunnart tubaist Meudaichidh.
Cuiridh MBUSA fios gu luchd-seilbh chàraichean gun cuir luchd-reic an àite a ’mhodal luamhan gluasad a chaidh a chuir a-steach air a’ cholbh stiùiridh an-asgaidh. Tha cuimhne Thathar an dùil gun tòiseachadh anns a 'Mhàrt 2017. Vehicle luchd-seilbh urrainn fòn MBUSA seirbheis luchd-cleachdaidh aig 1-800-367-6372.
Faodaidh sealbhadairean charbadan cuideachd fòn a chuir gu 1-888-327-4236 (TTY 1-800-424-9153) gus fios a chuir gu Loidhne Beò Sàbhailteachd Carbaid Rianachd Sàbhailteachd Trafaic Highway, no tadhal air www.safercar.gov.
Air sgàth duilgheadasan a dh'fhaodadh a bhith airbag, Mercedes-Benz air ais grunn mhodailean 2017. Thuirt a ’chompanaidh gur dòcha gu bheil an aonad smachd lorg neach-còmhnaidh aghaidh air a chuir a-steach gu ceàrr. Mar thoradh, an luchd-siubhail air beulaibh cathair-còmhnaidh a dh'fhaodadh a bhith misclassified.
Mar eisimpleir, inbheach a dh'fhaodadh a bhith ceàrr air an seòrsachadh mar leanabh cathair, ag adhbhrachadh an aghaidh luchd-siubhail a airbag à gnìomh ann an tachartas air tubaist, a dh'fhaodadh an dochann no bàs.
MBUSA Thèid innse don neach-seilbh gu bheil an neach-malairt a bhios sùil na uèirichean an Brùthadh stealladair na cathair-lorgaidh còmhnaidh smachd aonad, agus an àite an Brùthadh stealladair agus cathair còmhnaidh lorgaidh airson pad Saor an-asgaidh ma tha sin riatanach. Tha cuimhne Thathar an dùil gun tòiseachadh tràth sa Mhàrt 2017. Vehicle luchd-seilbh urrainn fòn MBUSA seirbheis luchd-cleachdaidh aig 1-800-367-6372.
Faodaidh sealbhadairean charbadan cuideachd fòn a chuir gu 1-888-327-4236 (TTY 1-800-424-9153) gus fios a chuir gu Loidhne Beò Sàbhailteachd Carbaid Rianachd Sàbhailteachd Trafaic Highway, no tadhal air www.safercar.gov.
Mercedes-Benz air ais grunn mhodailean oir an aghaidh Windshield dh'fhaodadh a bhith a-mach, nam measg 2016 GLE350 4Matic agus GLS 4Matic 450, 201.
Britax air tòiseachadh a 'cuimhneachadh mu 717.000 aonadan Briog & Go Gheibhear lorg air Britax B-sùbailte agus BOB Motion strollers.
Thuirt a 'chompanaidh gun nuair a bhathar a th' ann an siubhal siostam modh, a mhilleadh gu trusaidh sliabh air an trolley dòcha gun toir an t-suidheachan càir, airson a dhealachadh agus fhiosta tuiteam, nan seasamh ann an cunnart tuiteam an leanabh anns a 'chàr suidheachan. Tha an ath-ghairm a ’toirt a-steach stroller càr luchd-siubhail aon-fhillte, singilte no dùbailte, agus faodaidh an inneal glacaidh Click & Go den stroller bracaid cathair a’ chàir a shuidheachadh air frèam an stroller.
Tha an ath-ghairm a ’toirt a-steach 121 modailean de thoraidhean B-Agile air a bheil buaidh agus 21 modalan de thoraidhean BOB air a bheil buaidh, a chithear an seo. Gheibhear am modail taobh a-staigh frèam meatailt an stroller faisg air cuibhle cùil deas an stroller singilte, agus gheibhear e ann am pàirt aghaidh, meadhan agus ìosal frèam an stroller dùbailte.
Na stuthan a chaidh a reic aig luchd-reic nàiseanta (Babys R Us), Baby agus Targaid-reic bho Cèitean 2011 gu Gearran 2017, agus chaidh a reic air Amazon.com, albeebaby.com, buybuybaby.com, diapers .com, reic air-loidhne ToysRUs. com agus làraich eile. Tha prìsean toraidh airson strollers agus siostaman siubhail a ’dol bho $ 250 gu $ 470.
Gu ruige seo, tha Britax air 33 aithisg fhaighinn mu sheataichean càr gun fhiosta a ’dealachadh bhon stroller agus a’ tuiteam gu làr, ag adhbhrachadh 26 leòn. Tha a ’chompanaidh mothachail air 1,337 aithisgean de strollers le ionadan glacadair Click & Go millte.
Tha Britax a ’cur ìmpidh air luchd-cleachdaidh aig a bheil aon de na toraidhean air a bheil buaidh stad a chur air a bhith a’ cleachdadh strollers anns na càraichean aca. Ach, tha e ag ràdh gum faodar na toraidhean sin a chleachdadh gu sàbhailte mar strollers.
Tha a 'chompanaidh ag iarraidh air luchd-cleachdaidh nach eil a' tilleadh bathar a reic. An àite sin, bu chòir do luchd-cleachdaidh cuidhteas cuidhteas Click & Go a chuir air falbh. Tha a ’chompanaidh air gealltainn inneal taic a thoirt seachad gus pàirtean millte de mhodail stroller singilte a chàradh.
Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh, faodaidh luchd-cleachdaidh fios a chur air-loidhne tro Britax a leanas dòighean-obrach: us.britax.com/recall agus trolley. Faodaidh luchd-cleachdaidh cuideachd fios a chompanaidh air a 'fòn aig 844-227-0300 (Diluain gu Dihaoine a-, 8:30 pm gu 7 pm Est agus Disathairne, 9 Am gu 3 pm est).
Tha Veggie Noodle Co. ann an Austin, Texas, gu saor-thoileach a ’cur an cuimhne cuid de thoraidhean Spiral Butternut a-mach à draghan mu thruailleadh Listeria a dh’fhaodadh a bhith ann.
Tha Listeria monocytogenes na fhàs-bheairt a dh ’fhaodadh a bhith marbhtach do chloinn òga, seann daoine, no luchd-cleachdaidh le siostaman dìon lag no ann an cunnart. Ach, faodaidh eadhon luchd-cleachdaidh fallain comharraidhean leithid fiabhras, ceann goirt, stiffness, nausea, pian bhoilg agus a ’bhuineach. Dh ’fhaodadh gum bi breith trom no marbh-bhreith aig boireannaich a tha trom le leanabh.
Tha chuimhnich bathar a tha a phacaigeadh ann an 10.7-unnsa follaiseach plastaig container le Universal Bathar Code (UPC) de 852287006059, agus "Meal Ceann-là" 'S e an Gearran 23, 2017; gheibhear an dà fhiosrachadh air taobh a ’phacaid.
Tha na stuthan a chur gu grunn stàitean anns na Stàitean Aonaichte, nam measg Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Ohio agus Wisconsin. Chan eil aithrisean sam bith ann mu ghalaran co-cheangailte ris a ’ghairm air ais.
Tha a ’chompanaidh a’ cur ìmpidh air luchd-cleachdaidh a cheannaich bathar ath-ghairm sam bith gun a bhith gan ithe, agus gan tilgeil air ais no an toirt air ais don àite ceannach airson ath-dhìoladh iomlan.
Airson tuilleadh fiosrachaidh, faodaidh luchd-cleachdaidh a chur air post-d no fòn gu info@veggienoodleco.com 512-200-3337 (EXT. 500) (Diluain gu Dihaoine a-, 8 m gu 5 pm US Coitcheann Uair)) Fios Veggie Noodle Co ..
Air sgàth mhearachdan pacaidh, Linn Deug 'Pacadh bruidhinn ri saighdear air ais 999.419 notaichean teas-làimhseachadh malairteach sterile chicken Sausage bathar.
A rèir thoraidhean an t-Sàbhailteachd Bìdh agus Sgrùdadh Seirbheis (FSIS) de na Stàitean Aonaichte Roinn an Àiteachais, a 'bhathar mu glutamate sodium (Msg), ach tha na stuthan nach eil e air a ghairm a' bhathar phacaid.
Tha chuimhnich bathar saothraichte a bha eadar am Faoilleach 1, 2015 gu 13 an Gearran, 2017, agus a sgaoileadh airson reic is bunaiteach a chleachdadh ann an Florida agus Puerto Rico. Tha iomlan de na sia chuimhnich bathar:
Faodar gach toradh a chomharrachadh cuideachd leis an “àireamh companaidh P-7375 ″ ann an comharra sgrùdaidh USDA. Gu ruige seo, cha deach aithris mu ghalaran sam bith co-cheangailte ris na toraidhean sin, ach thathar a ’moladh do luchd-cleachdaidh sam bith le duilgheadasan slàinte fios a chuir chun na solaraichean cùram slàinte aca.
Luchd-ceannach a 'sireadh barrachd fiosrachaidh mu dheidhinn an ath-ghairm urrainn fòn (787) 716-2555 fios a chur chun a' chompanaidh smachd air mathas manaidsear Yixa Hernandez.
Verizon Wireless dhan club an t-seachdain, ag ainmeachadh gum bi e cuideachd a 'tabhann gun chrìoch planaichean-dàta a' mhargaidh mar-thà air tòiseachadh a 'co-dhùnadh seo.
Tha an fhìrinn gu bheil an Ceann-suidhe Trump a 'feuchainn ri sgàineadh sìos air in-imrich a bhith gu monopoly de scam-ealain, a tha a' cleachdadh an dòigh a impersonating in-imrich gu dubh-chìs airgid.
Cùram slàinte cosgaisean riamh air a bhith teth cuspair am measg luchd-cleachdaidh, ach tha sgrùdadh ùr ag ràdh gur dòcha gun do mhòran daoine, droch naidheachd a dh'fhaodadh a bhith mu dheidhinn a thighinn am bàrr.
Taing gu ro-aonta US Sgìre Court Judge Teàrlach Breyer, Volkswagen air a fàgail aige "salach dìosail" sgainneal air cùl an t-seachdain seo.
Airson timcheall air 30-40 millean Ameireaganaich, chan eil ach smaoineachadh mu bhith a ’dol chun fhiaclair ag adhbhrachadh iomagain. Agus is dòcha gum bi mothachadh nas motha de eagal a ’sgaoileadh air feadh mise.
Bho chaidh cùmhnant Yahoo agus Verizon a thoirt gu crìch an toiseach san Iuchar an-uiridh, tha an cùmhnant togail air a bhith mu choinneimh mòran chnapan. San t-Sultain, fiosrachadh mionaideach mun bhriseadh dàta de 500 millean Yahoo cunntasan a dhèanamh poblach agus a 'bagairt air tèarainteachd an rèiteachadh seo.
Gu mì-fhortanach, tha coltas ann gu bheil cùisean a ’leudachadh às an sin. Tha fathannan a Verizon a 'sireadh $ 1 billean lasachaidh air a' ghnothach, agus oifigearan thubhairt iad barrachd fiosrachaidh a dhìth mus rudan a 'gluasad air adhart. An uair sin, san Dùbhlachd, dàta eile a bhriseadh a lorg, a 'gabhail 1 billean cunntasan. Thuirt mòran eòlaichean nach robh soirbheachas an togail seo eadar-dhealaichte bho fhàilligeadh.
Ach, chan eil Verizon dh'fhàg barganachaidh bhòrd, agus a-nis tha cuid ag ràdh gu bheil mòran ùr a dh'fhaodadh a bhith mu dheidhinn a bhith air a ruighinn. Dh ’ainmich Bloomberg stòran faisg air a’ chùis mar a bhith ag ràdh gu bheil Verizon gu bhith ag ath-rèiteachadh cùmhnant a lughdaicheas a ’phrìs thùsail de $ 4.8 billean le timcheall air $ 250 millean.
A thuilleadh air sin, tha an tobar a ràdh gun Yahoo a-ath-ainmeachadh eintiteas Altaba Bidh giùlainidh leantainneach dhleastanas laghail air co-cheangailte ris a bhriseadh dàta. Thuirt an stòr ged nach deach an clàr-ama ainmeachadh sònraichte a dhearbhadh agus gun urrainnear an aonta ath-rèiteachadh tuilleadh, faodar an naidheachd ainmeachadh ann am beagan làithean no seachdainean.
Tha Yahoo air a bhith fo chuideam cùmhnantan a dhaingneachadh airson ùine. Ceannard Marissa Mayer (Marissa Mayer) a 'speisealachadh ann a' tionndadh mun cuairt fo thrioblaid air companaidhean, agus tha e air a bhith ann an suidheachadh a tha air thoiseach an dèidh gach bhriseadh dàta a chaidh a dhèanamh poblach. Ach, sheall aithisgean na bu thràithe gum biodh i a ’leigeil dhith a dreuchd mar stiùiriche mus cuireadh i crìoch air a’ ghnothach togail.
Verizon choinneamh seòrsa eile de Brùthadh co-cheangailte ri gnothaichean. Cuidichidh àrd-ùrlar cleachdaiche 1 billean Yahoo gu mòr leis a ’chompanaidh leudachadh a-steach don mhargaidh meadhanan gluasadach agus sanasachd, ach is dòcha nach bi cuid de luchd-earrannan deònach gnìomhachas a dhèanamh le companaidh a dh’ fhuiling an leithid de sgainneal ann an ùine cho beag. Ach, aig a ’cheann thall, feumaidh na h-aon luchd-earrannan sin cead a thoirt don ghnothach ath-sgrùdaichte mus urrainn dha a dhol air adhart.
Às deidh na naidheachdan a thighinn a-mach, dh ’èirich prìs stoc Yahoo 2% gu 45.93 dolar na SA ro 11:00 sa mhadainn. Mar thoradh air, Verizon earrainnean thuit 0.7% gu $ 47,95.
Luchd-poileataigs gu tric a 'milleadh an t-ainm bàs cìse, ach airson a' mhòr-chuid daoine, a 'cheann thall tàir Chan eil cìs, ach cosgaisean tiodhlagaidh. Yiguan feumaidh mionaideach prìs sgeidealan, ach mar sgrùdadh o chionn ghoirid le Fheadarail Malairt Coimisean lorg gu bheil mòran Yiguans Cha robh sin a dhèanamh.
FTC Rannsaichearan a 'tadhal air 133 s deas-ghnàthan ann an 2015 agus 2016 agus fhuair 31 dhiubh a dh'fhàillig a sgaoileadh itemized Prìs ann an co-rèir ri Riaghailtean FTC Tiodhlacadh.
Tha an riaghailt a 'cur feum air an tiodhlacadh an talla a thoirt seachad do luchd-cleachdaidh le mìneachadh coitcheann prìs liosta aig toiseach na aghaidh-ri-aghaidh an tiodhlacadh rèiteachadh deasbaid, a' phrìs liosta de na ciste an làthair an luchd-ceannaich a 'coimhead sam bith a' chiste, agus tha prìs a ' soitheach tiodhlacaidh a-muigh mus coimhead iad air lìnigeadh na h-uaighe no bòrd a ’chiste. Neart.
Tha an riaghailt cuideachd a 'toirmeasg funiture tallachan bho dh'fheumas luchd-cleachdaidh a cheannach nithean sam bith, mar chisteachan-laighe, mar chumha airson faotainn sam bith eile funiture nithean no seirbheisean. Leigidh seo le luchd-cleachdaidh coimeas a dhèanamh eadar prìsean agus ceannach dìreach na toraidhean agus na seirbheisean a tha iad ag iarraidh.
Tha na cìsean airson violating riaghailt seo faodaidh e bhith cho àrd ri US $ 40.654 sa bhriseas, ach an fheadhainn a thrèigsinn riaghailtean Fun Yiguan dhachaigh a thaghadh gus pàirt a ghabhail ann am prògram trèanaidh gun a bhith a 'pàigheadh ​​na cìsean. Rinn a h-uile duine a chaidh an cur an grèim anns an dà bhliadhna mu dheireadh de sgrùdadh an aon rud.
Tha toraidhean an sgrùdaidh dhìomhair air na liostaichean prìsean a chaidh fhoillseachadh leis a ’Choimisean Malairt Feadarail anns gach sgìre bho 2015 gu 2016 mar a leanas:
Tha mòran telemarketing scams tàinig thall thairis, ach, mar chùis o chionn ghoirid fear ann an Florida Sheall,-caidreibh bho na Stàitean Aonaichte gu tric a 'cumail airgid.
Chaidh àireamh mhòr de rannsachadh air sealltainn gu bheil càirdeas a tha riatanach airson ar chorporra is slàinte-inntinn, agus ann an mhàthaireachd, càirdeas a dh'fhaodadh a bhith fiù 's nas cudromaiche.
Nuair a leig Roinn Còmhdhail na SA aithisg Clàr-seilbhe Drochaid Nàiseanta 2016 a-mach o chionn ghoirid, bha ùidh shònraichte aig sgioba.
Tha an American Rathad agus Còmhdhail Builders Comann (ARTBA), a 'bhuidheann a' riochdachadh malairt rathad cunnradairean, thug e mach àireamhair agus rinn cuid matamataigeach àireamhachadh.
Anns na Stàitean Aonaichte, chaidh milleadh structarail a dhèanamh air 55,710 drochaid. Às deidh cuid de àireamhachadh, thuirt iad gun deach càraichean, làraidhean agus busaichean sgoile a lorg a ’dol tarsainn air na drochaidean sin 185 millean uair san latha.
-Mhàin 1.900 drochaidean air an liosta air an rathad Sònraichte siostam. Ach ARTBA ràdh gun robh an staid roinn còmhdhail air an comharrachadh 13,000 Sònraichte drochaidean a dh'fheumas a bhith air a chur an àite, a leudachadh no a 'faighinn tòrr obair.
Gu dearbh, tha an àireamh de dhrochaidean le structarail easbhaidhean a thuit 0.5% an taca ri 2015, ach ARTBA thubhairt e seo an da-rìribh nach eil deagh naidheachd. Tha an sgioba a ràdh gu bheil a h-uile ma tha seo na leasachaidhean a dh'fhaodas a bhith air a choileanadh taobh a-staigh 12 mìosan, bheir e còrr is 20 bliadhna a 'leasachadh no a h-uile àite na drochaidean air an liosta.
ARTBA ard-eaconamaiche Dr. Alison Premo Black (Alison Premo Dubh) a thuirt gu bheil mu 28% de na drochaidean lochdach a tha còrr is 50 bliadhna a dh'aois agus a bhith a-riamh a dhol tro obair sam bith mhòr ath-thogail.
Black: "Tha an rathad lìonra anns na Stàitean Aonaichte a tha math. Tha e seann-fhasanta, air a chleachdadh cus, fo-mhaoineachadh, agus tha feum air ùrachadh gu h-èiginneach. "
Black thubhairt stàite agus còmhdhail ionadail na roinnean nach eil na goireasan a chumail suas le drochaid a chàradh.
Rè iomairt a ’chinn-suidhe, chuir Dòmhnall Trump fòcas air“ bun-structar cugallach ”na dùthcha mar aon de na prìomhachasan aige. Tha Wall Street an dùil tòrr airgid a chaitheamh san raon seo anns na mìosan a tha romhainn, agus is e seo aon de na h-adhbharan airson a ’mhargaidh stoc àrd a th’ ann an-dràsta.
Le bhith air ainmeachadh mar “locht structarail” chan eil sin a ’ciallachadh gu bheil drochaid gu bhith a’ tuiteam. Tha ìre fuaim na drochaid a ’dol bho 1 gu 9, agus thathas a’ meas gu bheil ìre 4 no nas ìsle gun teisteanas. Ged is dòcha nach bi an drochaid cunnartach sa bhad, thuirt ARTBA gu feum i aire.
Lorg an aithisg gu bheil an structar drochaid as neo-iomlan aig Iowa, air a leantainn le Pennsylvania agus Oklahoma. Nevada, Delaware agus Hawaii a tha an co-dhiù.
Is ann ainneamh a thuiteas drochaidean, ach faodaidh toraidhean bho sin a bhith uamhasach. Ann an 2007, rè stùc hours, an rèis an I-35 drochaid ann an Minneapolis thuit, a 'marbhadh agus a' leòn 13 daoine 135 daoine.
Is e Gearran am prìomh ùine siubhail saor-làithean, agus bidh mòran dhaoine a ’sireadh teothachd nas àirde anns na tropaigean. Mar sin, is dòcha gur e deagh àm a tha seo gus cuimhne a chuir air luchd-cleachdaidh.
Dh'ainmich an Coimisean Malairt Feadarail gum pàigh Seirbheisean GC, companaidh mòr cruinneachadh fiachan oileanach, $ 700,000 airson dòighean mì-laghail.
Tha FTC a 'gearan cumail a-mach gun robh a' chompanaidh air fhàgail payee fòn fiosrachadh a fhoillseachadh gu mì-laghail a 'ràdh fiachan gu treas pàrtaidh.
Chaidh innse do luchd-obrach Seirbheisean GC cuideachd nach robh fiachan air an luchd-freagairt, agus ghairm iad an luchd-cleachdaidh iomadh uair às deidh dhaibh an neach ceàrr a ghairm no nach b ’urrainn dhaibh an neach a bha iad ag iarraidh a lorg.
A rèir an FTC, GC Seirbheisean falsely cuideachd a 'cumail a-mach gum biodh e a' gabhail ceumannan gus casg a chur air an luchd-obrach mì-laghail a 'gairm bho threas phàrtaidhean a' lorg luchd-fiach.
Thuirt an FTC gu bheil fiachan iasad oileanach na phàirt mhòr agus a tha a ’sìor fhàs de ghnìomhachas cruinneachadh fiachan na SA. Chuibheasach leth iasad fiachan còrr air 40 millean luchd-cleachdaidh a tha $ 29,000. Tha Seirbheisean GC na neach-cruinneachaidh fiachan treas-phàrtaidh a bhios a ’fàiligeadh air iasadan oileanach feadarail agus seòrsachan fiachan eile.
The government’s latest inflation rate indicator at the wholesale level showed a significant increase in January.
Although the Department of Labor has not yet reported the latest consumer-level inflation data, Adobe’s Digital Price Index (DPI) points out that consumers are paying more for things than last year, at least when shopping online.
DPI tracks $7.50 for every $10 spent among the top 500 retailers in the United States. In the past two months, it began tracking prices in five new categories-alcoholic beverages, auto parts, tools and home improvement products, personal care products, and pet products.
In January, Adobe reported that consumer product inflation was higher than expected. Although there are holiday sales, the price in December is still higher than the data in December 2015.
Adobe reports that this trend continued until January when prices rose by 0.05%, which resulted in a cumulative inflation rate of 1.2% in the last three months.
Again, despite fierce competition among retailers on holiday holidays, Adobe found that the price of TVs has risen by 7.8% from a year ago, the price of electrical appliances has risen by 6%, and the price of tablet computers has risen by 5.4%.
Adobe DPI data science analyst Luiz Maykot said: “The inflation we are seeing is really interesting because the US economy has been struggling with deflation in the past few years, especially in deflation such as durable computers and household appliances. Tightening. “We see people buying TVs and computers and spending their disposable income, which is usually a good sign of the economy. ”
Rising prices will never be beneficial to consumers, but Maykot pointed out that this means companies can raise prices, which will help maintain their business. The magnitude of the price increase does not seem to bother consumers who continue to consume.
Mecot said: “It is too early to judge whether this situation will continue, but this is an important trend that deserves attention.”
Adobe said that in the new alcoholic beverage category, beer prices rose the most year-on-year. But it says online wine sales are very strong, which suggests that this may become an increasing opportunity for online retailers.
Since the financial crisis, inflation has basically not existed, which is why the Fed has kept interest rates near zero. However, after a small interest rate hike in December, Federal Reserve Chairman Janet Yellen testified to Congress this week that there are signs that the economy is starting to grow faster, which suggests that it may increase again next month. interest.
Guggisberg Cheese Inc. began to recall certain colby cheese products after receiving a Listeria contamination report.
Tha Listeria monocytogenes na fhàs-bheairt a dh ’fhaodadh a bhith marbhtach do chloinn òga, seann daoine, no luchd-cleachdaidh le siostaman dìon lag no ann an cunnart. Ach, faodaidh eadhon luchd-cleachdaidh fallain comharraidhean leithid fiabhras, ceann goirt, stiffness, nausea, pian bhoilg agus a ’bhuineach. Dh ’fhaodadh gum bi breith trom no marbh-bhreith aig boireannaich a tha trom le leanabh.
These products were produced by Guggisberg Cheese Inc. and Deutsch Kase Haus, LLC between September 1, 2016 and January 27, 2017. The products are packaged in transparent plastic and sold in deli and retail stores in Ohio, Indiana, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Kentucky, Illinois and West Virginia. So far, there have been no reports of diseases related to this recall.
The complete list of recalled products, including information about the product, size, Universal Product Code (UPC) and “Date of Use” is as follows:
Consumers who have purchased any recalled products are urged to throw them away or return them to the place of purchase for a full refund.
For more information, consumers can contact Ursula Bennett, a customer service representative at 330-893-2500, Monday to Wednesday and Friday, Monday to Wednesday and Friday, Eastern Standard Time.
Volkswagen Group of America (Inc.) recalled certain 2017 Passat cars. Brake fluid may slowly leak from some brake pipe connections, resulting in a low brake fluid level.
A lower brake fluid level may extend the distance required to stop the vehicle, thereby increasing the risk of collision.
Volkswagen will notify car owners that dealers will replace the affected brake lines for free. The recall is expected to begin in March 2017. Car owners can call Volkswagen Customer Service at 1-800-893-5298. Volkswagen’s call for this recall is 47N3.
Faodaidh sealbhadairean charbadan cuideachd fòn a chuir gu 1-888-327-4236 (TTY 1-800-424-9153) gus fios a chuir gu Loidhne Beò Sàbhailteachd Carbaid Rianachd Sàbhailteachd Trafaic Highway, no tadhal air www.safercar.gov.
Against grain food pet food companies are recalling a batch of “grain drawn beef for dog soup” dog food. Company officials said the product may be contaminated with pentobarbital.
Pentobarbital is a barbiturate that can cause a variety of side effects on dogs that eat it, including drowsiness, dizziness, excitement, loss of balance, nausea and nystagmus (where the eyeballs move back and forth), inability to stand, and coma.
The product was manufactured and distributed in 2015, and the effective date is December 2019. The batch number of the affected product is 2415E01ATB12, and the latter part of the Universal Product Code (UPC) is 80001. These numbers can be found on the back of the product. product label.
Currently, there are no complaints against this product. However, consumers who have recalled cans are urged not to feed them as pet food.
The company recommends returning the product to the place of purchase. For the inconvenience caused to consumers, they will receive a complete box of “anti-grain” food.
For more information, consumers can contact the company at 1-800-288-6796 between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm CST from Monday to Friday.
Marathon Pharmaceuticals LLC has postponed the launch of its newly approved drug for the treatment of Duchenne muscular dystrophy in the United States after criticizing the drug for $89,000.
With Republicans in control of Congress, there has been a lot of discussion about clearing regulations to slow the adoption of new technologies, such as regulations requiring cars to be equipped with old-fashioned items such as steering wheels and brake pedals.
Safety advocates have been trying to slow down the urge to adopt self-driving cars, but the two senators said they want to remove regulatory restrictions that prohibit the use of new technologies that may make hands-on driving a thing of the past.
Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Republican of Michigan Democrat Gary Peters (Southern Dakota), and South Dakota Republican John Thune (John Thune) said they are exploring legislation to “clear the way.” And promote the innovation of autonomous vehicle technology”.
The two said in a prepared statement: “Unmanned vehicles can greatly reduce the number of people killed on roads and highways each year by more than 35,000 people than any other car technology in history, and fundamentally change the way we travel. “Ensuring that American innovators can safely develop and implement this technology will not only save lives, but also consolidate America’s position as a world leader in the future of mobility.”
They pointed out the objections of automakers. They said that the federal requirement that all vehicles must be equipped with steering wheels and brake pedals is one of the rules that may slow the popularity of autonomous vehicles.
Automakers also complained that states are pushing their own regulations, which creates the possibility of chaotic legal “fixes.”
Turn and Peters said: “Our work will also include discussions on the patchwork of existing laws and regulations and the traditional role of federal and state regulatory agencies.”
The two said that most existing safety regulations (not surprisingly) assume that cars and trucks have drivers.
“Many current federal vehicle safety standards refer to the location of driver controls and other systems that assume manual operation. Although these requirements are meaningful in today’s conventional vehicles, they may inhibit innovation or impair self-driving vehicles. Cause harm.” They said, “Nevertheless, the slow pace of regulation may become a major obstacle to the development of new and safer. American automotive technologies.”
Last year, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) adopted new national safety guidelines for autonomous vehicles, insisting that autonomous vehicles have a proven “robust design” before turning on the street before driving. Make it clear that autonomous vehicles have the potential to reduce accidents.
Dr. Mark Rosekind, Director of NHTSA at the time, said: “94% of crashes on American roads are caused by human choice or error.” “We are advancing for the safe deployment of automation technology because they are essential for solving the vast majority of crashes. There is great hope for accidents and saving lives.”
Just yesterday, General Motors announced with great fanfare that its Chevrolet Cruze diesel engine has passed the certification of the US Environmental Protection Agency.
There are millions of “miracle” aging treatments that can make you look young forever. However, the latest research from Brigham Young University shows.
In a recent report, we detailed Verizon’s decision to launch an unlimited data plan. Executives boasted that this move will enable the company to work hard for the future, but T-Mobile employees have some choices when making a decision.
In an announcement on the company’s website, T-Mobile President and CEO John Legere claimed that Verizon’s new product is an inevitable move that other operators (ie T-Mobile) that offer better deals will facilitate .
“I don’t blame Verizon for the collapse. They just lost their network advantage, and they know this… and more importantly, more and more customers know this. Their backs are against the wall,” he said. “This is the job of the Un-carrier-dragging aircraft carriers to the future. Next, we will force them to include monthly taxes and fees. Remember my words.”
To support these words, T-Mobile announced that it will provide some quotations. Starting from February 17, the company said that T-Mobile ONE unlimited data subscribers will no longer be charged for watching full HD non-throttled videos.
For customers who prefer to use their mobile phone as a mobile hotspot and connect other devices to the Internet, it has also increased the upper limit of free data sharing to 10 GB per month. After reaching the upper limit, users can still access unlimited 3G data until the end of the month. Finally, it said it will provide two new production lines on T-Mobile ONE at a price of $100.
Customers who wish to take advantage of the new offers can activate them online via the T-Mobile app or via my.t-mobile.com on February 17 to use the new offers.
Although T-Mobile’s move will undoubtedly attract consumers’ attention, it may prompt other operators (such as Verizon) to take more actions, who believe they need to provide more services to retain customers. And, thankfully, even though all of this is in progress, consumers may be able to save a lot of money and get attractive new features.
It may still be winter, but it is too early to start preparing the house for the spring sales season. In fact, winter is the ideal time.
Cathay Pacific is the latest airline to launch its own branded travel reward credit card. The airline is cooperating with Synchronized Bank to issue Cathay Pacific Visa cards.
Consumers who regularly fly with airlines will get the most benefit. Cathay Pacific flies to 173 destinations in 42 countries and regions. The company said that although these flights have the most tickets, the card can be used anywhere in the world where Visa is accepted.
Cathay Pacific is mainly an international airline centered in Asia, with more than 100 flights departing from six US airports (Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York JFK Airport, Newark Liberty Airport and San Francisco) every week.
The card can accumulate 2 miles of Asia Miles for every US dollar spent. After opening an account, consumers can earn 25,000 Asia Miles as long as they spend $2,500 or more within the first 90 days of opening the account. The airline stated that this alone is sufficient for one-way upgrade of Cathay Pacific.
Although it is relatively late for the rewards credit card game-most major airlines already have branded cards-Cathay Pacific vice president of sales and marketing for the Americas, Eric Odone (Eric Odone) said that for seeking to enhance the pleasure of travel.
Tom Quindlen, Executive Vice President and CEO of Synchrony Financial Retail Card, said: “We are as passionate about excellent customer service as Cathay Pacific, and reward travelers by giving them more privileges and payment flexibility to enjoy them. experience of.
The “Asia Miles” website shows customers where they can find ways to redeem the miles they have earned. Redemption includes use on Cathay Pacific, oneworld and partner airlines, as well as travel packages.
There are many consumer products and services designed to help homeowners protect their homes from theft.
Depending on where you live, this may be an urgent issue. According to FBI investigations, burglaries accounted for nearly 24% of property crimes committed in 2010. The victims’ losses that year were estimated at 4.6 billion U.S. dollars.
Before deciding whether and which type of deterrent is needed, it is best to listen to some actual thieves who encounter these obstacles.
Researchers at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte visited 422 criminals serving sentences in prison and asked them the most effective way to keep them out.
Studies have shown that alarms are an effective deterrent. 60% of the burglars surveyed said that if they encounter an alarmed house, they will look for another target.
The same number of people said that they would be discouraged by the existence of video surveillance and might choose another house for robbery.
The vast majority of thieves interviewed are not experts. Most of them admitted that they broke into their homes to find drugs or steal things that could be sold to support their drug habits.
In fact, unless you live in a mansion, you are most likely the person trying to break into your home, not the cat thief looking for diamonds.
David Cole wrote on Quora that he said he found a man claiming to be a retired cat thief on Reddit. His advice to consumers is to laminate the windows on the first floor.
The so-called thief wrote: “The crooks’ greatest weapon is speed, and their greatest enemy is time.” “If someone tries to break into your house and hit a laminated window, they will run away in almost every situation. .”
He suggested that mezzanine windows provide much higher security than alarms or dogs, but that guy is considered a professional. Amateurs looking for drugs are unlikely to be proficient in disabling security systems or befriending dogs.
Signs.com recommends that as long as there is a sign stating that the house is protected by a security system, or that the dog is in the house, it is usually enough for the thief to move into the neighbor’s house.
Suppose a thief covers it before breaking into the house. If the target seems to present him or her with a challenge, he or she may be deterred. Bright porches and good street visibility can also be an effective deterrent.
Garry Kasparov (Garry Kasparov) Although cross-border migration of immigrants may pose a threat to democracy, cyber attacks pose a more serious threat, namely the main privacy.
Although much of the automotive world is fascinated by the development of autonomous vehicles, other engineers have been studying flying cars.
The government reported that the wholesale inflation rate rose by 0.6% in January. This reflects the increase in costs before the goods are sold to consumers. However, at some point, consumers should expect to pay at least some of these costs.
Most of the increase in January went to food, energy and trade services. If these categories are excluded, the producer price index rose by only 0.2%.
The so-called final demand commodity prices rose by 1.0% in January, the largest increase since the 1.0% rise in May 2015. Final demand reflects the final stage of the process of providing goods or services to retailers.
In January, most of the final demand increase can be attributed to energy, which increased by 4.7%. Oil and gasoline prices rose at the beginning of the year because people believed that OPEC’s production cuts would reduce supplies. So far, the evidence on this point is very rough.
When you study the energy category more deeply, you will find that gasoline is the main driving force. The Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Department of Labor reported that even though retail prices remained stable, the gasoline index rose 12.9% in January.
Costs related to pharmaceutical production, steel waste, oil and gas for household heating, and pork have also risen. The price of beef and veal fell by 7.2%, partially offsetting the increase in prices.
Since the 2008 financial crisis, the inflation rate in the United States has basically not existed. The reduction in demand for goods and services actually produced a deflationary effect.
The Fed has kept interest rates close to 0% for many years in an effort to generate a bit of inflation in the economy. Although high inflation (such as what the United States experienced in the 1970s) may be bad for consumers, economists say that some inflation is needed to enable companies to increase prices over time.
Due to possible problems with the rear CV joints, BMW recalled approximately 8,700 vehicles. The company stated that the joints may break, resulting in loss of propulsion.
MDS Foods, which operates outside of Marcellon, Ohio, has recalled multiple products that may be contaminated with Listeria. The company learned from one of its suppliers, Deutsch Kase Haus, that its minihorn cheese may have been infected with dangerous bacteria.
Tha Listeria monocytogenes na fhàs-bheairt a dh ’fhaodadh a bhith marbhtach do chloinn òga, seann daoine, no luchd-cleachdaidh le siostaman dìon lag no ann an cunnart. Ach, faodaidh eadhon luchd-cleachdaidh fallain comharraidhean leithid fiabhras, ceann goirt, stiffness, nausea, pian bhoilg agus a ’bhuineach. Dh ’fhaodadh gum bi breith trom no marbh-bhreith aig boireannaich a tha trom le leanabh.
The affected products are distributed nationwide by MDS Foods Inc. under multiple brand labels, including Amish Classics, Meijer, Deli Made EZ, Deli Readi, Lipari Old Tyme, Duck Deli and Old Tyme.
The complete list of foods recalled due to contamination found by cheese suppliers is shown below, including information about brand, description, product size, UPC code, box UPC code and date code:
It is strongly recommended that consumers who purchase any of the listed cheese products from the listed sales date do not consume the product and return it to the place of purchase for a full refund. For safety reasons, products with unreadable codes should also be returned.
For more information, consumers can contact MDS Foods Customer Service at (330) 879-9780, ext. 105 from 8:00 am to 5.00 pm EST, Monday to Friday.
Not long ago, milk was milk. It comes from cows and then enters the quart and half-gallon containers commonly found in supermarkets.
Verizon Wireless has provided unlimited data plans with most competitors and pointed out that both new and existing customers can use it.
If you also signed up for paperless billing and AutoPay, the new Verizon Unlimited plan costs $80, and you can use unlimited data, calls, and text on a single smartphone. The price of each of the four lines is $45, and it also provides unlimited data, call and text functions on smartphones and tablets, and also requires paperless billing and AutoPay.
Many consumers may say that this move is overdue, because data plans are everywhere now. Industry analysts say that Verizon was forced to take action because it lost too many customers.
The plan also includes high-definition video streaming, mobile hotspots, voice and text coverage in Mexico and Canada, and roaming of up to 500 MB per day in two neighbors in the United States.
Ronan Dunne, President of Verizon’s Wireless Division, said: “We have established a network so that we can manage all the activities that our customers perform. Everything we do is to provide the best experience on the best network, and we have established a future-oriented, Not just today.”
But Dunn said that unlimited data may not be what everyone wants. The company will continue to offer 5GB, S, M and L plans that may be more suitable for light users. Although the plan is “unlimited”, unlimited data may not always maintain the same speed.
Verizon said in a statement: “In order to ensure a quality experience for all customers, in any billing cycle, after the data usage on a line reaches 22 GB, if the network is congested, we may give priority to other customers. Happening.”
The company said it does not expect this to happen frequently, but it needs to be able to do this to manage network resources.
Verizon’s new plan is similar to its main competitor, but Verizon said it has made key progress. It provides a higher quality video stream. In addition, AT&T’s unlimited plan requires subscription to other AT&T affiliate services.
Yahoo is facing increasing scrutiny from two U.S. senators who say Yahoo has not yet made enough information about its two large-scale data breaches (not enough to expose the records of more than 1 billion consumers to hackers) Suggest.
In a letter to Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer, the senators said they were concerned about the “last minute” cancellation of Yahoo’s meeting with Senate staff on January 31, and said that unexplainable cancellations increased ” Concerns about the company’s willingness to deal with Congress”. Completely candid about these recent events. ”
Senator-Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John Thun (RS.D.) and Consumer Protection, Public Safety, Insurance and Data Security Subcommittee Chairman Jerry Moran (Kansas R.) Yahoo Executive “So far it has not been able to provide answers to many basic questions about violations.”
The Wall Street Journal reported that the company said it was studying the letter and would “respond as appropriate.”
In September 2016, Yahoo stated that about 500 million customer accounts were hacked in 2014, leading analysts to call it the largest data breach in history. But then, the company said in December that the second earlier data breach in 2013 affected no less than 1 billion accounts.
A lot of information was exposed in the leak, including name, email address, phone number, birthday, hashed password, and security questions and answers. The company said that payment card data, clear text passwords and bank account information have not been compromised.
The senator cited confusing and sometimes contradictory information about when and how violations occurred and when companies became aware of violations. And, saying that its main goal is to protect the privacy of consumers, five questions were asked to Mayer:
In addition to the Senate investigation, the Wall Street Journal also reported that the US Securities and Exchange Commission is investigating whether the company should report violations to investors earlier.
In addition to possible regulatory actions, these violations also jeopardized Yahoo’s $4.8 billion sale of itself to Verizon. In October, the “New York Post” stated that Verizon was asking for a $1 billion discount because it did not know the full scope of the violation when the deal was concluded.
“On the last day, we heard that [AOL boss] Tim [Armstrong] walked indifferently. According to the Post, a source familiar with Verizon said he was very dissatisfied with the lack of disclosure. He said: “We Can you get out of trouble or can you lower the price? ”
Many consumers may be aware of the positive health effects of probiotics. Past studies have shown that these beneficial microorganisms can promote better digestion.
In 2017, the Chevrolet Cruze diesel ranked first in refueling Derby cars, was awarded a 52-gallon/gallon highway rating from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and a six-speed manual transmission, reaching 30 mpg in city driving .
This is the first non-hybrid car to have an EPA rating of at least 50 mpg on the highway since the micro Geo Metro. The question is whether consumers who have succumbed to Volkswagen’s poor reputation for “clean diesel” will seize the opportunity again.
Chevrolet is committed to providing customers with various propulsion options. We know that some customers are looking for the right combination of fuel efficiency, driving dynamics, fuel type, etc. Chevrolet Marketing Director Steven Majoros said that they can do it with the 52 mpg highway “Cruz diesel sedan” estimated by the EPA.
The car is equipped with a new Ecotec 1.6-liter inline four-cylinder turbo diesel engine that can provide 137 horsepower (102 kilowatts) and 240 pound-feet of torque. General Motors stated that the Cruze diesel engine has passed all strict environmental standards and verifications in the United States, including Tier 3 Bin 125 emission standards, and hopes to calm any doubts about the authenticity of its clean air.
Buyers will be able to choose the standard six-speed manual transmission or the new optional Hydra-Matic nine-speed automatic transmission (including fuel-saving/starting technology) to choose the Cruze diesel sedan.
General Motors does not lag behind its competitors in the battle for fuel economy. Its Chevrolet Bolt recently received an EPA-certified 238-mile range, making it the first electric car in the United States with a range of more than 200 miles.
Your little ones may be open-minded, and Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to show them how they are loved. But treat it sweetly.
As cities and suburbs become more and more urbanized, more and more people walk and ride bicycles. This is fine unless they are hit by a car.
In Washington, DC, local transportation officials have decorated the city on bicycle lanes and improved pedestrian crossings and traffic lights. Now they are studying the speed limit.
Like most cities, the default speed limit in Washington, D.C. is 25 miles per hour, but under its “Zero Vision” plan, the plan aims to eliminate traffic accident deaths by 2024. Sometimes speed limits in certain areas may be reduced. To 15. The Washington Post reported recently.
“Neighbors Slow Zone” will be near schools, parks, senior centers and youth centers. The current thinking is that the speed limit in these areas will be reduced from 7 am to 11 pm to 15 mph
City officials said the lower speed limit and increased traffic enforcement targets for speeding are because these are the main causes of traffic deaths. All other things being equal, the speed determines the result of the pedestrian collision. The victim has a chance of surviving at a speed of 20 mph. They may die or suffer devastating injuries when they are forty years old.
City officials pointed out that the target area not only has a lot of people, but there are also many children and elderly people who are the most common victims of pedestrian traffic accidents.
The number of deaths in traffic accidents in Washington, D.C. is not high-it was only 28 last year-but it is not too big, only 68 square miles, with heavy traffic, and many impatient commuters travel to and from the suburbs of Maryland and the capital area of ​​Virginia.
Washington is not the only city actively realizing the “Vision Zero”. The city originated in Switzerland. After New York Mayor Bill de Blasio took office, New York City became the first major city in the United States to adopt the city, even in remote suburban cities like San Antonio. Have joined the city.
A recent article in Management magazine reported that San Antonio adopted the procedure after recording the deaths of 373 pedestrians over a decade. Shirley Gonzalez (Shirley Gonzalez) successfully ran for the city council on the “Vision Zero” platform and stated that she will implement a transportation policy, “Pedestrians must be the first priority, followed by cycling, public transportation and Private car.”
Advocates of self-driving cars assure us that self-driving cars will be the answer to death in traffic accidents, but advocates of “Zero Vision” say that improved street design and slower speeds can save a lot of lives without costly and complicated Autonomous vehicle technology.
Open and honest communication can increase trust, and trust is an essential part of a healthy relationship-but if you or your important others cross the boundaries of social media, the rock-solid trust you strive to build may collapse.
Although you may think that “associating” with old friends on Facebook is innocent enough, social media researcher Joyce Baptist said that this could destroy a relationship.
Baptiste, associate professor of marriage and family therapy at Kansas State University, said: “When social media is used to stay in touch throughout the day or respect your partner’s accomplishments, they can enhance relationships, but there are some pitfalls that can avoid the destruction of relationships. “the University.
The Baptist Church says that it is important to ensure that you and your partner are on the same page on social media. Lack of consensus on boundaries on social media can damage relationships, but having clear boundaries between acceptable and unacceptable can help maintain trust.
To understand how social media affects relationships, the Baptist Church studied nearly 7,000 couples who use social media. Her research shows that although some people accept the fact that their partner interacts with Lao Huo or flirts with other people online, they are not always happy about it.
The Baptist Church said: “Although they may say,’I believe you, it’s okay,’ they are not happy about it.” “The other party they ultimately think is important is spending too much time with other parties on social media Instead of focusing on your partner.”
Baptist said that such a situation can damage the satisfaction of relationships and interfere with the level of care people get from their partners. However, simple conversations about the boundaries of social media can help protect relationships from these situations.
In addition to sharing what you are willing to tolerate, the Baptist Church recommends that you share what you like. Reaching an agreement on social media boundaries can establish a safe and satisfying relationship.
“When you meet old love or other attractive people on social media, the question to ask is: will communicating with other people strengthen my relationship or harm my relationship?” she said. “Just because you see your high school girlfriend or boyfriend on Facebook does not mean you need to “make friends” with them.”
Baptist said that using social media to re-enter another important person in your life may be a bit slippery, because people may tend to talk to their ex-partners during the low point of their current relationship.
But the ebb and flow of the relationship is normal, and a low point does not necessarily mean that your relationship is doomed to fail. But the Baptist will say that rekindling the old flame may actually destroy your relationship.
On Valentine’s Day, consider the following questions: In order for a relationship to function properly, many things must be done correctly. Political compatibility is increasingly one of them.
A report by Creditcards.com shows that nearly 12 million consumers have hidden their credit cards or bank accounts from their spouses. We will leave it to you to imagine why they do this.
But what is interesting is the breakdown of age demographics. The older you are, the more likely you are to have a secret account. Baby boomers are four times more likely to hide accounts than millennials.
Matt Schulz, a senior industry analyst at CreditCards.com, said that keeping secrets in a relationship is not a trivial matter, nor is it a good idea.
He said: “Like any reckless behavior, small money tends to accumulate.” Spending $25 without consulting your partner seems to be accidental, but when these purchases become more frequent or the amount increases, it can be serious Destroy your account and budget. ”
Financial fraud is not always related to marriage fraud. It seems that many people only want to be able to buy what they need without seeking approval from their partners. Usually, these are big deals.
The report found that approximately 28% of consumers with secret accounts sometimes spend $500 or more on secret purchases. Similarly, age is an important factor. Baby boomers are more likely than millennials to make large amounts of secret consumption.
Could it be that the longer people spend together, the less they care about what each other does with money? Creditcards.com has found a surprising number of married people who say they don’t need to know what their partners are spending. Not surprisingly, the more money you make, the more likely you are to hold this attitude.
The relationship adviser warned that if secret spending is a well-known act of “financial infidelity,” the cause may be a lack of trust. They say that when a spouse is afraid to tell each other how much debt they have accumulated, problems quickly arise.
Personal finance blogger Dave Ramsey (Dave Ramsey) wrote that “financial infidelity” can involve a wide range of spending issues. Fundamentally, he pointed out two problems-one related to the financial life of the couple and the other related to their relationship.
Sears and Kmart are the latest retailers to abandon Trump-branded merchandise and say they are part of an effort to commit to the most profitable merchandise. The joint-venture retailer said 31 Trump House products have been removed from its product lineup.
The decision was made after Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus gave up the clothing line of their first daughter Ivanka Trump last week. President Trump expressed indignation and said on Twitter that Nordstrom had treated his daughter unfairly, but Nordstrom said the decision was not political.
Nordstrom said: “We have always said that we will make purchasing decisions based on performance.” “In this case, based on the brand’s performance, we decided not to buy it this season.”
A report from the Wall Street Journal on Saturday confirmed that sales of Nordstrom’s Ivanka Trump brand had fallen sharply before retailers stopped selling. Based on Nordstrom’s internal data, the report found that sales of Ivanka Trump’s clothing and shoes fell by more than 70% in the second, third and fourth weeks of October compared with the same period last year.
According to Reuters, spokesperson Brian Hanover said in a statement: “As part of the company’s plan to optimize online product classification, we will continue to optimize the classification to focus on our most profitable products.”
According to the website’s website, the Trump House series includes furniture, bedding and lighting equipment, usually from manufacturers that provide products for Trump hotels.
When ConsumerAffairs reports gasoline prices, we always use regular gasoline prices as a benchmark because it is assumed to be the fuel grade that most consumers buy.
However, more and more consumers are using more expensive premium gasoline, not because they want it, but because the engine in the car needs it.
Patrick DeHaan, a senior analyst at GasBuddy, produced a chart showing that the proportion of new cars on the road that require premiums is rising. His chart shows that this now accounts for less than half of all new car sales.
These cars are equipped with high-performance engines-turbocharging and supercharging. DeHaan said that the reason these engines are entering so many new cars is the government’s CAFE standard, which increases the average mileage per gallon that the fleet must reach.
DeHaan told ConsumerAffairs: “This is easy to solve because more octane can bring you more electricity.” “Manufacturers are forced to do this.”
DeHaan believes that raising the CAFE standard is a good move for the government because it forces automakers to work harder to improve fuel efficiency. Consumers benefit. He said that in the past 50 years, automakers have not invested a lot of money in research and development.
DeHaan said: “We are using these modernized cars, but things on the hood have not changed a lot. “We have cylinders and pistons, and now, according to CAFE standards, you will force manufacturers to enter the drawing stage, and They get twice the result with half the effort. ”
These turbocharged engines are smaller and consume less fuel. But they produce the same or higher power than large engines that consume more fuel. DeHaan said, this is why we see more. Consumers did not notice the difference, except at the air pump.
Drivers of high-performance cars may not have to refuel often, but if they do, the price will be higher. The cost of high-quality fuel is higher than that of conventional fuel.
DeHaan said: “You have seen a huge difference between the prices of regular fuels and premium fuels, especially in certain areas of the country.”
In California, the difference is not much, only 25 cents per gallon. But the price gap in the central and western regions is widening.
De Han said: “In Chicago, it is common to find that a gallon of gasoline is one dollar higher than the normal price.” “You have seen some gas stations with a premium of $3.99 per gallon. If the price of gasoline in Chicago is like that. Every spring, it will rise by 25 to 50 cents per gallon, which will place many gas stations in downtown Chicago, and the premium will exceed $4 per gallon, or even close to $5.”
According to the AAA fuel gauge survey, the average price of regular gasoline nationwide is about $2.28 per gallon. But the average price of the premium was $2.79, an increase of 51 cents. This is 28 cents per gallon higher than the average price of diesel.
DeHaan said that the most important thing is that consumers buying new cars must pay attention to the engine under the hood. If it is a high-performance engine that requires excellent service, the cost of keeping it running may be much higher than you think.
PetSmart has voluntarily recalled a production batch of its Groreat Choice adult canned dog food, after the manufacturer informed the company of consumer complaints about metal fragments, which may pose a choking hazard to pets.
The product is sold nationwide in PetSmart retail stores and sold online on PetSmart.com, Pet360.com and PetFoodDirect.com.
The dog food was sold between October 10, 2016 and February 7, 2017, and its “best shelf life” is 8/5/19, which can be found at the bottom of the can. You can see more information below, including the full product name, batch number and Universal Product Code (UPC):
It is recommended that customers who have purchased the recalled food stop feeding it to their pets and take the remaining cans to the PetSmart store for a full refund or exchange.
PetSmart said that no other “Great Choice” brands have been affected by the recall, and no illness or injury has been reported.
For more information, consumers can call PetSmart Customer Service at 1-888-839-9638 between 7 am and 10 pm CST.
Due to possible contamination with Listeria monocytogenes, two Taylor Farms factories in Dallas, Texas and Tracy, California are recalling approximately 6,630 pounds of chicken and pork salad products.
The organism can be fatal to young children, the elderly, or consumers with weak or compromised immune systems. Even healthy consumers can be negatively affected by symptoms such as high fever, severe headache, stiffness, nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Pregnant women are also at great risk because contamination can cause miscarriage or stillbirth.
The affected products were packaged from February 6 to 9, 2017 and shipped to distribution centers in Los Angeles and Tracy, California. Portland, Oregon; Houston, Roanoke, and San Antonio, Texas. They include:
Each product is marked with the establishment number M/P-34013 or M/P-34733 in the USDA inspection mark.
The contamination was discovered on February 10, 2017 by Sargento Foods Inc., which provided cheese products for the establishment of Taylor Farms. The Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) of the U.S. Department of Agriculture believes that consumers may still keep the affected products in the refrigerator.
The agency urges consumers who own these products not to consume them. Instead, the product should be discarded or returned to the place of purchase.
Consumers who have questions about the M/P-34013 recall can call (510) 378-3132 to contact the National Accounts Manager Vince Ramos. For more information on the M/P-34733 recall, please contact Mark Clement at (214) 565-4848.
Meijer has announced the recall of its Meijer brand of Colby cheese and Colby Jack cheese. The company reports that products sold only through its deli may be contaminated with Listeria.
This organism can be fatal to young children, the elderly, or consumers with weak or compromised immune systems. However, even healthy consumers can experience symptoms such as fever, severe headache, stiffness, nausea, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Infected pregnant women may have miscarriage or stillbirth.
The two cheese products were sold in the Meijer store between November 10, 2016 and February 9, 2017. So far, no known diseases have been reported, but Meijer began the recall after its manufacturer determined evidence of possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination.
The recalled products can be identified by the Universal Product Code (UPC) printed on the label on the plastic deli packaging. The code of the recalled product starts with 215927 or 215938, and the last six digits depend on the weight of the deli order.
Consumers are urged to stop using any affected products and discard or return them to the customer service desk of Meijer stores for a full refund.
During the last voyage to the Caribbean, it soon became obvious how miserable our preparations for a beach holiday were. Knowing that there will be a tote bag in the cabin of the cruise company, we left the spacious and light beach bag at home, which is something we miss very much throughout the journey. My fancy beach was not covered enough, my hat blew off and landed in the sea. By the time I caught it, it had already rolled over the waves, and there was sand everywhere.
I feel underprepared every day of the holiday, which is fun, so this is what I will do on my next beach holiday.
For large tote bags, choose a lightweight, spacious and packable tote bag. It’s great if you have a pocket, but if you don’t have a pocket, please bring a lightweight zipper bag to organize your luggage.
Towels Search for packable beach towels, and you will find high-absorbency and quick-drying towels at shops and websites that provide entertainment. Look for products that are durable and machine washable; some are not even sandy.
Sunscreen Sunscreen is sold on most beaches, but you have to pack it yourself to ensure you get the brand and SPF you need. Make sure to carry enough unopened bottles and double-pack them in a safe plastic bag to prevent them from leaking.
Choose cheap and comfortable beachwear for beachwear, because it will take a hit. Wear light, long-sleeved clothes on the beach and wear them in the water for added protection.
After losing the hat, I realized how important it is to bring two foldable hats. Don’t spend a lot of money on beach hats because they get dirty easily. Look for a strap to wear it on your head, don’t worry about your clumsy look-a tanned face is even stranger.
There are many kinds of waterproof beach shoes. Wear a pair that is comfortable and easy to clean on the beach, and protect your feet when you wear shoes on the beach.
Beach towel clip I thought it was stupid, until I saw a lot of swimmers wearing tight towels sitting on the ground, and I slipped. You can get cheap packages of eight to twelve bright colors, or splurge, and then buy a pair of flamingos, sea ry and nimo, parrots or cute flip flops.
Waterproof device to protect valuables. Nothing can ruin the vacation faster than throwing away valuables. First, bring only the essentials to the beach, such as mobile phones, credit cards, ID cards and some cash. Determine how you want to store valuables. There are waterproof devices that can be hung on the neck, and others can be hung on the waist. Search for “waterproof protection of valuables” to see your choices.
Water You don’t know which facility you will use, but fresh water is essential. Everyone who goes to the beach brings at least one bottle.
The hand sanitizer meter in the travel package will help you feel clean and refreshed. Beach players should also throw travel paper towels.
These are just the basics. Add other items to make you feel comfortable when sunbathing.
Backpage.com, a classified advertising site, has a new problem. The site was sued by two non-profit women and children’s shelters, claiming that the site’s owner knew it.
According to the Los Angeles Times, a former employee of Carl and a current employee have filed a lawsuit against the parent company of the chain company Carl Carlcher Enterprises Limited (CKE), accusing the company of wage suppression and improper business practices .
The two claimed that CKE and its franchisees colluded with each other to prohibit employees in management positions from transferring between restaurants. They said the move effectively prevented workers trying to raise their wages from any attempts to threaten to work at another franchise.
“If I can’t threaten my employer to go elsewhere and use my unique skills… and go to another Carl’s small restaurant with me-then I cannot ask for such a high salary. We have no proof to support this constraint. Reasons for competition. The only reason we can determine is to actively reduce labor costs to save costs.” Plaintiff’s lawyer Nina DiSalvo said.
Although the lawsuit itself is problematic for CKE and Karl Jr., for CEO Andy Puzder (Andy Puzder), the consequences could be worse. Puzder, who has long touted the advantages of free market capitalism, has been nominated by President Trump as Secretary of Labor.
Unfortunately for Puzder, this is not the first time he has criticized his business practices. Democrats emphasized the CEO’s opposition to raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Past accusations have claimed that CKE’s restaurants violated labor laws.
The plaintiffs in the current lawsuit, Luis Bautista and Margarita Guerrero, provided the basis for these criticisms. They claim that due to the franchisee’s non-employment policy, their wages have been reduced and they have to work under “brutal” conditions. They said that CKE’s policy set franchisees to compete with each other, but subsequently restricted the movement of workers between different locations.
CKE and Puzder cannot do it at the same time. They cannot evade the responsibilities stipulated by labor and employment laws by accepting a free market model composed of independent and competing franchisees, while at the same time restricting free competition, damaging the thousands of workers employed by CKE and its franchisees. .
Puzid’s legal defense pointed out that the new lawsuit was nothing more than an intentional, untimely shooting, and was intended to incite malice before the CEO Senate confirmed the hearing.
The executive vice president of CKE said: “Although we will not comment on the details of any pending litigation, the timing of this baseless lawsuit is clearly to derail the nomination of Andy Puzder. Although it’s trivial.” And general counsel Charles A. Siegel III.
Puzder’s confirmation hearings have been postponed four times, but they are currently scheduled for February 16.
This sounds like a huge investment: wine futures-an opportunity to buy tomorrow’s best wine at today’s price. But, as any experienced investor will tell you, even real futures are tricky.
According to the FBI, the trouble with wine futures sold by Premier Cru in San Francisco is that they are fictitious. The FBI recently concluded its investigation of John E. Fox and his wine business.
Fox pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 78 months in prison in a federal prison in December 2016. His “investors” didn’t even have a cork to bargain.
It all started in 1980, when Fox opened a store. Ten years later, when funds were short, he proposed the hypothetical idea of ​​selling “pre-paid” wines, pretending that customers did get ultra-low bargains-top wines that matured within a few years. price.
Those who are eager for buyers will spend $100 on a bottle of wine today. It is said that in a few years it will be produced by a proprietary vineyard, and the value at that time will be far more than $100.
But FBI investigators said that Fox only used the proceeds to repay former customers, and the rest was spent on Ferrari, Maserati, private golf club memberships and other luxury goods.
“He had a very profitable plan once,” said agent Scott Medearis of the San Francisco branch of the FBI investigating the case. “Although, like all Ponzi schemes, it is doomed to fail. But this was not before his victims had almost lost everything.”
Medearis said: “His customers think they are getting wine futures, a lot of fancy wines.” Fox is smart and chooses certain wines because he knows they will sell well. “He considered what to provide,” Medearis explained. “Not the rarest wine, because savvy customers will know that there are not so many wines.”
Between 2010 and 2015, the FBI sold Phantom Wine worth approximately US$20 million. Soon after, he declared bankruptcy, leaving approximately 9,000 people inactive.
In December 2016, a federal judge sentenced Fox to 78 months in prison for wire fraud. Mediaris was satisfied with the realization of justice, although he understood that many of Fox’s victims were frustrated and betrayed.
He said: “A victim in Hong Kong lost $1 million.” “Another victim invested part of his pension and lost it. A father just wanted to give a bottle to his daughter’s wedding. Wine, of course this did not happen.”
Children are not known for their ability to incite romance. Conversely, parents with insufficient sleep and young children may find this idea.
What is the safest car you can buy? The answer of course depends on what kind of car you are talking about-compact.
The latest report from the personal finance website Bankrate.com shows that this year, about 16 million American adults think they are “very likely” to buy a home. Another 20 million people said that they are “very likely” to achieve a leap in home ownership in 2017.
But given the current state of US housing inventory, Americans may be too optimistic about homeowners. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) estimates that the total new home sales in 2016 was about 6 million. By the end of 2016, NAR pointed out that the total housing inventory was at its lowest level since 1999.
Millennials and Generation X are the generations most eager to buy a new house in 2017. However, financial constraints and housing supply may become obstacles to buying a house, especially for millennials.
Holden Lewis, a senior mortgage analyst at Bankrate, said: “Among millennials, there is a lot of pent-up demand for home purchases.” “Due to stagnant wages, student loans and a lack of available entry housing, they are in trouble. If there are enough affordable housing in the market, we may see a large number of first-time buyers in the early 1930s to the mid-1930s.”
Financial issues can also make the home purchase journey for parents with children under 18 more daunting.
Parents with children say they are three times more likely to buy a new house this year than non-parents, but the cost of owning a house may hinder this goal.
High mortgage loans may affect the financial situation of the family and put parents at risk of becoming poor. In life when saving money is important, having a comfortable mortgage is often crucial.
Lewis said: “Giving birth and raising a family is one of the main reasons why Americans leapfrog home ownership-many people think it is a key part of the American dream.” He added that families need to be aware of all the costs of buying a house. house.
The report said that half of the parents who own the house are trying to save money for the future. However, despite the possible financial obstacles, parents do not seem to lack the desire to own a house. Only 18% of parents said they don’t want to own a house now, compared to 42% of non-parents.
For financially strangled parents who may be wary of mortgage payments, an expert suggested that mortgage loans be considered a form of savings.
Jim Sahnger, a Mortgage Planner at Schaffer Mortgage in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida, said: “If you look at it from the perspective of building assets, it’s obviously important.” He added that home ownership can also save you from rising rents and may even bring Tax incentives.
Sorry, there is no excuse for deforming the body. If you can go up the stairs, then you can exercise.
Researchers at McMaster University say that a brief but violent climb of stairs will bring many positive benefits to your heart, whether at home or in the office. You don’t have to go to the gym or have expensive equipment at home.
Martin Gibala, a McMaster Professor of Kinesiology and the lead author of the study, said: “Stair climbing is an exercise that anyone can do at home, after get off work, or at lunchtime.” “This research makes experimentation possible.” Outdoor interval training is possible and everyone can use it.”
Recent studies have found that during moderate-intensity exercise, short but intense intervals between vigorous exercise may be very effective. Research has also shown that climbing stairs for long periods of time (up to 70 minutes per week) is also helpful.
But what about short-term vigorous exercise? This is the so-called sprint internal training (SIT)? Is this any good? Scientists at McMaster decided to find out.
They recruited 31 sedentary but unhealthy women and tested the effects of two different methods. Both require an extension of 10 minutes a day.
Half of the women spend 10 minutes on an exercise bike, which has been proven to improve fitness. The second group performed vigorously climbing stairs, but only for 20 seconds at a time.
Participants then quickly climbed up and down a flight of stairs for 60 seconds, which the researchers said was easy to accomplish at home. Researchers have found that climbing stairs is as beneficial as riding a bicycle.
Gibala said: “Interval training provides a convenient way to adapt exercise to life without having to build life around exercise.”
Fitness enthusiasts have long known the benefits of climbing stairs. Sports coaches usually make their athletes run back and forth on the steps of stadiums and arenas during physical exercise.
The new fact is that if you work actively, you don’t need to take many steps to reap the benefits.
There is even a website that specializes in sports climbing stairs, StepJockey.com, which says that only two minutes of climbing stairs a day is enough to prevent middle-aged weight gain.
Many American consumers might imagine a typical, mature relationship in which two married adults own a house and live in harmony. But a new study suggests that older people who have previously divorced may be forming a new global trend.
Researchers from the University of Missouri say that some older couples are choosing to abandon their typical lifestyle in order to achieve easier arrangements. They say that unlike divorced people, they say that divorced couples choose to keep a separate house, which is called “living apart” (LAT).
For a long time, people’s understanding of later relationships is mainly based on long-term marriage. Now, more divorced and widowed adults are interested in establishing new intimacy beyond the boundaries of marriage. “Researcher Jaquelyn Benson said.
Although LAT relationships are more generally accepted in Europe than in the United States, the researchers point out that the system has some advantages. In their study, the researchers found that LAT couples tend to be more self-reliant – they tend to be more economically and socially independent than couples in traditional relationships.
However, there are some shortcomings regarding the LAT relationship. In expressing the nature of their relationship with others, LAT couples are more troublesome than traditional couples. Many people point out that the term “boyfriend” or “girlfriend” is not enough. In addition, LAT couples have trouble deciding how to care for their children or making “family” decisions.
“Although we are learning more about the LAT relationship, further research is needed to determine how the LAT relationship is related to issues such as health care and nursing. Discussions about retirement plans and care can easily lead to discussion; however, LAT couples should Prioritize the conversation between the spouse and the family,” Benson said.
“Many of us waited until the crisis to resolve these issues, but in a situation like LAT, where there are no socially prescribed codes of conduct, these conversations may be more important than ever.
Benson said that while some people may think that negative factors outweigh positive factors, LAT relationships may be perfect for elderly couples who have experienced divorce before.
“Recent research shows that there are other ways to build long-lasting, high-quality relationships without having to commit to marriage or living together… If more people (regardless of age, married or not) consider LAT as a This choice may save them a lot of pain in the future.” She said.
Florida has once again cooperated with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to remove several Florida companies. Officials said the two companies are conducting debt relief scams.
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi said that the Federal Court has approved the consent decision, which addresses debt relief companies’ promises to exploit lower credit card payments and large savings to exploit debt-laden consumers. Allegations.
Bondi said that in the process, the company charged upfront fees, but never provided these services or provided refunds. In other words, she said it was a complete scam. As a result, she said, affected consumers fell into greater debt.
Bondi said: “Debt relief scams are aimed at people who are trying to pay their bills and get out of debt. These types of scams hinder their efforts and make victims have to do the right thing and owe more money than they did when they asked for help. need more.”
Bondi said that these companies cooperated with payment processors and established more than twenty shell merchants to process credit card payments for this operation. She said that the defendant was suspected of creating these fake companies. Their purpose is to rob nearly 12 million dollars from consumers.
Bondi said that the defendants bound by the consent form were Steven D. Short and his wife Karissa L. Dyar, EM Systems and Services Co., Ltd., Administration and Design Co., Ltd., Experience Data Group Technology Co., Ltd., Epiphany Management System Co., Ltd. and KLS Industries. A limited liability company, which conducts business under the name of “Satisfying Service Solutions Limited Liability Company”.
According to the terms of the settlement, the telemarketing company allegedly participating in the business was also permanently banned from all future telemarketing activities.
This is the second time in recent weeks that the Florida Attorney General and the Federal Trade Commission have reached a settlement with a company allegedly engaged in illegal debt relief.
In late January, the State of Florida and the Federal Trade Commission reached a settlement with the operators of a number of debt clearing companies and settled the 2016 lawsuit.
The state and federal governments have joined forces to sue Joan Valdes and the companies it controls Consumer Assistance LLC, Consumer Assistance Project Corp. and Palermo Global LLC.
These allegations specifically accuse the company of targeting consumers with student loan debt and illegal debt relief.
Millions of Americans take dietary supplements for various reasons. Although there is much debate about the practicality of these products, but consumption.
In recent years, housing affordability has become an issue, especially in California. The state is home to some of the most expensive housing markets in the United States.
So the good news is that the California Association of Realtors (CAR) found that housing affordability in the state has actually improved.
Group points increase salaries and seasonal price drops to improve the market. The report said that in the fourth quarter, the proportion of potential buyers who are now able to purchase mid-priced existing single-family homes in California was 31%, the same as the third quarter.
Income is a key component of housing affordability. In California, buyers need an annual income of at least $100,800 to afford a $511,360 home. Believe it or not, this is the median house price in California today.
Assuming that the buyer can pay a 20% down payment and obtain a mortgage of no more than 3.91%, the monthly repayment amount is $2,520, which includes taxes and insurance for a 30-year fixed-rate loan. .
Compared with the fourth quarter of 2015, housing affordability has improved in the most recent quarter. The affordability of apartments and townhouses was also flat compared to the previous quarter.
Of course, for some markets in California, affordability is better than others. The Central African Republic’s report shows that eight counties (Contra Costa, Marin, Napa, Los Angeles, Ventura, Monterey, Santa Barbara, and Madrid) The affordability of Madera has improved.
Ten counties-San Francisco, Sonoma, Orange County, Riverside, San Bernardino, Santa Cruz, Cohen, Kings, Merced and San Joaquin-the scope of home purchase has been further expanded.
Alameda, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Sorano, San Diego, San Luis Obispo, Fresno, Placer, Sacramento, Stanislaus and Tulare are both affordable in the 11 counties No improvement or deterioration.
Kings, Cohen, San Bernardino and Fresno counties were the most affordable counties in the fourth quarter of last year. San Francisco, San Mateo and Santa Cruz are the cheapest.
The National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) reported that its 55+ Housing Market Index (HMI) jumped 8 points to 67 in the last three months of 2016. This is the highest level since the index was launched in 2008.
Dennis Cunningham, Chairman of the NAHB 55+ Housing Industry Committee, said: “The significant increase in index readings is partly attributable to the post-election boost, as many builders and developers have been affected by President Trump’s reduction of negative burdens. Encouraged by the promise of onerous regulations. Affect small businesses.”
Cunningham said that builders and developers in this market area are also encouraged by this fact, because in the next 15 years, 10,000 baby boomers will turn 65 every day. He added: “The continuing pressure for this age group is the desire to downsize from the big house, move to other parts of the United States, or just find a new house or community, which also plays a key role in the exponential movement,” he added. .
Two of the more than 55 housing markets have more than 55 HMIs: single-family houses and multi-family apartments.
Every more than 55 HMIs will measure the sentiment of the builders based on a survey that asks the current sales volume in the market, the transaction volume of potential buyers, and the six-month expected sales situation is good, fair or bad (transaction volume High, average or low).
All three index components of 55+ single-family HMI are high. Current sales and expected sales for the next six months both hit new index highs, increasing by 11 points to 74 points and 10 points to 75 points, respectively, while potential buyer transactions increased by 2 points to 49 points.
However, the HMI of multi-family apartments with more than 55 units dropped by 2 points to 46. The index component of current sales dropped by 1 point to 50. Sales in the next six months are expected to increase by 1 point to 52, and the flow of potential buyers dropped by 3 points to 35.
All four indices that track rental production and demand for multiple households with more than 55 households increased in the fourth quarter. The current output has increased by 6 points, and the expected future output has increased by 11 points. Both current demand for existing equipment and future demand have reached new exponential highs-jumping 12 points to 71 points and 17 points to 76 points, respectively.
NAHB Chief Economist Robert Dietz said: “The strong performance of the 55+ HMI at the end of 2016 is in line with the recent growth in broad indicators of the real estate market, including new home sales and NAHB/Wells Fargo HMI.” “Although Builders in many places will still face challenges in finding sufficient labor and location inputs, but we expect the 55+ market to continue to grow in 2017.”
Ruth’s Salads of Charlotte, North Carolina is expanding the early recall of Ruth’s Salads Pimento cheese sauce packaged in Chester, South Carolina
The following products are packaged in plastic containers and labeled “B&H Packaging; Food Company, Chester, South Carolina” are recalled:
The recalled products were distributed in grocery stores in parts of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Kentucky, and parts of Virginia and Tennessee.
Customers who have purchased the recalled product should return it to the place of purchase for a full refund.
Consumers in doubt can call the company at 800-532-0409 between 7 am and 3 pm Monday to Friday. Consumers may leave a message after get off work and call back as soon as possible.
BMW North America recalled four 2016-2017 X1 xDrive28i and X1 sDrive28i vehicles.
In the event of a collision, the dashboard of the vehicle may not allow the front passenger airbag to deploy correctly, increasing the risk of injury.
BMW will notify car owners and dealers will replace the dashboard for free. The manufacturer has not yet provided a notification schedule.
Now is the time for financial services companies to put aside their paid attack dogs, and they continue to fight the Department of Labor’s “trusted” rules, which will require financial advisors who sell IRAs, annuities and other investment products for the best interests of customers and consumer groups Act. debate.
Those who oppose the rule have decisively lost three court challenges, the most recent one being earlier this week, but they continue to contend through lobbying, legal challenges and other means they can dream of.
Consumer groups stated that the anti-investor movement has gone far enough. Today, in a letter they asked the board members of the financial industry trade group to speak to themselves and restrain the efforts of lobbyists. They pointed out that most financial services companies have implemented the rules in depth, and the process is designed to protect consumers who trust retirement savings to so-called “financial advisers,” who are usually just glorious insurance salesmen.
It is especially important to clean up the abuse of financial advisors, because defined pensions, group medical plans and other “safety nets” are shattered, and the responsibility for retirement, healthcare and other basic elements is transferred to individual consumers, and these consumers are often Talk loudly. Expense mutual funds, inappropriate annuities and questionable products such as long-term care policies.
For some time, people have realized that financial advisors need higher ethical standards. Indeed, as the consumer community has said, most major financial services companies-including stockbrokers-distributors, certified financial advisors and insurance companies-have implemented the rules and spent millions of dollars to modify their businesses.
Trade newsletter InvestmentNews recently quoted Andy Sieg, the head of Merrill Lynch’s wealth management department, who said Merrill Lynch will continue to implement “higher standards of care”, especially in terms of retirement accounts, regardless of the Department of Labor’s How to stipulate.
The Sieg memo quoted in the newsletter said: “This is in line with our overall strategic direction and the requirements of our customers.” “Based on what has been announced, we may need to adjust the timetable for certain announced operational changes to ensure an orderly transition and Good customer experience.”
According to Investment News, a memo distributed by Wells-Fargo Advisors said roughly the same. He said that even if the current rules derail, the fiduciary rules may eventually be implemented.
Morgan Stanley spokeswoman Christine Jockle said in an email: “We will continue to implement many initiatives to reflect our commitment to improving the standards of care we provide to retired and non-retired clients. Continuous commitment.”
The rule only requires financial advisers to put the interests of their clients first, not their own profits. This is what responsible brokers and advisers have done. According to the American Consumer Federation (CFA), American Financial Reformers (AFR) and AFL-CIO, it is time for responsible companies to step up and announce their willingness to adopt the requirements of the rule.
“We believe that the public needs to know the status of individual companies. Those who oppose the rule hide behind their trade associations, which file lawsuits, push legislation and disrupt regulatory procedures to delay and cancel the rule.” The letter claimed, “Companies that support the trust standards of trust investment proposals should not be passive. Bystanders of the trade association’s anti-investor activities.”
This letter has been sent to the board members of the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA), the American Council of Life Insurance Industry (ACLI) and the Financial Services Institute (FSI). All three groups are parties to a lawsuit that was completely defeated in Texas earlier this week.
In addition to legal challenges and congressional lobbying activities, Wall Street interest groups also filed a lawsuit against President Trump. President Trump ordered the Department of Labor to review the rule, which may eventually be weakened or abolished.
CFA, AFR and AFL-CIO warned in the letter: “If successful, this anti-investment campaign will deny the reduced costs and improved quality of consultation that retirement savers urgently need and reasonably expect. In short, it will retain one A system that enables companies to put their own profits before the best interests of customers and has costly and harmful consequences for the income security of American retirees.”
The compliance date for the DOL regulations is early April, filling loopholes that allow brokers and insurance brokers to provide retirement investment advice without having to comply with the “best interest” standards required by the trust. It requires companies to eliminate compensation practices that encourage and reward investment proposals that are not in the client’s best interests.
Consumers who are trying to invest in retirement and financial security, regardless of changes in fiduciary rules, should only deal with consultants of certified financial planners. This title indicates that they have received comprehensive professional training and adhere to strict ethical standards .
The CFP Board of Directors has an advisor search function on its website, as well as a directory of certified planners and other investor information. It is a good idea to meet with multiple consultants and compare their suggestions.
Nowadays, many investors are turning to automatic investment advice, which may not be a good idea for novices. However, there are large and respected non-profit organizations like TIAA that provide online financial advice and other financial services, including cheap (and in some cases free) checking accounts.
Consumers should also remember that every investment has risks, returns are uncertain, diversification is essential, and it is important to start investing as early as possible so that returns have time to grow over time.
Trade is the main issue for Donald Trump to win the November presidential election. He said that the trade agreement puts the United States at a serious disadvantage.
People with significant financial interests wanted to kill it, the Trump administration wanted to shelve it, but a federal judge in Dallas upheld the Labor Department’s trust rules, which would require investment advisers to act in the best interests of their clients, rather than simply Selling them is the most profitable or expedient.
In an 81-page ruling, Chief Judge Barbara MG Lynn of the Northern District of Texas issued a summary judgment to the Department of Labor, rejecting all major claims raised by financial interest groups including the American Chamber of Commerce, the securities industry and the United States. argument. Financial Market Association, Financial Services Institute, Financial Services Roundtable and Insured Retirement Institute.
President Trump, who has been steadily reducing consumer protection measures, has ordered the Department of Labor to re-examine the rule, which may eventually lead to its revision or withdrawal, but this has nothing to do with the Dallas litigation process.
In terms of financial interests, they said they were disappointed with the court’s ruling, but they hope Trump can resolve it for them.
“This ruling is disappointing, but it has nothing to do with President Trump’s decision to review the trust rules. Both Democrats and Republicans are right about the destructive effects that trust rules may have on the poor and middle class’s access to investment options and recommendations. Savers.” said John Berrow, a senior researcher at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a liberal think tank in Washington.
The Department of Justice had requested the suspension of the Dallas proceedings, but Judge Lynn refused the motion only a few hours after the motion was filed.
Judge Lynn said in the ruling that the Department of Labor did not exceed its authority when promulgating the statute and said it was not “arbitrary or capricious” as claimed by the financial services industry.
A new study found that frequent yelling, beating, or threatening children with physical consequences may negatively affect their behavior in school.
Last week, President Trump met at the White House with company executives who were invited to advise him on business and economic affairs.
Companies from the United States and abroad are increasingly choosing to increase domestic manufacturing efforts and create more positions to meet the president’s requirements.
Customer value can often change the way a company operates, and no one knows this better than ALDI. Last year, grocery store chains began to provide catering services.
Data from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) show that despite heart disease, millions of elderly people are still taking too many powerful and addictive drugs.
A federal judge has blocked the National Anthem’s $54 billion acquisition of rival insurance company Cigna Corp., saying it will greatly reduce competition. The ruling is a response to a challenge presented by the U.S. Department of Justice, 11 states and the District of Columbia.
Acting Attorney General Brent Snyder of the Department of Justice’s Antitrust Department said Wednesday night: “Today’s decision is a victory for American consumers.” “This merger will stifle competition by improving health insurance. Prices and slowing down innovations aimed at reducing healthcare costs harm consumers.”
The US District Court Judge Amy Berman Jackson’s ruling concluded that Anthem’s acquisition of Cigna would violate federal antitrust laws.
In blocking the merger, the court ruled that the proposed merger may significantly reduce competition and affect consumer choices in the process of selling health insurance to the “national accounts”, which have more than 5,000 employees, usually spread across at least two States, 14 states where the national anthem operates. The court order will also preserve competition in the 35 regional markets operated by the two companies.
Colorado Attorney General Cynthia Coffman said: “Health insurance competition is essentially a concern for locals.” Colorado residents, businesses, healthcare providers, and third-party payers are all concerned about ensuring healthcare. The quality, quantity and price of services have a vested interest in maintaining competitiveness. Today, we have successfully maintained this vital competition. ”
The decision follows the trial that took place from November 21, 2016 to January 3, 2017. In July 2016, the Justice Department sued 11 states and the District of Columbia to stop the merger.
Joining the Department of Justice and the District of Columbia are California, Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, New Hampshire, New York, Tennessee and Virginia.
Since entering the market as an alternative to tobacco, health officials have been clashing over e-cigarettes. Delivery of nicotine.
Retail sales, excluding cars, gas stations and restaurants, are expected to be approved next year.
The National Retail Federation predicts that sales will increase by 3.7% to 4.2% compared to 2016. Online and other non-store/online sales are expected to grow by 8% to 12%.
Matthew Shay, President and CEO of NRF, said: “As we enter 2017, the economy is on a strong foundation and is expected to continue to develop the momentum that we saw at the end of last year.” “As work and income grow and debt is relatively high. Low, the fundamentals are in place, and consumers are in a dominant position.
However, he pointed out that this year is different from the past. Although consumers have strengths they never had in the past, they will still hesitate to spend money until they have more confidence in policy changes on taxes, trade, and other issues that Congress is debating.
Shay warned: “Watchmakers should pay attention to and firmly oppose any policy, regulation or regulation that will increase the cost of everyday products for American consumers.”
NRF chief economist Jack Kleinhenz believes that consumer spending prospects are good and pointed out that more work and more income will lead to more spending.
But he warned that regardless of sentiment, “the rate of wage growth and job creation determines spending. Our forecast is the benchmark for this year, but potential fiscal policy changes may affect consumers and the economy.”
According to the Department of Labor (DOL), in the week ending February 4, the number of first-time applications for national unemployment benefits fell by 12,000 to 234,000 on a seasonally adjusted basis.
The four-week moving average was 244,250, a drop of 3,750 from the previous week, and the lowest level since November 3, 1973, when it was 244,000.
GM recalled 91,007 Pontiac Winter Solstice 2006-2010 and 2007-2010 Saturn Sky vehicles. Passenger Airbag Suppression System (PPS ..
Loss of booster brake assist may extend the distance required to stop the vehicle, thereby increasing the risk of collision.
Hyundai Motor has notified car owners that dealers will replace the brake system booster assembly free of charge. The recall began on February 6, 2017.
Car owners can call Hyundai Customer Service Center at 1-800-633-5151. The number of Hyundai’s recall is 157.
The power supply cover may crack and break in the screw housing, causing the power supply cover to fall off and expose the electrical components of the power supply, thereby posing a risk of electric shock to the user.
The recall involves power supplies sold with the Gold series of electric chair lifts, Clayton Luxury-Lift (model 1HL562) and Power Lift (model 1ML562) and Luxury-Lift (model 1LF505 and 1LF819). They are also part of the old chair lift conversion kits, the models are 1LL320, 1LL508, 1LL515, 1LM320, 1LM508 and 1LM515.
The power supply enables the seat of the chair to lift the user from the sitting position. The power box is a black plastic rectangular box that measures approximately 6 inches by 3½ inches by 3½ inches.
In this recall, only LOT#150113 power supplies are included. The model name, model and batch number are printed on the back of the power supply.
From September 2015 to November 2016, the power supply was manufactured in China and sold with the chair at La-Z-Boy Furniture Galleries and independent furniture stores across the country, as well as online la-z-boy.com, at a price of 1900 Between USD and 2800 USD.
These power supplies are also sold separately at a price of approximately $170 and are provided free of charge during the warranty period as a replacement for previously purchased chairs.
Consumers should immediately stop using the power source to power the chair lift and contact La-Z-Boy to replace the power source for free.
Consumers can contact La-Z-Boy online toll free at 855-592-9087 from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm (ET) or by calling www.la-z-boy.com, and then click “Recall” Button for more information. .
The ecological documentary “Midway Island” is about to be screened in a theater near you, inviting you to take a “travel through the ocean of sorrow and a journey beyond sorrow”. Seabirds died of painful death after ingesting large amounts of plastic collected in huge eddies called vortexes. Over the years, this has prompted environmentalists to ask: “Do we have the courage to face the realities of the times?”
Before we realize this reality, I must first ask, I wonder if there is a shortage of seabirds? There must be billions of dollars on the US coastline alone. But, well…I don’t want animals to suffer. In addition, plastic fragments are also fatal to fish. So this is reality.
The claim that recycling plastic can prevent the death of seabirds is wrong. It turns out that recycling is the source of the problem, not the solution.
Garbage discarded to landfills is absolutely safe and can be buried in layers of soil. Few plastic waste can escape to landfills, thus protecting seabirds everywhere. In addition, plastic originates from the soil of fossil plants, so it is best to put it back into the soil after use.
In contrast, there are many points in the recycling process. The recyclables escape from the roadside into the environment, and then the imperfect process of transportation, handling and storage. All of these occur outdoors, because this will greatly reduce Cost, the effect of indoor processing and storage of plastic waste is not good. It’s just rubbish after all.
The wind blows away plastic waste for miles, literally…in the waterway or in the world ocean. Then there is the biggest failure in the entire recovery system. fraud.
Since there is no cost to recycle most materials (especially plastics), subsidies make every step of the country’s “green” recycling system work. Once this “green” subsidy is paid, imagine this strange recycling tycoon choosing to avoid the cost of actually recycling all the plastic he receives. Is this a leap forward? Government inspectors will not inspect. What will they check? Hundreds of tons of plastic are missing from thousands of tons? This is not to say that recyclable materials are traceable. It has no labels.
Of course, if a recycler dumps tons of plastic into the ocean from time to time, he will sell less recycled plastic. However, the subsidy is transferred to the plastic INTO recycling facility, and the remaining costs are left to the open market. At the same time, the cost of making new plastic raw materials, fossil plants (also known as petroleum) is less than ten times the actual cost of recycling waste plastics! Therefore, in his right mind, who wants to pay close to the cost of production for recycled plastic?
As long as the public sees that government officials support the recycling industry, most of us are still happy and ignorant. They believe that someone will shred millions of plastics, melt them, and make new plastic products. This must be true, because recycling is good! We believe that the result is that the amount of plastic in landfills has decreased, but the reality is that the amount of plastic in the ocean has increased.
For those who refuse to believe in fraud in the sacred recycling industry, the fact remains that nothing can escape to the landfill. Nothing, except for a few plastic bags here and there, but there is no doubt that no heavy plastic fragments were found in the dead sea bird carcasses.
And… what about the millions of birds that live in our country’s landfill? Oh yes…seabirds.
Mischa Popoff is a policy consultant for The Heartland Institute and the author of “Is it Organic? Inside the Organic Industry”.
Steve Forbes is no stranger to economics or politics. His name is related to one of America’s outstanding business publications. He seeks G…
How will the Trump Administration’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) deal with privacy protection? A recent speech by Acting FTC Chairman Maureen Ohlhausen may provide some clues.
On February 2, Olhausen delivered a speech at a conference in Atlanta, comparing the “notification and selection method” of privacy protection with the “harm-based method” (a privacy advocate called it “heinous”) differentiate.
the difference? The “notice and choice” method generally preferred by the Obama FTC basically allows consumers to opt out of sharing certain types of information. On the other hand, the “harm-based” approach aims to protect consumers only from harmful privacy violations.
As Ohlhausen has seen, consumers are not harmed when market research companies track their movements on the Internet and use them to target advertising and conduct consumer behavior research.
She said: “The vast majority of consumer interests come from a free and honest market.” “So, our job is to solve the unfair and deceptive practices that damage the market process and harm consumers. We must avoid hindering market generation. To do so in the interests of consumers.”
However, Sophia Cope, a senior attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, called the harm-based approach too cruel. He said, “This is what the company has always hoped for.”
Cope said in an email to ConsumerAffairs: “It eliminates consumers’ right to choose and no longer controls their privacy.” “Now, bureaucrats are beginning to determine that certain data practices are harmless, even if they include collecting relevant personnel and The highly sensitive information it makes on the Internet, conducts continuous online monitoring, monetizes this information for commercial benefits and shares this information with others. Many unknown parties. Consumers should get better from the Federal Trade Commission interest.”
The hazard-based approach is obviously a change from the philosophy represented by the recent FTC employee report, which warns consumers of the privacy risks brought by “cross-device tracking”-tracking consumer behavior on desktop devices and smartphones The practice is well in ATM machines, retail point-of-sale terminals and other places.
The FTC report recommends that, at the very least, companies engaged in cross-device tracking have an obligation to inform consumers that they are doing so and provide them with the opportunity to opt out. The report recommends that those tracking sensitive data such as health and financial information must seek permission in advance.
Although Olhausen did not specifically mention the report, she made it clear that pursuing theoretically harmful actions is not her top priority, and pointed out that the agency’s limited resources should be dedicated to curbing apparently harmful practices.
She said: “The agency should focus on cases with objective and specific injuries, such as monetary harm and unnecessary health and safety risks. The agency should not focus on speculative or subjective types of injuries.”
She said that before suing a company, the committee should ask itself: “How are consumers harmed? How does this action address this harm?
She said: “Focusing on consumer harm is part of our statutory order, but it is also a good policy. Asking and answering these two questions will focus our limited resources on where they can play the most.”
She pointed to the case of Ashley Madison and Eli Lilly using “specific” consumer harm as an example. In the Ashley Madison case, there is evidence that several consumers committed suicide after being hacked into adultery dating venues. The Eli Lilly case involved the disclosure of sensitive medical information.
Olhausen said that the Federal Trade Commission has “ventured into less safe places in the past and did not have a deep understanding of areas that cause harm to consumers.” She said one of her main priorities is “to deepen the FTC’s impact on the privacy economy. Learning understanding”.
A magazine subscription service allegedly tempted consumers to sign up for an expensive subscription service and has been ordered to pay more than $23 million.
Love first, then the homeowner? A new analysis by Zillow found that more and more unmarried couples are buying homes together, usually to make home purchases more affordable when housing prices rise.
Zillow pointed out in its “2016 Consumer Housing Trends” report that in the past decade, the proportion of young unmarried couples buying houses together has increased. Today, almost 15% of young home buyers in the United States are unmarried couples-an increase of 11% since 2005.
Washington, DC, saw the largest increase in unmarried home buyers, from 7.5% in 2005 to the current 16%. The number of young unmarried homeowners in Philadelphia and Miami has also increased.
As house prices increase, more and more unmarried couples choose to combine their incomes to make house ownership more affordable.
According to Zillow experts, in the past year, the median house value in the United States has risen by 7% to $193,800. To be able to afford a house at this price, two incomes are often required.
Dr. Svenja Gudell, chief economist at Zillow, said: “House purchase is an important part of the “American Dream.” Millennials and baby boomers enjoy it, but it is becoming more and more difficult to make it only for single income.”
He said in a statement: “Many single people who want to buy a house may not make enough money to afford or qualify for the mortgage of their dreams.” “Even if marriage is not part of the picture, this makes the purchase. Houses with lots of other houses are more attractive.”
If the growth of home values ​​continues to exceed the growth of income, Goodell said this trend may continue. We may also continue to see a decline in the number of single home buyers.
The report pointed out that since 2005, the number of single home buyers has decreased. Today, single home buyers account for approximately 25% of all home buyers, down from 28% in 2005.
The area with the largest decline in the proportion of single home buyers was Columbus, Ohio, which dropped from 40% in 2005 to less than 20% now. The number of single homes in Portland has also fallen by 10%, which may be due to the rapid increase in the value of homes in the city.
Normally, you should stay healthy before driving, but a new study shows that some injuries may have a negative impact on driving performance for a long time after symptoms disappear.
Researchers at the University of Georgia found that this is especially true for consumers suffering from concussions. In their research, they analyzed drivers who had recently recovered from a concussion and observed that injuries had an impact on their ability to drive safely.
Schmidt said: “During the driving simulation, they have less vehicle control and turn more in the lane.” Lead author Julianne Schmidt said: “This is the risk of a motor vehicle accident. Quite a big indicator, and this is when people think the accident has recovered.”
The study included 14 college-age participants who felt their concussion symptoms had disappeared within 48 hours. Everyone proved that they felt completely well and could recover from the injury, but their simulator turned out to tell a different story.
During the test, participants were more likely to turn in the lane and outside the vehicle, and the concussion group had poorer overall vehicle control ability compared to the study control group. This is especially noticeable when navigating on a curve. Schmidt said these indicators mark a clear difference between a person with a recent concussion and an ordinary driver.
She said: “The driving simulation shows that even if there are no symptoms, their performance on the road is very different from that of people who have not suffered a concussion.”
Previously, researchers focused on concussion research on the impact of athletes and contact sports. The researchers pointed out that such athletes are often banned from further participation in track and field competitions, but current recommendations are not strict in terms of driving.
“In athletics, we don’t restrict their driving until their symptoms are relieved. Usually, people get a concussion and drive home from the event or practice that caused the concussion – there are no restrictions. And we never let them They go to the scene or the court; we are very strict about this.” Schmidt said.
Researchers believe that their findings provide good evidence that concussion affects people longer than other symptoms indicate. Schmidt pointed out that even if the symptoms are obvious, this may be enough to limit driving privileges so that people with concussions and those on the same road remain safe.
“As for when people with concussions are ready to return to sports grounds and classrooms, we have very complete recommendations, but we did not even mention driving in the recommendations. Only 50% of people intend to limit driving at any time after concussion- This means that when they feel better, they will almost certainly be on the road.”
Domino’s is known for out-of-the-box marketing, which includes drone deliveries in New Zealand and advertising campaigns that the company admits are difficult.
A judge in Washington state ordered a 5-hour energy producer to pay nearly $4.3 million in fines, attorney fees and multiple violation fees.
As part of a full rollback of Obama-era legislation, Congress is considering repealing protective measures to control methane gas leakage from oil and gas installations on public land controlled by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
Methane gas is the main contributor to global warming, and critics of this proposal say that removing the rule would be equivalent to adding 950,000 cars.
Congressional Republicans once again demonstrated that they are more willing to profit from big oil than to protect ordinary Americans. The BLM methane rule is a cost-effective common-sense method of controlling waste and pollution produced by oil and gas companies,” said New York’s Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. The drawdown will be millions of dollars issued annually to oil and gas companies, which are paid by taxpayers, and this is at the expense of the health, safety and environment of New Yorkers and Americans. ”
Schneiderman and other attorneys general, the California Environmental Protection Agency and the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality wrote to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, asking them to block existing safeguards Any rollbacks.
Controversial is the Mineral Lease Act, which obliges the federal government to ensure that companies on BLM land “take all reasonable precautions to prevent wasting oil or gas.”
In November last year, the BLM finalized regulations to reduce the leakage, exhaust gas and leakage from the production of oil, natural gas and natural gas from combustion, but now the Congressional Review Act threatens to repeal these regulations.
It is estimated that the “BLM Methane Rule” can save enough natural gas to provide natural gas to approximately 740,000 households each year. Overall, compared with 2014, the regulations will reduce the bell mouth by about 49% and the exhaust and leakage by about 35%.
The letter said that the cancellation of the “BLM Methane Regulations” may increase methane emissions by 180,000 tons per year, which is roughly equivalent to the pollution of up to 950,000 cars, accounting for approximately 2.5% of New York’s annual greenhouse gas emissions.
According to estimates by the Government Accountability Office, rolling back the BLM methane rule will cause state, tribal, and federal taxpayers to lose up to $23 million in royalties each year due to uncontrolled exhaust, combustion and leakage. Overall, the rule may save hundreds of millions of dollars in the next ten years, including the recovery and sale of natural gas and savings in public health costs.
The states pointed out that if Congress cancels a rule under the Congressional Review Act, the action will prevent agencies from issuing similar rules, which means that the measures considered may permanently prevent the waste of BLM regulatory resources, which is required by law .
In addition to Schneiderman, the attorneys general of Illinois, Massachusetts, New Mexico, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Vermont signed the letter. Schneiderman has initiated litigation with states across the country to defend environmental and clean energy policies, including clean energy plans, “American Waters” rules, and EPA regulations to reduce methane emissions from the oil and gas industry
Working late at night can be a daunting task, and few people like heavy work and manual labor. Now, a new study shows that women who want to have children should avoid both.
Researchers from Harvard University’s Chen-Chen School of Public Health found that women who lift heavy objects or work outside the day are at risk of declining fertility.
Lead author Lydia Mingus-Alarcon said: “Our research shows that women planning to become pregnant should be aware of the potential negative effects of non-day shifts and excessive weightlifting on their reproductive health.”
To reach their conclusions, the researchers studied approximately 500 women who sought infertility treatment at Massachusetts General Hospital between 2004 and 2015. Due to the similar nature, each subject can be analyzed by biomarkers related to fertility, which are usually not measurable in women. Can get pregnant naturally
After collecting the data, Minguez-Alarcón and her colleagues assessed the association between the biomarkers and the physical needs and schedule of each woman’s work. They found that compared with women who did not lift heavy objects, women who moved or lifted heavy objects at work had an average of 8.8% fewer eggs and 14.1% fewer mature eggs, indicating that the activity had a negative impact on fertility influences.
In addition, the researchers found that if women work at night or rotate jobs, their eggs will decrease.
Although the researchers are not sure what exactly caused this relationship, they found that women who are obese or over 37 years of age are more likely to fertilize their eggs if they lift heavy objects. However, they speculate that due to the disruption of the circadian rhythm, non-working day shifts may have a negative impact on egg production.
Although the study did confirm some of the findings of previous studies, it was the first method to specifically link egg production and quality to working conditions rather than ovarian age. The researchers hope that their findings will provide guidance for future solutions to this problem.
“Future work…Researchers need to determine whether the production and quality of eggs can be improved, and whether the quality and speed of eggs can be improved,”
In the campaign to freeze or overthrow the regulations made by the previous administration, the Trump administration stated that it has taken action to free enterprises from non-productive regulations with inefficient production.
Although many companies and trade groups cheered for this approach, not everyone has it. A group of companies and industry associations have written to Minister of Transportation Elaine Chao, requesting the Department of Transportation (DOT) to quickly abolish a regulation dealing with the transportation of hazardous materials (dangerous goods).
the reason? Because the new rules align the United States with international rules governing the transportation of dangerous goods, the rules came into effect at the beginning of this year.
Trump’s regulatory freeze triggered this call, which terminated the DOT’s pipeline and hazardous materials safety administration’s final rule, which has been published in the Federal Register. The letter said that US companies have taken steps to implement this measure.
The letter said: “Its promulgation will not cause any new risks to transportation.” “In fact, this will ensure that the US hazardous materials regulations are consistent with international standards, thereby ensuring safety and avoiding damage to the supply chain.”
The 22 companies and industry associations that signed the letter stated that avoiding supply chain disruption is critical, and they said it will have a negative impact on “manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers, exporters, importers, carriers and industries” .
The signatories stated that the regulations are consistent with the long-term recognition of the aviation industry to link the US regulations on the transportation of dangerous goods with the rest of the world.
The letter explained: “Coordination avoids confusion among shippers, carriers and others in the logistics chain, maximizes safety and reduces costs for American companies.”
Various industries participated in this appeal. They include airlines, companies that produce batteries and electronics, manufacturers of outdoor equipment and power tools, the safety industry, shippers of dangerous goods, and manufacturers of firearms and ammunition.
Although some industries may wish to exempt government regulations, George Kerchner, the head of the Association for the Rechargeable Battery Industry, said his members are ready to meet new and stricter standards.
He said that, unlike the standards in other parts of the world, this will cause “fog” and actually lead to a decrease in safety.
Many recent surveys have found that baby boomers are anxious about retirement, mainly because they don’t have enough money.
The NHP Foundation, a non-profit, affordable housing provider, has conducted more in-depth research on these issues. It said a poll of Americans 55 and older found that the cost of putting a roof on top of their heads was a major issue.
The survey found that 30% of baby boomers worry at least once a month that they cannot afford their own housing. About 42% of retirees in the survey said they worry at least once a day.
It is well known that millennials have housing anxiety, which is somewhere between high rents and rising housing prices, but people think that the housing of baby boomers is safer. But it turns out that many baby boomers who are not worried about their housing costs do worry about the housing costs of their adult children.
NHPF CEO Richard Burns said: “The anxiety is multi-generational now.” “So, today we are working hard to increase our affordable housing stock to ensure that present and future generations Can afford an ideal place to live.”
The previous NHP survey found other concerns about housing affordability. It was discovered that at a given moment, as many as 75% of the American population was worried about losing their homes. A person who specifically targets millennials found that 76% of the younger generation have made compromises to ensure affordable housing.
Ali Solis, President and CEO of MakeRoom, a national tenant advocacy organization, said: “These findings highlight the urgency of making affordable housing solutions a priority in the United States, especially for those most vulnerable. Crowd.”
As you might expect, there are geographic differences in the degree of housing problems. In the Midwest, where real estate prices are lower, there are fewer concerns about this. Incomes in the South are lower, while real estate prices in the Northeast are higher, which has attracted more attention.
Today, it seems that everyone is doing some work. Baby boomers may be getting older, but they still want to look good.
The Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA) reported that the number of applications for the week ended February 3 increased by 2.3%, while the refinancing index increased by 2.0%. The proportion of refinancing in all applications fell to 47.9%, the lowest level since June 2009.
The share of variable-rate mortgage (ARM) activities increased to 6.9% of the total application volume; the share of FHA decreased from 12.1% in the previous week to 11.9%; the share of VA increased from 12.4% to 12.7%; the share of the US Department of Agriculture remained unchanged, as 0.9%.
Real estate information provider CoreLogic reports its home price index (HPI), which tracks home prices (including bad sales), which increased 7.2% from the same month last year and 0.8% from November.
CoreLogic Chief Economist Dr. Frank Nothaft said: “As of the end of 2016, the CoreLogic Country Index was 3.9% below the peak reached in April 2006.”
According to CoreLogic HPI forecasts, house prices will rise by 4.7% in December 2017, from December 2016 to January 2017, an increase of 0.1% from the previous month.
According to Nothaft, if achieved, the projected year-on-year increase will “push house prices to a new nominal peak before the end of the year.”
The CoreLogic HPI forecast is a forecast of housing prices using CoreLogic HPI and other economic variables. Values ​​are derived from state-level forecasts by weighting indicators based on the number of owned households in each state.
Improper welding of the left apron joint of the chassis may reduce the structural integrity of the front end of the vehicle, thereby increasing the risk of injury in a collision.
Ford will notify the owner and the dealer will inspect the apron joints and repair the vehicle free of charge as the case may be. The recall is expected to begin on March 6, 2017.
Sony Electronics of San Diego, California is expanding its June 2016 recall of Panasonic battery packs used in Sony Electronics’ notebook computers.
The extension of the recall involves Panasonic lithium-ion battery packs installed in 18 models of VAIO series portable computers.
The Panasonic battery pack is manufactured with the laptop, and the battery pack is sold separately or installed by Sony as part of the repair.
The recalled Panasonic battery pack has the model number VGP-BPS26 and part numbers 1-853-237-11 and 1-853-237-21 printed on the back of the model number.
This extended announcement contains battery packs that were previously determined not to be affected by the June 2016 recall.
From February 2013 to October 2013, battery packs manufactured in China have been sold at Best Buy, Sony retail stores, other consumer electronics stores across the country, and online www.store.sony.com and other websites at a price of US$550 Between USD 1,000. Part of Sony VAIO notebook computers, the battery pack sold separately is about 170 US dollars.
Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled battery pack, turn off the power of the laptop, remove the battery, and follow the instructions for free replacement. Before receiving the replacement battery pack, consumers should only use the laptop by plugging in AC power.
Consumers can call Sony Electronics toll-free at 888-476-6988 from 8 am to 12 am (Eastern Time) from Monday to Friday or from 9 am to 8 pm (Eastern Time) on Saturday and Sunday Contact or click online at www.sony.com. Click “Support” and then “Support Alert” for more information.
Ford Motor Company recalled 6,792 2017 F-150 trucks equipped with 8-inch productivity screens.
BMW has agreed to pay approximately $477 million to settle a class action lawsuit accusing the automaker of placing delicate electronic parts.
After the financial crisis, millions of consumers became “unbanked”, which means they did not have a bank account.
Some people chose to “cancel bank deposits”, but many people were either lost by the bank or could no longer afford the fees associated with bank accounts.
These consumers often choose to use prepaid debit cards as an alternative. These cards allow you to easily obtain cash and pay bills online. However, just like banks, these cards usually bear a lot of costs, including high overdraft fees.
In October, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) finalized rules to enhance consumer protection for prepaid card users. The rule requires prepaid card issuers to provide consumers with many of the same protections as credit card companies. They also require issuers to provide consumers with clear information about fees before opening an account.
Now, seven Republicans in the U.S. Senate are seeking to prevent the implementation of these rules. Senator David Perdue (R.Ga.) is the main sponsor of the bill, claiming that the law is actually hurting consumers who use prepaid cards.
Perdue, a member of the Senate Banking Committee, said: “If the CFPB wants to continue to implement regulations that affect the financial situation of every American, it must respond to Americans.” “As a businessman, I have personally experienced over-regulation The impact of growth and innovation. The rules are too broad and will weaken the electronic payment market that Georgians and millions of consumers across the country rely on.”
But the National Consumer Law Center (NCLC) believes that this is not the case. It claims that the main beneficiary of the CFPB rule rollback will be a prepaid card company called NetSpend (authorized partner), whose parent company TSYS is located in Perdue state.
NCLC believes that the successful repeal of this rule will result in Netspend (an accredited partner) charging $80 million in overdraft fees each year, while preventing expanded fraud protection.
NCLC Deputy Director Lauren Saunders said: “It is shocking that Congress may block the basic fraud protection of prepaid cards so that NetSpend (approved partners) can continue to trouble families in distress with overdraft fees without prepaid cards. ”
Soders said the move is a continuation of the Republican Party’s campaign against the CFPB against the Dopp-Frank Financial Reform Act. Republican lawmakers said that the CFPB is not as responsible as other government agencies and has repeatedly exceeded its boundaries.
But Sanders said that the CFPB has always been an effective consumer regulator and has returned nearly $12 billion to consumers since its establishment.
You may remember that last year, Philadelphia became one of the first cities to impose a tax on sugary drinks. Supporters lined up behind the bill.
In the past few years, Twitter has taken some measures to try to curb abuse and harassment on its platform. In April 2015, the company changed some policies to more easily prohibit users who threaten violence against others.
Last month, it announced a feature that allows users to report abusive tweets and harassment. Now, the new announcement provides details on the three improvements the company is making.
In a blog post published earlier today, Ed Ho, vice president of engineering, said that if previously banned, the company will now be better able to prevent users from creating new abusive accounts, provide users with safer search results, and provide Users provide the option of crashing potentially abusive or low-quality tweets.
“Making Twitter a safer place is our main focus. We advocate freedom of speech, where people can see all aspects of any topic. When abuse and harassment suffocates and silences these voices, it becomes a danger. We will not Tolerate it, we are taking new efforts to stop it.”
Ho said in the post that Twitter will take steps to identify people who have been permanently suspended from the site due to abuse. He said preventing these people from opening new accounts will help curb the practice of creating accounts solely for the purpose of harassing others.
Search results will also be improved so that users no longer see “potentially sensitive content” or tweets from users that have been blocked or muted. Ho clarified that if users want to find the content, they can still search, but there will be no more chaotic searches.
To further curb harassment, Ho’s team is developing a feature that will identify and disrupt potential abuse or low-quality responses to tweets. This change will emphasize high-quality related tweet replies as it does now, and other replies will be clearly marked at the bottom of the screen. Users can still read these replies by clicking the “Show irrelevant replies” button.
He said that these changes and other similar changes will be rolled out in the coming days and weeks, but not all changes will be visible. He concluded by saying that Twitter will listen to user feedback to help the company “learn faster, be smarter, and make meaningful progress.”
A New Jersey company is suing itself and it provides advances to people awaiting settlement. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and the New York Attorney General claimed that RD Legal Funding, LLC defrauded 9/11 first responders and NFL football players from millions of dollars.
CFPB Director Richard Cordray said: “It is unreasonable for RD Legal to defraud 9/11 heroes and NFL concussion victims from millions of dollars,” “We claim that this company And its owners have stuffed their pockets with funds to pay for medical care and other important expenses for sick and marginalized people. Our lawsuit is aimed at ending this illegal program and deciding who is entitled to it. Refund.”
The lawsuit alleges that RD Funding defrauded 9/11 cancer and other illness emergency personnel and brain-injured football players by inducing them to pay the settlement costs at a high price, and defrauded the lies of the terms of the transaction. The lawsuit aims to end the company’s illegal activities, provide relief to the victims, and impose a fine.
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said: “The actions charged by RD Legal, which is suspected of being seriously injured by the 9/11 hero and former NFL player, are simply shameful.” Advance settlement and compensation , Allowing them to profit from the support of these unsuspecting people. ”
The target personnel of RD Legal are police, firefighters, medical staff and other first responders to the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Many first responders suffer from cancer and other respiratory diseases, parts related to their exposure to dust and debris during the attack, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and memory loss.
They received funding from the Zadroga Fund established by Congress, which aims to meet various needs including increased medical expenses and loss of income due to inability to work. RD Legal also targets NFL players previously diagnosed with neurodegenerative diseases (such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease) and has the right to make payments from settlement agreements in class actions.
The lawsuit alleges that RD Legal has contacted these consumers after receiving these payments but before receiving most of the payments. Then, RD Legal initiated a “transaction” to provide victims with an advance payment of some of the funds they have not yet received, which will be refunded when they receive the payment balance.
By obfuscating the contract, RD Legal misrepresented their obligation to repay these expensive transactions to consumers, usually charging consumers more than twice the amount RD Legal had paid in advance a few months ago. It claimed that RD Legal’s actions cost victims millions of dollars, many of whom suffered long-term physical or cognitive injuries.
It is not uncommon for children and pets to live in the same household, but family pets may pose health risks to children. Although Fido’s presence may be harmless, the researchers said that Fido’s drugs may send the child to the emergency room.
The incidence of pet drug poisoning is higher than you think. In fact, researchers at the Center for Injury Research and Policy have found that a poison center in Ohio has received more than 1,400 calls from pet drug poisoning in the past 15 years.
Every year, the Ohio Poison Center (COPC) of the National Children’s Hospital receives an average of 95 calls about children and teenagers who have been exposed to pet drugs.
Children are often exposed to veterinary drugs, such as flea drugs and heartworm drugs. According to this study, drugs related to poisoning include drugs without human equivalents (17%), antibacterial drugs for killing bacteria (15%), and antiparasitic drugs for killing parasites (15%) ) And analgesics for pain relief (11%).
The report, published recently in the journal Pediatrics, found that 87% of the calls involved children under 5 years of age, but teenagers were also poisoned after accidentally taking pet drugs instead of human drugs.
This group of authors explained that children may become victims of poisoning after picking up pills spit by pets or eating unfinished food in food bowls.​​​ Sometimes, if a child touches an animal treated with prescription drugs or creams, oral contact between people may cause poisoning.
“When you have children and pets at home, sometimes things get a little busy. Considering the idea that pet drugs may pose a risk to the family, I didn’t even think about it.” Co-author of the research report, Harmful Research and Policy Said Christie Roberts of the Center and National Children’s Hospital.
“The good news is that by taking some simple steps, such as storing pet and human medicines not far away, in different places invisible, and feeding pets only when the child is not in the room, you can help Make everyone in the family safer.”
The cost of medical insurance is rising rapidly, and as more baby boomers join, medical costs may rise in the next few years. It has many members and parliamentarians.
You may want consumers to spend less on Valentine’s Day, but pets are unlikely to notice any change in the level of love they receive. In fact, the furryest member of this Valentine’s Day family is ready to get more love than some family members.
A new survey conducted by pet camera maker Petcube found that 54% of pet owners plan to buy special Valentine’s Day gifts for their pets. More importantly, 84% of pet owners said that they love their pets more than their partners.
The results of Petcube’s first annual Valentine’s Day survey clearly show that pets play an important role in relationships.
Slightly more than three-quarters of respondents (76%) said that if they love pets, they will find a romantic partner more attractive. In some cases, pets can even establish or destroy a relationship. 9% of respondents said they broke up with their partners because of pets.
The survey also studied how pet parents express their love for their favorite fur baby. Responses from more than 3,500 Petcube users around the world show that 25% of people took their pets away while dating, and 32% kissed their pets on their lips.
91% of respondents stated that they regularly tell their pets that they love them-if not in words, but in other ways. The main way pet owners express their love for their pets: through petting (96%), playing (96%) and giving them snacks (91%).
Regarding sleeping arrangements, it seems that many pet owners don’t mind sharing their beds. 70% of respondents who let their pets sleep on the bed must sleep together.
Petcube users are also more willing to adopt it than stores. The survey found that 76% of users have adopted their pets, either from shelters or on the streets.
For decades, “Billboard” magazine carefully tracked record sales and which radio stations are playing which songs to compile its weekly list of the most popular music in the United States.
Music consumers mainly influence the list by making certain radio stations more popular than others. But, like everything else, the Internet is changing this model.
Billboard said that as consumers are now less and less likely to get music from radio stations, and the possibility of broadcasting is greater, Billboard said it will continue to make adjustments. Starting from next week’s chart, Pandora streaming data will be included in the judgment on music rankings.
Billboard said that the added content can immediately change the rules of the game, and Pandora data can add at least 40 songs on the Hot 100. The ranking of the nine titles on the list improved by five or more.
For example, Pandora’s influence will enhance Rihanna’s “Sex with Me”, Bebe Rexha’s “I Have You”, Jason Ordian Aldean’s “Any Ol’Barstool” and Rob $tone’s “Chill Bill”, including J. Davi$ and Spooks.
In fact, “Chill Bill” is one of Pandora’s 10 most popular songs this week, helping it rise 10 places on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Pandora also helped two other songs break the charts-Lady Gaga’s “Reason for a Million” and newcomer Callum Scott’s “I Dancing myself.” “Million Reasons” once entered the “Hot 100″ list, but Billboard said that streaming data shows that it is still very popular among consumers.
According to John Amato, co-president of the Hollywood Reporter-Billboard Media Group, nearly 80 million consumers listen to Pandora every month, so it makes sense to include these data in the Billboard chart, which has a huge impact on the music industry.
He said: “For decades, the charts have been the place where two artists measure their success and fans discover music.”
Pandora is not the first streaming service included in the Billboard chart. Billboard also consulted Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon and Google Radio. Billboard said that on-demand streaming services have a higher weight and are a valuable source of data because they reflect more active consumer interactions.
Popular culture’s recent emphasis on healthy eating has had an impact-most of which are beneficial. People know that they should eat more healthy food and avoid adding unhealthy food.
They even have a good idea of ​​what is good for you and what is wrong. But when it comes to actually eating good things and avoiding bad things, a new survey shows that it’s tricky.
When the polling company ORC International surveyed supplement manufacturers, it found that 60% of Americans said they believed in a healthy diet.
However, when survey participants delved into American diets, even though the USDA recommends five or more servings a day, 62% of Americans still eat only one or two servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
In fact, only 6% of consumers in the survey said they met the USDA recommendation of five or more servings of fruits and vegetables per day.
“My experience continues to show me that many Americans live high-carbohydrate, high-sugar, caffeine-overloaded, stressed, and non-exercise lives,” said Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, an advocate of vitamin supplements in the United States. diet. “In terms of diet, we may have good intentions, but the truth is that many of us lack ideal eating habits.”
In recent years, research on vitamin supplements has been contradictory. Government nutrition experts wrote on Nutrition.gov that it is best to meet nutritional needs by eating the right foods.
They wrote: “In some cases, vitamin/mineral supplements or fortified foods can be used to provide nutrients that could otherwise be consumed less than the recommended amount.” “If you are already taking the recommended amount of nutrients, then take a supplement May not have any further health benefits. In some cases, supplements and fortified foods may actually increase your intake of nutrients beyond safe levels.”
According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, a federal agency, a healthy diet plan is a plan that provides essential nutrients while maintaining daily calorie goals. It reduces the risk of heart disease and other unhealthy conditions.
What exactly should be done on a healthy plate? Nutritionists recommend vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat dairy products.
They also recommend getting a lot of protein from lean meat, poultry, fish, beans, eggs and nuts. Consumers should also easily add salt and sugar, and maintain proper amounts.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported that there were 5.5 million vacancies on the last working day of December, roughly the same as in November.
The 5.5 million job vacancies in December corresponded to a 3.6% rate. There was little change in the private sector, and government jobs fell by 75,000. Vacancies in other services (+50,000) and the federal government (+13,000) have increased, but vacancies in state and local governments (except education) (-85,000) have decreased. There is little change in the number of job vacancies in all four regions of the country.
The employment rate is 3.6%, the private sector has not changed much, while the government sector has declined. Except for education (-33,000) and mining and logging (-7,000), state and local government employment decreased. In these four regions, the number of employees hardly changed.
Total departures include exits, layoffs, departures, and other departures, called turnover rate. The total number of turnovers in December was 5 million, almost unchanged from November, with a growth rate of 3.4%. The number of departures in the private sector hardly changed, while the government lost 37,000. State and local government registrations have declined (-28,000), while the total number of turnovers in the four regions has hardly changed.
In the 12 months to December, the total number of employees was 62.5 million and the total number of departures was 60.1 million. The resulting net employment income is 2.4 million. The total includes workers who may be hired and quit more than once in a year.
Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing has recalled 72,847 Tundras for 2016-2017, equipped with resin rear pedal bumpers and resin reinforced brackets. Vehicles with chrome pedal bumpers are not affected.
In case of hitting the corner of the bumper, the resin bracket may be damaged but it will not attract attention.
If someone steps on the corner of the damaged bumper, part of the bumper may break, increasing the risk of injury.
Toyota will notify car owners that dealers will replace the rear bumper with steel to reinforce the bracket and replace the rear bumper pedals for free. The remedy component is currently unavailable.
Toyota will begin to notify vehicle owners of the recall on February 15, 2017. If spare parts are available, a second notice will be sent.
Vehicle owners can call Toyota Customer Service at 1-800-331-4331. Toyota’s phone number for this recall is H0C.
The bracket used in the driver or front passenger seat back recliner mechanism may have been welded to the seat back frame by mistake. As a result, in the event of a collision, the head restraint may not work properly.
Therefore, these vehicles do not meet the requirements of Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 202a “Head Restraint”.
The backrest of the front seat may break in a collision, which increases the risk of occupant injury.
General Motors will notify the owner that the dealer will inspect the front passenger seat and replace it with an incorrectly welded seat back frame for free. The manufacturer has not yet provided a notification schedule.
Car owners can call Chevrolet Customer Service at 1-800-222-1020. GM’s phone number for this recall is 17035.
Auto safety organizations are suing to overturn the Federal Trade Commission’s consent order to allow auto dealers and manufacturers to say that “certified” cars are “safe.”
Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai, with the support of Republican Commissioner Michael O’Rielly, has suspended the agency’s “zero rating” program for wireless providers Investigation.
Verizon, T-Mobile and AT&T are under investigation for violating “net neutrality rules” with their respective streaming media software packages. All three operators have programs under which subscribers can stream data from certain sources, regardless of their data margin.
Pai said in a statement: “The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau is ending its investigation of free data products from wireless operators.” These free data plans have proven popular among consumers, especially among low-income Americans. , And enhanced competition in the wireless market. Looking ahead, the Federal Communications Commission will not focus on denying Americans free data. ”
GOP Commissioner Michael O’Rielly supports this move, saying that the FCC should support wireless providers in what he calls “licensed innovation.”
O’Rielly said: “Although this is only the first step, these companies and other companies can now safely invest in and launch very popular products and services without worrying about committee intervention based on newly invented legal theories.”
However, Mignon Clyburn, the only Democrat commissioner on the committee, opposes—not only the rapid reversal of a pillar of the Obama administration’s communications policy, but also the way in which it does so.
Clayburn said: “The basic principle of administrative procedures is that actions must be accompanied by reasons for action, otherwise actions are illegal.” “However, this is exactly what multiple bureaus do today.”
Net neutrality believes that Internet service providers may not prefer one content. The FCC is investigating all three companies to determine whether its zero-rating program violates this principle.
The agency sent letters to all three companies on Friday, notifying them that the investigation has ended.
In a series of actions on Friday, the FCC also overturned another initiative of the Obama administration, allowing nine Internet providers to participate in a federal program to provide subsidized services to low-income families.
Consumer group Free Press joined Clyburn in criticizing the actions and implementation. Policy director Matt Wood described Pai’s move as “powerful tactics.”
All the turmoil surrounding President Trump’s executive order prevented immigration from seven Middle Eastern countries, another controversial executive.
To convince picky eaters to eat bitter gourds, such as kale or Brussels sprouts, can be an uphill battle. As we all know, children are fickle in food.
After broadcasting the boxing match on Facebook Live last Friday, two Australian men were in trouble. Foxtel cable channel:
If you are old enough to read this article, it is too late to do anything, but a new study finds that lifetime income is affected by testosterone levels.
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the New Jersey Attorney General’s Office have reached a $2.2 million settlement with smart TV manufacturer VIZIO, which resolves a complaint that the company has collected 11 million consumer viewing data without their consent.
The complaint pointed out that as early as February 2014, VIZIO and one of its affiliates manufactured smart TVs, which captured screen information and demographic data about consumers, including information about age, gender, income, and various other Indicator information. Officials said that VIZIO subsequently obtained the information and sold it to third parties, who used the information to create targeted advertisements that could reach consumers through its devices.
“[VIZIO] provided this viewing data to a third party who used it to track and target advertisements to individual consumers across devices. The complaint said: “It uses a method that will not be The medium used to track to engage in these behaviors. ”
The complaint went on to explain that the data tracking practices were unfair, deceptive, and violated the FTC Act and New Jersey protection laws, as stated by New Jersey Attorney General Christopher Porrino.
He said: “New Jersey residents watch TV privately in their own homes. They don’t know that every program they watch, the movie they rent, and every advertisement they’ve muted has been secretly followed by the defendant, and then they use this personal information to obtain the company. Profit,” said. “This allegedly deceptive behavior is not only illegal; it is a serious violation of personal privacy and cannot be tolerated.”
The settlement requires VIZIO to pay $1.5 million to the FTC and $1 million to the New Jersey Department of Consumer Affairs, of which $300,000 has been suspended. According to the order of the Federal Court, VIZIO must make a significant disclosure and obtain its consent regarding its data collection and sharing practices, and stipulate that the company must delete all data collected before March 1, 2016.
The order expressly prohibits the company from making false statements about the privacy, security or confidentiality of any consumer information collected in the future. VIZIO also agreed to implement a data privacy plan, which will be evaluated every two years.
“This settlement not only makes the defendants responsible for their alleged fraud, but also requires them to destroy the collected data without the consent of the consumers, and modify their business practices to protect consumers from future privacy violations. “Porrino said.
Okay, Tom Brady and Lady Gaga are the best among mankind, but the once ironic Alfa Romeo brand broke the chaos with its “Super Bowl” TV commercial.
Physical chaos can overload the senses, which is why you may feel stressed and mentally exhausted from too much. On the other hand, a clean environment will make people feel refreshed and relaxed.
If your home does not evoke feelings of recovery and relaxation, then maybe it’s time to tidy up. But reducing confusion can be a challenge, especially if you are not sure where to start.
Regardless of the size of your house, these tips can help you solve some typical chaotic hot spots. Although it may take some time and effort, your organizational work may be rewarded in the form of a house, which is twice the mess of life.
Sideboards and kitchen cabinets may be magnets filled with expired food and canned food, which are unlikely to be used soon. Organize these spaces by throwing away expired items and donating canned food that you will never use.
Then, group the items by category. Use organizing tools such as layered spice racks, turntables or baskets to organize spices and canned food. Transparent jars can often be used as useful storage containers for flour, sugar, and other large items because they allow you to keep track of your inventory.
Is the closet full of items you rarely wear? To find out which items you don’t wear often, try experimenting with Oprah Winfrey closet hangers.
Use hangers to turn all the clothes upside down. After putting on the clothes, put them back in the closet with the hangers facing the correct direction. After six months, you will know which clothes are suitable for donation.
If you still lack storage space, please consider placing it vertically. Hang hooks, shelves or built-in cabinets to make full use of the wall space in the closet. Use this extra storage space to store seasonal items.
For a functional but neat bathroom, please give all rooms a home. Glass medicine bottles are an aesthetic way to store cotton balls and cotton swabs, and a caddy under the counter can prevent bottled products from messing up your kitchen countertop. A wall-mounted basket or shelf above the toilet can provide extra linen storage space.
During the organization process, discard all unused products. Cosmetics that accumulate dust take up valuable cabinet space, and if bacteria start to grow, it may even pose a health risk.
To keep your home tidy all year round, please consider donating one item a day. This trick by Colleen Madsen of 365 Less Things will put you on track to create a space that feels fresher and lighter every day.
Many taxpayers are anxious to file tax returns because they will receive large refunds. But there is another reason to receive your tax return as soon as possible.
Correspondence schools throughout the United States can provide distance learning opportunities for students of all levels. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has reached a settlement with one such school on the grounds that the school has deceptive claims about its education program.
The agency filed a lawsuit against Stratford Vocational College in 2016, claiming that it misled consumers about its high school diploma program, which did not meet the basic requirements set by most states. The agency says consumers who try to use their diplomas to continue their education are often turned away by college admissions officers.
The complaint stated: “Many consumers cannot use their Stratford diploma to enter four-year colleges, universities, community colleges or vocational schools, or to obtain, retain or promote jobs.” “According to [Stratford ] Records and other evidence, prospective employers and admissions consultants refused to accept Stratford’s diploma and told consumers that they could not use it like they did when they graduated from a traditional high school.”
Under the new regulations, Stratford is prohibited from making false statements about any future education plans. It must also be disclosed to consumers that their high school equivalent program may not be recognized by some schools and employers in lieu of traditional diplomas or equivalent certificates.
In addition, the settlement agreement imposed a $6.5 million judgment on Stratford, which will be partially suspended after the organization pays $250,000. If it is found that Stratford has misrepresented its financial status to the regulator, it must be paid in full.
In the days when the use of any marijuana was banned, those involved in marijuana production claimed that the government lacked a major source of income.
After rising for about ten years, it is expected that the amount of consumption on Valentine’s Day will decline this year.
The annual survey conducted by the National Retail Federation and Prosper Insights & Analytics showed that the average consumption of American consumers was US$136.57, a decrease of US$10.27 from last year’s record high.
In addition, total expenditures are also expected to drop from last year’s all-time high of US$19.7 billion to US$18.2 billion.
One of the reasons for the decline may be the decrease in the number of celebrations. The number of respondents planning to celebrate the holiday fell by nearly 10%, from 63% in 2007 to 54% this year.
NRF President and CEO Matthew Shay said: “Even if consumers are frugal this year, Valentine’s Day is still a popular gift-giving occasion.” “It’s every day of the year. Thousands of people can find a way to show their loved ones. Show what you care about, regardless of their budget.”
According to this year’s survey, consumers plan to spend an average of US$85.21 on important other/spouses, US$26.59 on other family members (such as children or parents), US$6.65 on children’s classmates/teachers, and friends US$6.51, US$4.27 spent on colleagues, US$4.44 on pets on colleagues.
Consumers plan to spend US$4.3 billion on jewellery (19% of shoppers), US$3.8 billion on night-time spending (37%), US$2 billion on flowers (35%), and spending on clothing US$1.9 billion (19%), US$1.7 billion (50%) spent on candy, US$1.4 billion gift cards/gift certificates (16%) and US$1 billion greeting cards (47%).
This year, “experience gifts” such as concerts, sporting events or outdoor adventure tickets seem to be very popular-at least among potential recipients. Although 40% of consumers want a bottle, only 24% plan a bottle.
Consumers plan to shop in department stores (35%), discount stores (32%), online stores (27%), specialty stores (18%), flower shops (18%) and local small businesses (15%).
The survey was conducted from January 4th to 11th and asked 7,591 consumers about their Valentine’s Day plan, and the error range was plus or minus 1.1%.
Continental Americas Americas recalled 325 general-purpose tires for light truck tires, the size is 33×12.50R18 LT 118Q, load range E, manufactured from May 3, 2015 to May 16, 2015 (U.S. Department of Transportation Week Code 1815 and 1915).
Replacement tires may lack adhesion in the belt package, resulting in tread wear, bulging and possible tread separation, which increases the risk of a crash.
Continental Airlines will notify car owners and dealers will replace the affected tires free of charge. The recall is expected to begin on February 10, 2017.
The Food and Drug Administration has received more than 10,000 reports of adverse events complaining about the side effects of a commonly used drug, Lupron.
Whether at home or in a kennel, pet care will increase your travel budget. So why keep pets at home? You can bring your pet on the road.
Consumer groups were shocked by the reaction of President Trump to announcing the repeal of consumer protection measures built into the Dodd-Frank Act, which was passed in 2010 to prevent the re-enactment of 2008 The financial crisis has prevented attempts to restrict stockbrokers’ rules and investment advisors.
“Wall Street giant Goldman Sachs appears to be taking over the financial regulations of the United States, trying to make it easier for them and other large banks such as Wells Fargo to steal funds from customers and destabilize the economy,” the company’s executive director Lisa Sachs. Lisa Donner said. Americans who accept financial reforms said in a statement from ConsumerAffairs: “This betrays Trump’s commitment to support Wall Street. If they succeed, it will bring painful consequences.”
Trump said at a meeting with small business leaders earlier this week that he would make a “big amount” to Dodd-Frank. Today he is in talks with the leaders of Wall Street and the White House. This commitment was reiterated in the meeting.
Trump told executives that his friends could not borrow money to support their business plans, so Dodd-Frank’s banking supervision should be relaxed. The purpose of this regulation is to ensure that banks have sufficient capital to withstand losses in the loan portfolio.
“Although the original intention of the supporters was to prevent another economic crisis, Dodd-Frank concentrated banking power into fewer big banks, destroying small town banks across the country. It also made the law “too big to be impossible.” “Bankruptcy” instead of eliminating the risk of taxpayers.” FreedomWorks CEO Adam Brandon said.
Brandon said: “It imposes restrictions and regulations on small community banks. These banks lend start-up funds to nearby entrepreneurs.” “Dodd-Frank’s influence hurt the country’s rural economy.
Trump also targeted another rule of the Obama era, a regulation of the Department of Labor, which requires stockbrokers and other investment advisors to act in the best interests of their clients, rather than simply trying to sell them the most profitable financial product.
The Consumer Federation of America (CFA) and other groups said in a joint statement: “President Trump continues to throw middle-class Americans on the bus. This is the person he promised to protect during the campaign.” Today, he plans to issue an executive order threatening to deprive them of the protection of working families and retirees that they desperately need when seeking retirement savings from financial advisers.”
These organizations say that reducing the protection of conflicts of interest for retirement savings will “take tens of billions of dollars from the pockets of hardworking Americans every year to enrich the powerful interests of Wall Street.”
These organizations say that the Labor Department’s regulations have not yet taken effect, but they have already benefited consumers.
“With the implementation of the conflicting rules only a few months away, it has brought tangible benefits to retirement savers: the cost of retirement advice and products is falling; the elimination of incentives based on the best interests of customers; and The advice of investors choosing how to pay is retained.” CFA, the US Financial Reform Commission and the Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) and “Better Market” said.
These organizations said: “All of this will be in danger so that President Trump can cater to powerful special interest groups that can make such huge profits under the status quo.”
The Ivanka Trump brand is disappearing from Nordstrom stores, but the retailer insists this is not for political reasons. Also b…
We have seen this in the wave of store closures. Sears will close many Sears and Kmart stores. Even the determined Macy’s has announced that it will close 68 stores.
For people who have difficulty sleeping, countless “treatments” have been proposed. A cursory Internet search will suggest everything from drinking warm milk to taking melatonin supplements. However, researchers at the University of Colorado at Boulder provide a more entertaining answer: camping for a weekend.
Dr. Kenneth Wright, professor of physiology and the lead author of two research papers, explained how camping in an environment of natural light and dark cycles can reverse the damage to daily life under artificial lighting.
“These studies show that our internal clock responds strongly and fairly quickly to the natural light-dark cycle… Living in a modern environment will greatly delay our circadian rhythms, and the circadian rhythms will have a lot of health effects. Weekend camping trips can Reset it.”
This is not Wright’s first paper on the beneficial effects of camping. In 2013, he conducted a study in which participants were sent to camp for a week during the summer, and no headlights or flashlights were used at night. When they returned, Wright discovered that their melatonin levels-a hormone that prepares the body for the night and promotes sleep-synchronized with sunrise and sunset and changed for nearly two hours.
On the basis of previous research, Wright set out to discover the rate of change of the internal clock based on ambient lighting and the time of year. The first study consisted of 14 participants, 9 of whom were asked to camp for a weekend in the summer, while the other 5 stayed at home. After the weekend, participants who participated in the camping had their melatonin levels 1.4 hours earlier than those who did not, indicating that their internal clocks had changed.
In the second study, five participants camped for a full week around the winter solstice. Statistics show that they receive 13 times more natural light than usual, and their melatonin levels begin to rise 2.6 hours earlier.
Wright said: “The weekend exposure to natural light is sufficient to reach 69% of the circadian rhythm we previously reported, which we previously reported.”
So, what does all this mean for sleep? In essence, two studies have shown that without exposure to artificial light, the body of participants will change according to the time of year and their body’s natural needs.
When living with artificial light under normal circumstances, the body’s internal clock and natural rhythms are usually discarded, which may affect the release of hormones, sleep and wake up, appetite and metabolism time. However, studies have shown that camping away from this environment for only one weekend is enough to bring our bodies back into sync. Wright hopes that these results will help guide architectural and urban design to help encourage natural light to promote health.
He said: “Our findings highlight that architectural design has the opportunity to introduce more natural light into the modern architectural environment, and cooperate with lighting companies to integrate adjustable lighting that can change day and night to enhance performance, health and well-being.”
Fan-friendly people may like the simplicity of the washing powder box, but young parents should be aware of the potential dangers associated with water.
They may want to buy a house, but the ownership of the house requires a good reputation and large amounts of cash to cover the down payment and closing costs. At the same time, rents continue to rise.
In 2014 and 2015, many people in the housing industry were troubled by the growing rent affordability crisis, especially in the country’s hottest housing market. Now, it seems to have eased.
The National Apartment Listing Rent Report shows that after four consecutive months of actual decline in average rents, rents only rose slightly at the beginning of February.
Compared with the beginning of February 2016, today’s average rent has increased by 1.8%, but it is roughly the same as last May. In 2016, the rate of rent growth was much lower than the previous two months.
One reason is the flood of apartment construction in the past few years. As rents rise, it becomes more profitable to build new rental houses and the risks become less and less.
At the same time, driven by first-time home buyers, home sales have finally begun to grow. These people have been renting houses, but now they own their own houses. This helps reduce rental inventory.
It may be that after the distortions caused by the financial crisis, the leasing market has just returned to normal. In the years immediately after 2008, it has become more and more difficult to buy a house, so more and more people are competing for rent. In the depths of the Great Depression, apartment construction almost stalled.
The report shows that rents tend to slow down the fastest in areas with the largest increases such as Silicon Valley, Miami and Houston. Eight of the 10 rental markets with the highest rents last year saw rent increases no more than 1%.
What has changed? The recent increase in rents in these markets has encouraged developers to speed up construction. With the increase in inventory, the landlord’s leverage in rent has also decreased.
There are still many areas in the country where rents are still rising, and a lot is swallowed from monthly cash flow. For example, rents in Washington, DC are still rising. The suburbs around the nation’s most expensive cities also saw rent increases.
Couples who plan to get married this year may suffer some blows after marriage. A new study found that the average cost of a wedding has been reached.
In recent years, TV fans have a lot to celebrate. With the advent of streaming video, consumers can now watch what they want anytime, anywhere, and this trend even allows certain platforms to invest in creating their own original series.
Today, the top three celebrities that come to mind are Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu, all of which run their own streaming services and produce their own shows and movies. However, a recent study conducted by Parrot Analytics showed that in 2016 original content, one brand outperformed the other two brands.
The report shows that the demand for Netflix’s original content is eight and nine times that of Amazon and Hulu, respectively. The demand for other lower services on the Totem Pole (such as Crackle) is 60 times lower than Netflix.
So, what makes Netflix so popular among consumers? Researchers from Parrot Company say that a large part of it is related to the large amount of content produced by the brand. Attractive new episodes released at different times of the year have increased the number of Netflix and increased its popularity.
“The real advantage of Netflix lies in the continuous production and distribution of new, refreshing content: after the premiere of “Stranger Things” in week 28, demand has grown to new heights. The report points out that other new products, such as week 39 Marvel’s Luke Cage and Week 50’s OA continue to build on this popularity, resulting in Netflix’s demand by the end of the year being 2.7 times more than the other three platforms combined.
However, the researchers say that Netflix’s success last year was not all due to volume. Many of its most popular series also continue to conquer consumers’ opinions to a large extent.
The company pointed out: “Netflix’s senior titles still attract a lot of demand, for example, from the fourth season of the House of Cards and the second season of Marvel’s magic novels in March (9-13 weeks) to their peak.”
The researchers measured the popularity of each platform through Demand Expressions. This involves collecting and analyzing cross-platform, country-specific video streams, social media activities, photo sharing, blogs, comments on fans and commenter platforms, and metrics for download and streaming rates.
The scam seems to be cyclical. The “grandparent scam” has been around for a while, but it disappeared once the public started to hear about it. But now it’s back, again putting the elderly in trouble.
This is how the liar works. If a plan proves to be effective, it will definitely make a comeback.
Hiya, who makes software that protects mobile phones from spam, reported that utility fraud increased by 109% in 2016 due to scammers taking advantage of unseasonable cold and hot weather.
Jan Volzke, vice president of Hiya Reputation Data, said: “Scammers are always looking for new ways to deceive consumers. In the past year, utility companies have achieved triple-digit growth in fraudulent activities.” “Although many consumers are now Be vigilant about claims to be from the IRS to call or offer free cruises that seem great, but the latest threats are masked in the form of utility companies that we believe can provide basic services, such as natural gas and electricity.”
Although there are different variants of the scheme, it usually works like this: the scammer calls the consumer and tells them that their utility bill has expired. They must pay immediately or face a fine.
An elderly person may not question it in the cold winter, and is happy to provide access to his or her bank account or credit card to avoid power outages.
Hiya analyzes more than 3.5 billion calls and text messages every month to look for signs of fraud. It said the utility companies most commonly claimed by scammers to be linked to are General Electric, Duke Energy, ConEd, Georgia Power and Consumer Energy.
Hiya analyzed data from more than 3.5 billion calls and text messages processed every month to help consumers identify signs of fraudulent calls from utilities.
In addition to threatening to turn off the power, other variants of the scam are expected to reduce utility bills. The scammer will ask the victim to provide billing information in order to view the account. Scammers use billing information to collect money from the victim’s bank account or credit card.
Hiya said there is a pattern for these utilities to scam calls. It says that the most commonly used area code is 508 (Mass.). 201 (NJ); 914 (NY); 323 (Calif.); 330 (Ohio); 510 (Calif.); and 916 (California).
One way to avoid utility scams is to understand that the utility company will not call customers and threaten to immediately interrupt service unless the payment is made over the phone.
Consumers who receive such calls only need to hang up and call the customer service department of the utility company to check account status.
A new study by Loyola University researchers will undoubtedly be welcomed by Couch Potato everywhere.
After reviewing their latest findings, these scientists suggested that weight loss may not depend entirely on exercise.
The researchers said that they closely followed young people in the United States and four other countries, and concluded that the amount of exercise they engaged in and the amount of time they spent sedentary had nothing to do with weight gain.
Lara R. Dugas, an assistant professor in the Loyola Department of Public Health Sciences, said: “Our findings indicate that physical exercise may not protect you from weight gain.”
Dugas and her colleagues hope it is clear. They never advocate the life of watching TV or playing video games on the sofa. They say that physical exercise has many health benefits-it can control many chronic diseases while improving mood and mental health.
But there are trade-offs. The more you exercise, your appetite will increase. They said that everything seemed to be flat.
This study may prove to be a failure in the ongoing debate between health advocates and food and beverage manufacturers about the causes of obesity. For a long time, companies have pointed out that consumers need to be more active, if they have so many calories, it is not so important.
Health advocates have been criticizing this claim, saying that Americans are consuming too many calories, especially calories from sweet drinks. In recent months, their range of attacks has expanded to attack on calorie-free artificial sweeteners.
Researchers at Loyola University do not seem to be openly involved in the politics of controversy, but rather tend to rely on more than exercise to avoid weight gain.
So, what can help you lose weight? That was a debate still in progress, but a report published last year indicated that partial control may be an important factor.
Lead researcher Cheryl Rock said: “Compared with the control group participants (which can choose their own eating habits), they only ate two prepackaged meals a day, and their weight lost about 8%. %, while the participants in the control group can choose their own diet, and their weight lost only about 6%.” University of California San Diego School of Medicine.
She said a useful tool for losing weight or maintaining weight is to eliminate the guesswork involved in planning and preparing low-calorie meals.
You may brush your teeth every day to prevent tooth decay and other dental problems. But many pet owners ignore the same attitude.
Last month, the service or non-manufacturing economy continued to grow, although the growth rate was lower than in December.
According to the latest Non-Manufacturing Supply Management Institute (ISM) Business Report, the Non-Manufacturing Index (NMI) recorded 56.5%, a decrease of 0.1% from December.
The NMI has been above 50 for 85 months now, which is the boundary that distinguishes expansion from contraction.
The non-manufacturing business activity index fell 0.6% to 60%, reflecting 90 consecutive months of growth. The new orders index was 58.6%, a 2.1% drop from December.
On the other hand, the employment index rose by 2.0% to 54.7%, and the price index soared by 2.9% to 59%, indicating that it has risen for ten consecutive months, and is faster than in December.
According to data released by the Department of Labor (DOL), even if the unemployment rate has risen by 4.8%, employers have added 227,000 non-agricultural jobs.
The areas where employment has increased include retail (+46,000), construction (+36,000), financial activities (+32,000) and restaurants and bars (+30,000).
Other major industries, including mining and logging, manufacturing, wholesale trade, transportation and warehousing, information, and government, have hardly changed in a month.
Among the major groups of workers, the unemployment rate of Asians (3.7%) rose in January, adult men (4.4%), adult women (4.4%), adolescents (15.0%), whites (4.3%), and blacks (7.7%) and Hispanics (5.9%) almost unchanged.
The number of long-term unemployed-The number of unemployed for 27 weeks or more remained basically unchanged, at 1.9 million, accounting for 24.4% of the unemployed. Over the past year, the number of long-term unemployed has fallen by 244,000.
Last month, the average hourly wage of all employees in private non-agricultural employment increased by 3 cents to $26, half of what was in December last year. During the year, average hourly income increased by 2.5%.
The rear door latch/lock cable of the vehicle may be incorrectly arranged. As a result, lowering the rear window may inadvertently cause the door to unlock and open.
If the rear passenger door opens unintentionally while the vehicle is in motion, the risk of injury to the rear passenger may increase.
Nissan will notify car owners and dealers will correct the wiring of the rear door latch/lock cable free of charge. The manufacturer has not yet provided a notification schedule.
The following products distributed through retail stores in California, New York, and Massachusetts were recalled:
Customers who have purchased the recalled product should return it to the place of purchase for a full refund.
Consumers in doubt can contact the company by calling 1-718-412-0498 from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5 pm (ET).
BMW North America recalled 230,117 models 2000-2002 BMW 320i, 323i, 325i, 325xi, 330i, 330xi, 323Ci, 325Ci, 330Ci, M3, 323iT, 325iT and 325xiT veh.
Ruth’s salad of Charlotte, North Carolina recalled 7 ounces. A container of Ruth’s original allspice jam.
The recalled product has the number 16, and the sale date is April 30, 2017. It has been distributed in grocery stores in parts of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Virginia and Tennessee.
Customers who have purchased the recalled product should return it to the place of purchase for a full refund.
Consumers in doubt can call the company at 800-532-0409 between 7 am and 3 pm Monday to Friday. Consumers who call after get off work may leave messages.
It is an understatement to say that North Dakota authorities do not appreciate the opposition led by Standing Rock Sioux against Dakota Passage.
The pipeline was originally planned to traverse under the Missouri River near Bismarck until federal regulators expressed concern that the site was a “high-risk area” and was too close to Bismarck’s municipal water supply facilities. Now, the pipeline is almost ready to cross Lake Oahe. The dam is still connected to the Missouri River, but is reserved by Standing Rock Sioux, 40 miles south of Bismarck. Beside the ground.
Workers and equipment have been working on the controversial drill floor over Lake Oa for several months. The only obstacle to the completion of the energy transfer partners is the easement of the Corps of Engineers. The Corps of Engineers announced in December that it is considering an “alternative route” and is currently conducting further environmental review or environmental review of the project. The impact statement is officially called.
Although a bill introduced at the state level could fatally change the situation, the protesters literally blocked the pipeline. North Dakota Representative Keith Kempenich’s bill has received widespread attention. The bill will provide legal protection for those who “accidentally” drive protesters if they block the road.
But this is just one of many bills he helped sponsor this legislative session on pipeline protesters. The other bills listed in Kempenich’s name can do the following; order North Dakota to require Congress to “return the land and mineral rights of Lake Oa, North Dakota, to North Dakota,” a lawsuit against the Corps of Engineers , Demanding compensation of not less than 17 million U.S. dollars as a result of the Dakota access to the pipeline protests, “increased penalties for criminal trespass and requested the federal government to transfer control of all American Indian police States to “improve the failed Indian retention system.”
On the lighter side, Kempenich also co-sponsored a bill requiring state legislators to set January 27, 2017 as a statutory holiday to celebrate cowboy events, called “American Cowboy Day.”
At the same time, law enforcement agencies continue to try to directly end the Sioux resistance movement. Late Wednesday, armed men from local and federal agencies raided a new camp organized by the protesters near the Lake Oa Drilling Site, resulting in the arrest of 76 protesters reportedly. In previous confrontations between the camp and the police, dozens of protesters have been arrested, and some protesters are now facing felony charges.
President Trump’s recent memo called for a rapid review of the pipeline, but this did not change the fact that the Corps had agreed to implement a new Environmental Impact Statement, taking into account the alternative route for the project in December. Two lawmakers recently claimed that the necessary easements for the pipeline have also not been approved.
As DeSmogBlog reported last year, Republican Senator John Hoeven, representing North Dakota, has invested in 68 different oil wells in the state and invested in energy transfer partners.
A staunch supporter of Dakota’s access pipeline project, Hu Fen was also recently elected as the chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. On January 31, Hoeven issued a statement claiming that the Dakota Access Pipeline operator had obtained all the approvals required to complete the project.
“Today, Rober Speer, Acting Secretary of the Army, told us that he has instructed the Army Corps of Engineers to perform the necessary ground service to complete the construction of the Dakota Pass,” Howen’s office wrote on his website . “This will enable the company to complete the project, which can and will have the necessary security features to protect the Standing Rock Sioux tribe and others downstream.”
Congressman Kevin Cramer, who represents North Dakota in the House of Representatives, issued a similar statement, assuring his voters that “the Department of Defense is approving the Dakota Pass Pipeline for service, and Congress notices that it is coming.”
But the reality is that, as pointed out by the Standinyan tribe and its attorneys, the corps must still comply with the environmental review process it initiated in December. In fact, just this week, the Legion opened a public comment period for the pipeline, which is the next step in its environmental impact reporting process. The public must communicate their ideas about the project to the Corps by February 20th.
Army spokesperson Major General Malcolm Frost’s steps outlined in the January 24 Presidential Directive required a rapid review of the pipeline, but he added, “These initial steps do not indicate that the permit has been approved. Once the comprehensive review and analysis is completed in accordance with the instructions, the Assistant Secretary of Civil Engineering of the Army will make a decision on the pipeline.”
The reason or motivation for the legislator’s premature celebration claim that the easement has been granted is unclear, as the Consumer Affairs Office did not leave any reply.
At the same time, claiming to be a NODAPL protester or water protector is not the only environmental organization that has seen the House of Representatives and Senate controlled by the Republican Party hinder its efforts.
Among the 228 members of Congress in the House of Representatives is Cramer, who recently voted to overturn the so-called stream protection rules imposed by the Obama administration. Opponents believe that this rule killed jobs in the coal industry. “North Dakota does not need stream protection rules, and neither does the country.” Kramer said in the House of Representatives on Wednesday.
As if all the political turmoil about immigration is not enough, thousands of Hispanics have lost their favorite TV channel. Univision turned black on Char…
An environmental group published a study suggesting that fast-food consumers should worry about more than just calories when ordering hamburgers and French fries.
Memory loss is a disease that affects millions of people around the world, including people with diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. However, despite extensive research on this topic, the medical community is constantly looking for new explanations to explain this disease.
One of the latest news comes from Dr. Carlos Saura of the Barcelona Institute of Neuroscience (Inc). He believes that the loss of associative memory is a key factor leading to widespread memory loss, and he has traced it to a molecular mechanism that occurs in the hippocampus of the brain.
In a basic sense, Saura believes that a certain brain protein called CRTC1 is destroyed in the brains of patients with neurodegenerative diseases. He explained that this is important because CRTC1 is responsible for regulating neuronal function, which can store associative memories. He said that restoring CRTC1 functionality may reverse the memory loss.
Sola said: “The significance of this discovery is that even in the late stage of neurodegeneration, the activation of certain neurons in the hippocampus can reverse memory loss.”
Associative memory is important for remembering many information processed by our brain. It involves remembering people, situations and places for a long time. However, previous research has shown that it is the first cognitive decline in patients who develop Alzheimer’s, dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases.
Saura’s research used gene therapy in mouse models with neurodegenerative symptoms. The researchers inserted a copy of CRTC1 into the hippocampus of the model brain and observed whether they remembered unpleasant experiences.
The mice treated with this therapy were able to remember negative experiences and change their behavior to avoid this, while the untreated mice showed normal behavior. These findings provide hope for possible treatments for memory loss in the future.
Sora concluded: “These results are exciting because they provide strong support for potential translation applications in the clinic, because this molecular mechanism may be a new goal to reverse the memory decline of patients with dementia.”
As we recently reported, cardiologists are paying more and more attention to the disease known as “hidden hypertension.”
In this case, the patient has to get one or two normal blood pressure readings in the doctor’s office every year, but the blood pressure is higher than the normal reading in many of his or her daily tasks. Doctors say that regular blood pressure checks are a way to identify patients who have unknowingly suffering from high blood pressure.
As early as May, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a 510(k) permit for new medical devices, which may prove to be a useful tool for this work. CareTaker Medical said its wireless continuous non-invasive “beat-by-beat” blood pressure (“cNIBP”) and heart rate monitors provide constant blood pressure monitoring.
The device uses a low-voltage wristband that is attached to a small device worn on the wrist. It measures the heart rate on the remote display. It is designed for use in hospitals and during patient transfer, but the company says it can also be used after patients are discharged.
“CareTaker is a real game changer, allowing doctors to remotely monitor medical-grade continuous blood pressure and heart rate from anywhere with a patient finger cuff”, Johns Hopkins University Professor and Chair of Medicine Jay · Dr. Sanders said. Honorary retirement from the American Telemedicine Association.
He said that in the past, most doctors had to use cuffs to adapt to intermittent blood pressure readings, which he said would produce misleading results.
Sanders said: “In a remote monitoring environment, the ability to collect continuous blood pressure and vital signs data from this integrated, easy-to-use device will provide better information and improve patient compliance, while reducing costs and workload. .”
The company said its device can provide “ICU-quality” continuous readings without the need for catheters or bulky wires, which were typically included in previous continuous blood pressure reading devices. The company said in an email to ConsumerAffairs that the device is not a pulse transmission time method, but “a new way to track blood pressure.”
Researchers at Stony Brook University and Columbia University used 24-hour ambulatory blood pressure monitors to conclude that as many as 17.1 million people may have masked hypertension.
Companies initially despised online reviews, but gradually saw them as an important part of their research.
Many consumers try to buy products made in the United States, but they do not always get the products they want to buy. Subject to iSpring water filtration system.
At this point, this is a clear trend. Internet commodity fraud has once again become a report by the National Consumer League (NCL) Fraud.org.
The Trump administration has been very busy in the early days of its establishment, and the company is quickly trying to adapt to potential new policies and regulations. A major issue that has caused widespread concern is the president’s position on imposing taxes on imported goods. If foreign companies want to continue to sell products to American consumers, it may cost them a lot of money.
South Korean giant Samsung is one of the companies that may try to avoid taxes. Reuters quoted a source familiar with the situation as saying that the company is considering building a factory in the United States to produce household appliances.
The company said in a statement: “We will continue to evaluate new investment needs in the United States to help us provide the best service to our customers.”
Although Samsung has not confirmed its plans for the development of its US plant, it said it has made major investments in various states and pointed out that it has spent $17 billion to build a chip factory in Austin, Texas.
However, Samsung is not the only company considering such initiatives. Other South Korean companies such as Hyundai Motor Group and LG Electronics have also taken preemptive measures to develop business in the United States.
Hyundai Motor issued a statement last month stating that it plans to increase US investment by $3.1 billion in the next five years, an increase of 50%. LG Electronics announced earlier this month that it would consider whether to establish a manufacturing base in Tennessee.
A person familiar with the matter said: “This is something LG has been considering for many years, but the current political situation is only accelerating the timetable for making a decision.”
Although this move will help these companies exempt import taxes under future policies, financial analyst Jay Yoo of Korea Investment said that doing so will not cause too much financial burden for any designated company.
He said: “Of course, the cost will increase, but if you don’t, you will be hit by tariffs.”
Super Bowl Sunday is like Thanksgiving. There is a lot of eating and watching football on the sofa.
Just like Thanksgiving, people have the opportunity to gain weight through excessive obsession.
Charles Platkin, executive director of Hunter College’s New York City Food Policy Center and editor of DietDetective.com, said that most people may not know how many calories they consume on the day of the game and how much energy they need to burn before they leave.
Therefore, Platkin proposed a typical Super Bowl party menu and calculated the energy required to burn calories. The results may surprise you.
For example, the staple food of any football party is buffalo crispy chicken wings, usually served with a delicious blue cheese sauce. You may have knocked down 10 of them before the intermission.
But the total calories of these 10 wings is 950 calories. When dipped in blue cheese sauce, their calories will surge to 1,400 calories.
Platkin said that to burn all these calories, you need to run 149 football fields. Is it convenient to have no calculator? Let me do the math for you. This is equivalent to driving 8.4 miles.
But this is not a Super Bowl without wings, right? Platkin says that you just need to eat less and make your own wings, first peeling them, then baking them instead of frying them. You can also use hot sauce instead of salad dressing.
Maybe Subway’s one-foot-long meatballs are on the Super Bowl menu. Yes, it is delicious, with Provolone cheese and marinara sauce and double meatballs on a hearty Italian roll.
If you eat the whole thing, it is 932 calories. To burn them, Platkin said, you need to climb the stadium steps for an hour and 49 minutes.
His suggestion? Pair with Turkish meatballs, low-fat cheese and whole wheat heroes. Or try Subway’s oven-roasted chicken, the one-foot-long version only has 467 calories.
A lot of liquid calories were also consumed during the competition. Drink four sips of Samuel Adams (Samuel Adams) Boston Lagers beer (limited to one sip per season) and still drink a total of 720 calories. This is the basis for the calories in the food you eat.
Platkin said that to burn these calories, you need to play 68 minutes of professional football, and uninterrupted between matches or during breaks.
You can always reduce your beer consumption to two small glasses of beer, each of which can only contain 55 calories.
Although they may not be able to solve the problem until later in life, buying a house is still part of the millennial plan. The same is true for their young people.
According to the Institute of Supply Management (ISM), January is another good month for the manufacturing industry and the entire economy.
In the latest “Manufacturing ISM Business Report”, the Purchasing Management Index (PMI) recorded 56% last month, a continuous increase of 1.5% from the level above 50 in December and the fifth consecutive month. This is an expansion and The dividing line between shrinkage.
The new orders index was 60.4%, up 0.1% from December; the production index rose 2.0% to 61.4%; the employment index rose 3.3% to 56.1%.
Raw material inventories increased by 48.5% and 1.5%; the price index rose by 3.5% to 69%, indicating that raw material prices have risen for the 11th consecutive month.
Employment consulting agency “Challenger”, “Gray and Christmas” reported that the country’s bosses plan to cut 45,934 salaries in January, an increase of 37% from December, the highest salary level since April last year, when there were 64,141 Workers were released.
The four major layoffs announcements in January occurred in the retail sector, and Macy’s report plans to close 68 stores and lay off 10,000 workers.
“Overall, this is a solid holiday shopping season,” said John A. Challenger, CEO of Challenger, Gray & Christmas. “But several retailers, including Macy’s, cannot take advantage of stronger consumer confidence and consumption.”
The retailer announced a total of 22,491 planned layoffs last month, accounting for 49% of the total number of layoffs that month. The total for January is almost unchanged from the same month a year ago.
At the same time, the energy department laid off 20,103 jobs in January 2016. According to reports, only 1,853 layoffs are planned to be initiated in 2017.
The challenger pointed out: “In the second half of 2016, oil prices have begun to rebound. He added: “As the government is very friendly to the development of oil, natural gas and mining, many people predict that oil will continue to grow rapidly. These companies turned losses into profits in 2017. The fact that the number of layoffs in the industry in January decreased by 91% compared with the same period last year clearly supports this prospect. ”
A year ago, there was a wave of layoffs in the computer industry, and employers announced plans to lay off 11,003 employees. However, this year, the total number of layoffs announced by these companies was 2,211, a drop of 80%.
The challenger pointed out: “The layoffs will not be the headlines of the technology industry this year.” “This is likely to be a labor shortage, especially if the new government continues to increase boarding students to immigrants, many of whom come to the United States to work in leading technology companies. ”
The Department of Labor (DOL) reported that in the week ending January 28, the number of people applying for unemployment benefits for the first time in the United States totaled 246,000, a decrease of 14,000 from the revised level of the previous week. At the same time, the DOL report raised the level of the previous week by 1,000.
Some economists believe that due to the relative lack of volatility, the four-week moving average is a more accurate barometer of the labor market, and the index rose 2,250 points to 248,000. The average price of the previous week was raised by 250.
The United States Smokeless Tobacco Company (USSTC) is recalling some of its smokeless tobacco products produced at its Franklin Park plant in Illinois and distributing them nationwide.
The company has received eight consumer complaints about exotic metal objects (including sharp metal objects) found in specific cans.
In each case, consumers can see the object, and there are no reports of consumer injuries.
The recall applies to batches that do not have any printed codes on the bottom of the can or codes that begin with the letters “F”, “R”, “K” or “P”.
Extra long cut natural long cut mint long cut southern mixed bag mint bag holly long cut (overseas military only) fine cut (overseas military only) long cut straight (overseas military only) long cut holly (overseas military only) pouch ( Overseas military only)) Fine cut plastic cans (available only in Alaska and Hawaii) Long cut plastic cans (available only in Alaska and Hawaii) Bagged plastic cans (available only in Alaska and Hawaii)
The recall applies to batches that do not have any printed codes on the bottom of the can or codes that begin with the letters “F”, “R”, “K” or “P”.
The recall applies to batches that do not have any printed codes on the bottom of the can or codes that begin with the letters “F”, “R”, “K” or “P”.
Bandit Peppermint Bandit Wintergreen Long Cut Apple Mixed Tobacco Long Cut Berry Mixed Tobacco Long Cut Cherry Citrus Mixed Tobacco Long Cut Classic Peach Mixed Tobacco Long Cut Peppermint Bag Apple Tobacco Mixed Bag Berry Tobacco Mixed Bag Citrus Tobacco Mixed Snuff Mint Snuff Smooth Mint Xtra Long Cut Mint Xtra Long Cut Thick Tobacco Blend Xtra Long Cut Wintergreen Xtra Pouch Crispy Tobacco Blend Xtra Pouch Mint Blend Xtra Pouch Thick Smoke Blend Blend Fine Cut Wintergreen (Only Overseas Military) Long Cut Mint (Only Overseas Military) Long Cut Straight (Only Overseas Military) Only) Long cut holly (for overseas military only) Pouch mint (for overseas military only) Pouch holly (for overseas military only)
The recall applies to batches that do not have any printed codes on the bottom of the can or codes that begin with the letters “F”, “R”, “K” or “P”.
The vehicle is equipped with a convex right outside rearview mirror instead of a non-convex (flat) right outside rearview mirror.
Therefore, their vehicles do not meet the requirements of Federal Motor Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 111 “Rearview Mirror”.
If equipped with the wrong right side mirror, the driver may misjudge the distance of other vehicles, thereby increasing the risk of collision.
GM will notify car owners that dealers will replace convex mirrors with non-convex mirrors and add new pages and customer notices to the customer manual for free. The manufacturer has not yet provided a notification schedule.
Hong Kong 3i Corporation recalled 317,100 Safford/Lakeview bar chairs sold in the United States and Canada, and the legs may have separated from the center.
The recalled product is sold at 2 pounds. Plastic bags with UPC number 85641400172 and “use date” of November 5, 2017 or earlier.
It was distributed to the following stores in Florida from December 24, 2016 to January 22, 2017:
Customers who purchased the recalled product should discard it or return it to the local store for a full refund.
If in doubt, consumers can contact Barberi International by calling (786) 845 0037 from Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (Eastern Standard Time).
Last June, Barack Obama signed an environmental bill into law, and the bill received rare bipartisan support in Congress. Frank R.
It is difficult to find a person who is completely satisfied with Internet services, but New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said New Yorkers are in danger.
The bill will expire today because of the collapse of RushCard (certified partner) last year, which prevented thousands of consumers from using their money to pay for basic necessities. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ordered MasterCard and UniRush to pay consumers $10 million in compensation and fined them $3 million.
In the failure of last October, MasterCard and UniRush experienced a series of system failures, which meant that many customers could not use their RushCard (certified partner) to obtain salary and other direct deposits, withdraw cash, make purchases, and pay bills. Or get accurate balance information. CFPB stated that UniRush subsequently failed to provide adequate customer service to many consumers who sought help during the service interruption.
CFPB Director Richard Cordray said: “The failure of Mastercard and UniRush has deprived tens of thousands of disadvantaged consumers of their own funds and plunged some into personal financial crises. “The company must set the right things for consumers and ensure that such disruptive service interruptions will not happen again.”
RushCard (a certified partner), co-founded by entrepreneur Russell Simmons, is advertised as a way for consumers to directly deposit money on their card “within two days at most.” These deposits include government benefits or wage funds.
In 2014, UniRush chose MasterCard as its new payment processing program. MasterCard and UniRush spent 13 months preparing to switch to MasterCard’s processing platform, which was finally held from October 10 to 12, 2015, but progress was not smooth. At the time of conversion, RushCard (certified partner) had approximately 650,000 active users, of which approximately 270,000 users received direct deposits on its RushCard (certified partner).
The actions of MasterCard and UniRush before, during and after the conversion hurt thousands of consumers. Within a few weeks of switching the payment processing program, CFPB received approximately 830 consumer complaints from users of RushCard (authorized partner).
Consumers who refuse to use their own money: UniRush did not accurately transfer all accounts to MasterCard. As a result, thousands of consumers cannot access the funds stored on their cards for days or even weeks.
Delayed processing of deposits and payments: UniRush delayed the processing of direct deposits for more than 45,000 consumers, without processing or improperly returning 2,000 other deposits. As a result, consumers cannot get their salary or government benefits.
Providing consumers with incorrect account information: When MasterCard refused to authorize certain transactions, MasterCard could not ensure that it sent UniRush accurate information about the consumer’s account balance. Some consumers received incorrect information telling them that their account balance was zero when they actually had funds on their cards.
Inability to provide customer service to consumers affected by the failure: UniRush does not have enough plans to strengthen its customer service response to meet the increased demand due to service interruptions. Some consumers who called customer service waited for several hours and were unable to obtain important information about their funds and account status.
According to the terms of the order of the Bureau of Radiocommunication, the amount of money each consumer will receive depends on the particular failure experienced by that consumer. UniRush will send money to affected consumers. Individual consumers do not have to take any action to receive compensation, which will be based on UniRush records.
Car sales may slow down, but if so, you can’t blame Volkswagen, which has been issuing cash to hundreds of thousands of “clean diesel” cars.
Earlier this month, when Amazon announced that it would create 100,000 American jobs by mid-2018, it attracted some attention. The popular online retailer plans to open new warehouses in Texas, Florida, California, and New Jersey, but another move may bring thousands of jobs to Kentucky.
The company announced today that it will build a cargo airline hub at Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport in the northern part of the state. It is estimated that as many as 2,700 people may eventually work at the location, but officials said there were only 600 full-time positions initially. It is expected that the jobs created will include personnel, pilots, ground support, management and maintenance positions.
“When we considered it as a long-term home for aviation hub operations, Hebron quickly rose to the top of the list with a large team of skilled workers, a concentrated location and a good connection with fulfillment locations near us, as well as an excellent quality of life. Employees. We firmly believe that with these qualities as a place to conduct business, our investment will provide good support for Amazon and customers in the future.” said Dave Clark, Amazon’s senior vice president of global operations.
It is no secret that Amazon has been trying to build its own air transportation network. After showing off its first branded cargo aircraft in August last year, Clark commented that doing so will “(expand) our capabilities to ensure that our Prime members can deliver goods at a faster rate in the next few years.”
The Hebron hub was approved to lease 900 acres of land, which will eventually house 40 Amazon Prime aircraft, which will transport packages between warehouses. Cincinnati Business Courier estimates that the project will cost about $1.49 billion, and Amazon will receive up to $40 million in tax incentives from the local government.
This move may be beneficial to consumers across the U.S. After the center is up and running, they may experience faster delivery times. Amazon should also be able to cut some of the costs of working with third parties, even though the company said its cargo planes are only to supplement cargo companies.
Analyst Colin Sebastian estimates that the company will see more than $400 billion in market opportunities in delivery, freight forwarding and contract logistics. However, it has not announced the start date of the center.
A year later, in addition to the smooth wind, millennials seem to be worried about their future. In Europe, Brexit and controversial presidential elections, terrorist attacks have shaken many millennials, who want their workplaces to provide a sense of stability.
Deloitte’s sixth annual millennium survey found that young professionals are less likely to leave their jobs with a sense of security, are more worried about the uncertainty caused by conflict, and are not optimistic about the direction of the country.
Deloitte Global CEO Mr. Punit Renjen said: “This pessimism reflects that the personal concerns of millennials have changed.”
“Four years ago, climate change and resource shortages were the top concerns of millennials. This year, crime, corruption, war and political tensions are haunting the minds of young professionals, which affects their personal and professional prospects.”
Because of their shaky confidence and growing anxiety, millennials are seeking stability and want to continue working.
Last year, the “loyalty gap” between those who saw themselves leaving the company within two years and those who wished to leave for more than five years was 17 percentage points. This survey shows that this year’s “millennials” hope to “leave as soon as possible” the balance is only 7 points.
Respondents stated that they intend to spend longer with employers who are engaged in social issues such as education, unemployment and healthcare. The survey pointed out that those who are the most optimistic about their country’s progress are more likely to report that their employers are involved in broader social and economic issues.
Jim Moffat, CEO of Deloitte Global Consulting, explained that millennials have the opportunity to contribute to charity in the workplace and make valuable contributions in the workplace. ’S overall social/political situation is less pessimistic and has a more positive view of business behavior.”
Young professionals feel most capable of making an impact through the workplace. Therefore, companies and large organizations can solve the pessimism of millennials by doing more for society.
“We are in the most advantageous position to solve many of the most challenging problems in society and to play a leading role in creating an economy suitable for all.”
With Valentine’s Day approaching, you may have begun to think about how to make this day a special day for your significant other. But who can help plan the perfect Valentine’s Day?
According to data from the National Retail Federation (NRF), last year, nearly 91% of consumers said they would buy something for their spouse or important others, and plan to spend about $147.
This year, shoppers are expected to spend slightly less on Valentine’s Day gifts, experiences and other purchases ($136.57). However, although consumers may be more frugal on Valentine’s Day, the occasion is still expected to be a popular day for gift-giving.
Fortunately, for those who are not the most gifted gifts, there are apps that can help you pamper your sweetheart.
Whether you plan to treat your important things as if you are having dinner, watching a movie, watching flowers, gifts or leaving an unforgettable experience, there is an app to help you execute those plans.
The experts of Gazelle ecoATM believe that the following applications can help you plan a very special Valentine’s Day:
There is no doubt that you will hear it several times in the next few weeks, so February is “National Heart Month” and there are many tips to stay healthy.
Hypertension is called the “silent killer” because many people don’t know they have high blood pressure. There are indeed no symptoms.
However, when blood passes through veins and arteries with too much pressure, it weakens the walls of these blood vessels, increasing the chance of rupturing at a certain point in time and causing a stroke. When the heart works so hard that it cannot draw blood, the organ becomes larger, which can cause heart problems in the future.
A Harris poll conducted on behalf of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) found that three out of ten people said they were diagnosed with high blood pressure. This is in line with the estimates of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
A more disturbing statistic is that only 54% of people say their blood pressure is under control. Even more disturbing is that we are talking about people who know their blood pressure is outside the normal range. Many others may happily not realize it.
AAFP President John Meigs (Jr.) said: “This finding is worrying because we know that high blood pressure is closely related to heart attack or chronic heart failure.” “According to disease prevention and control. Center (CDC), seven out of ten people with a heart attack have blood pressure. One in ten people with chronic heart failure have high blood pressure. Therefore, it is important that people know that they are What is your blood pressure and can work with their family doctor for treatment.”
The good news is that high blood pressure is easy to treat. First, a healthy diet and lifestyle will help control blood pressure. Tobacco, excessive alcohol and a sedentary lifestyle are the main factors that cause high blood pressure.
However, there may be other factors that cause high blood pressure, which can affect even the healthiest people. But there are prescription drugs that can keep your blood pressure within a healthy range.
What is the range? Well, this is the subject of some recent debates. Although the medical community has set the ideal reading as 120/80 in recent decades, the medical team issued new guidelines at the end of 2013, recommending that patients over 60 years old will be well when their blood pressure is 150/90. The blood pressure goals of adults with diabetes and kidney disease have also been eased.
However, not everyone agrees with medicine, so it is a good idea to consult with your healthcare provider.
Meiggs said: “Check blood pressure.” “If you have high blood pressure, please work with your doctor to treat high blood pressure and reduce risk factors.”
Password protection and network security are the subject of our extensive coverage. Keeping sensitive information away from hackers can help protect assets and save you from headaches. Many people might think that hackers are anonymous and their unrecognizable power is driven entirely by their desire to take advantage of you. However, sometimes the hacker may be someone you know well.
This is the case in a hacking scandal in Major League Baseball (MLB). On Monday, Major League Baseball ordered the St. Louis Cardinals to hand over $2 million and two future draft picks to the Houston Astros after a former executive admitted to hacking the team’s database.
Chris Correa, the former director of baseball development for the Cardinals, admitted in court that he illegally accessed the Astros database five times between March 2013 and June 2014. During these unauthorized intrusions, he downloaded scouting reports for eligible players in the 2013 draft. , Notes on trade negotiations and evaluations of universities and international participants.
Correa is able to access the Internet due to the association with Jeff Luhnow, General Manager of Astros. Luhnow previously worked in the cardinal’s scouting department and then at Astros. When he left the team, he handed over a laptop owned by the team, which contained his password.
Unfortunately, Luhnow used a variant of the same password when working with Astros, and Correa was able to figure this out. This gives him access to the team’s database and email account.
During the preliminary investigation, the FBI found a large amount of evidence that linked the hacking incident to Correa, which eventually led to his plea. Major League Baseball then conducted its own investigation and decided that the Cardinals should take part of the responsibility for Correa’s actions.
“Although Mr. Correa’s actions were not authorized by the cardinal, according to Major League Baseball’s policy, I hold the cardinals responsible for his actions. Mr. Correa’s position on the cardinal’s front desk allows him to serve the club Provide input into the decision-making and process of the company. As a result, I am responsible for the misconduct of the club.” Major League Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred said
The cardinal issued a statement saying that it respects the commissioner’s decision and hopes that the matter can now be resolved. The team will pay Astros a $2 million fine and confiscate the top two picks in the upcoming MLB draft.
Correa was sentenced to 46 months in a federal prison in July and was sentenced to $279,000 in damages for his actions.
News reports on self-driving car technology seem to have been resolved. In just a few years, all of us will ride in a car without a driver, taking us where we want to go.
Traffic accidents will be a thing of the past, because the computer that drives the car will never make mistakes.
But how realistic is that? Even if the technology is as error-free as engineers believe, how realistic are driverless cars for ordinary consumers?
First, there are costs. When you buy a new car today, you will find that advanced safety features and technical upgrades (for example, a warning for departure from the lane) are only available on the top of the line-decorated model.
In other words, if you buy an affordable basic model, you will not get it. Is there any reason not to believe that autonomous technology will be very expensive and can only be used on top models when introduced?
This means that in the first few years of introduction, self-driving cars will appear on the road, while cars and trucks will still be driven by humans. How does it work?
The auto insurance center spent some time thinking about this and asked consumers how much time they would spend in the car if they did not need to drive.
The center said the average one-way U.S. commute time is about 26 minutes. This is equivalent to less than one hour a day and about 4.3 hours of driving per week. When you consider taking your child to school, a trip to the grocery store, or a trip to town for the night, the travel time starts to really increase.
When the center asked 2,000 consumers how they would use this time, the overwhelming answer was “catch up with my reading.” Almost many people say they will call or start work.
Are you upset that the computer can safely take you from point A to point B? In fact, in the United States, 35% of consumers said that even if they have a computer driving, they will always pay attention. However, consumers in the UK, Australia and China have reduced their trustworthiness requirements, and more of them say they are likely to become the driving force behind the scenes.
It turns out that nearly a quarter of American drivers say they are uncomfortable riding without a driver. But consumers in Japan and the UK are more cautious.
The author wrote: “As far as we know, not everyone likes to jump into new technology with both feet or eyes.”
Although some estimates indicate that self-driving cars will come out within three years, most consumers may have to face a longer time.
Each state, as well as the District of Columbia, has reached a settlement with Western Union and settled cases of wire transfer transactions in many countries.
Higher education followed closely behind. Over the years, students have paid astronomical tuition fees and usually require large student loans.
Will you bite the bullet and do your own tax, and hope to master all the changes in the tax law? Or, do you intend to turn a shoebox full of things into “professional” shoes and hope for the best?
No matter who prepares your return, by signing the return form, you are legally responsible for the accuracy of all the information contained.
To find the nearest VITA website, visit IRS.gov and search for the word “VITA”. Or download the IRS2Go app on your smartphone. You can also get site information by dialing IRS 800-906-9887.
To find the nearest AARP tax assistance website, visit aarp.org or call 888-227-7669. There are also VITA and TCE websites that provide bilingual assistance to taxpayers with limited English proficiency.
According to the law, all paying tax preparers must have a preparer tax identification number (PTIN). The paying preparer must sign the declaration form and include his PTIN. The Internal Revenue Service provides some tips to help taxpayers choose tax filers wisely. The “Select Tax Professional” page contains information about the credentials and qualifications of the tax preparer. The IRS Federal Tax Filing Compilers Directory with certificates and “select qualifications” can help you identify many local compilers based on the type of certificate or qualification.
Taxpayers should avoid night preparation staff who may be unavailable after the due date on April 18 this year, or charge a certain percentage of the refund.
Keep in mind that a new law requires that all refunds for returns claiming to have an income tax credit (EITC) or an additional child tax credit (ACTC) should be retained until February 15. This change helps the IRS detect and prevent fraud.
A pair of all-electric vehicles-2017 Tesla Model S and BMW i3-missed the opportunity to meet the standards awarded by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).
David Zuby, executive vice president and chief research officer of IIHS, said: “There is no reason to believe that the most efficient vehicle is not the safest.” We hope that Tesla and BMW will continue to refine the design of their electric models. To maximize the protection of the driver, and especially in the case of Tesla, improve its headlights. ”
The large luxury sedan Tesla Model S received a good score in all crashworthiness evaluations of IIHS, except for the small overlapping frontal crash test. In this test, it received an acceptable rating.
Although the side curtain airbags were lengthened to improve the small overlap protection of the Model S, Tesla encountered a problem in the test when the seat belt moved the dummy’s torso too far forward and the dummy’s head passed the airbag Severely hit the steering wheel.
In a realistic collision of the same severity, the head and lower right leg injuries indicated by the dummy may be measured.
The rating of Model S applies to 2016 and 2017 cars produced after October 2016. Tesla said it had made production changes on January 23 to address the head contact issue. IIHS will conduct a small overlap protection test on the updated vehicle as soon as possible after delivery.
The i3 is a small car that was only rated as acceptable in the headrest and seat evaluation. This standard measures the vehicle’s ability to prevent neck injuries in a rear collision. Although these injuries are rarely fatal, they are the most common type of crash injuries and can cause debilitating pain.
i3 has received good evaluations in other crashworthiness tests, and is equipped with an optional front collision avoidance system, which has received high evaluations.
The system reduced the impact speed by an average of 9 mph in the 12 mph tracking test and 7 mph in the 25 mph test. The warning content complies with the standards of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.
Zube said: “BMW obviously considered a lot of safety when designing the i3.” “Unfortunately, it did not leave marks on the headrest, which is the correct approach for most vehicles today. In small cars, the i3 is 2017. The only model that did not receive a good rating in the year.”
Once widespread adoption later this year, IIHS plans to test another green car, the all-electric Chevrolet Bolt.
After creating a disappointing 151,000 private sector jobs in December last year, the U.S. economy raised it by a notch last month.
According to the “ADP National Employment Report”, nearly 250,000 new jobs were created last month, or 246,000.
Ahu Yildirmaz, vice president and co-head of the ADP Institute, said: “The US labor market is taking a hit, and we see that small and medium-sized companies are performing exceptionally well.”
In fact, this report, prepared by ADP Research Institute and Moody’s Analytics, shows that medium-sized companies are in a leading position, adding 102,000 new salary positions.
The number of employees employed by companies that provide services increased by 201,000, while companies that produce goods employed another 46,000.
Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics, called the report a “strong start” for 2017, adding that even the energy industry (with 6,000 new jobs) has increased again employed population.
According to data released by the Mortgage Bankers Association (MBA), mortgage applications fell 3.2% in the week ending January 27, including adjustments to the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday.
The refinancing index fell by 1% from the previous week, increasing the share of mortgage loan activity from 50.0% in the previous week to 49.4% of the total application volume.
The active share of variable rate mortgages (ARM) rose to 6.4%, the share of FHA in total applications fell from 13.6% a week ago to 12.1%, the share of VA increased from 12.2% to 12.4%, and the share of USDA increased from last week. Of 12.2% rose to 12.4%. The total number of applications remained unchanged at 0.9%.
The recall involves La-Z-Boy Kayla rotating dining chairs and recliners. The chair is made of aluminum and steel, with a circular rotating base, and a dark blue fabric covered cushion.
La-Z-Boy is printed on the gold label on the back of the chair. Chairs are sold in the four-piece lounge and five-piece dining table.
These chairs made in China will be sold exclusively online on Sears.com from January 2016 to July 2016. The four-piece lounge chair is about US$1,260 and the five-piece dining chair is US$1,300.
Consumers should immediately stop using the recalled chair and contact Brown Jordan Services to obtain a free repair kit.
Consumers can call Brown Jordan Services free of charge at 855-899-2127 from 8 am to 5 pm (Eastern Time) from Monday to Friday, or they can visit www.bjsoutdoor.com online and click “Customer Service”, Then click “Recall Information” to learn more. information.
Worldwide Casual Living Worldwide, located in Simpsonville, Kentucky, recalled about 2 million rotating patio chairs sold in the United States, Canada and Mexico.
The company has received 25 reports of broken chairs, causing falls and bruises.
The recall involves the Hampton Bay Anselmo, Calabria and Dana Point chairs, as well as the Martha Stewart lifestyle brand Cardona, Big Bank and Wellington swivel chairs.
The chair is made of aluminum and steel with a circular rotating base and armrests. The chairs are sold in pairs and as part of a seven-piece terrace with a table.
The chair is made in China and sold exclusively in HomeDepot stores and online HomeDepot.com nationwide from January 2007 to February 2016. The two-piece terrace set is about US$190 and the seven-piece terrace set is about US$500.
Consumers should stop using the recalled chair immediately and contact Casual Casual Worldwide to obtain a free repair kit.
Consumers can contact Global Leisure Life free of charge at 855-899-2127 from 8 am to 5 pm (Eastern Time) from Monday to Friday, or visit www.casuallivingoutdoors.com online, and then click “Customer Service “And “Recall Information” for more information. information.
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Post time: Nov-09-2020